Open house

Being screwed-over by bureaucrats and insurance companies..The Christchurch rebuild is riddled with incompetence and graft.
Scapegoat, and pandering to BLM thugs. People have had a gutsful.

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48 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    “..The real reason the pope is wrong is thanks, as I say, to his radical left-wing school of religious thought, known as “liberation theology.” Liberation theology is Marxism with a crucifix. It views capitalism, self-interest, and other pragmatic values as inherently un-Christian…”

    • Bo Chandler says:

      The Catholic church is simply another arm of the state, utterly dependant on it’s tax exempt status and thoroughly enamoured with the hundreds of special privileges it’s leaders amass that lawfully separate them from the peasants they preside over.

      So has it been since the first charity bowl was passed around the first organised assembly of Christians. So will it ever be until no church enjoys any rights not afforded to the common man.

  2. Bo Chandler says:

    On the cop shooting, we see now the situations that arise from creating an ungovernable welfare class. Officers are faced with ‘damned if you do, dead if you don’t’ choices. My advice to them is ‘there’s nothing worth protecting in those slums, so leave them and don’t look back’.

    • KG says:

      But for a sworn police officer, leaving them is not really an option, is it? He would be out of a job.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        When I said “leave” I meant the officer should pack his family up and move to a place where civilised people live.

        There is nothing “unfortunate” about this situation. This kind of outcome is entirely predictable and utterly avoidable. The problem is that many good cops get off on the idea that they are some sort of long-suffering martyrs. Then, sometimes they end up being martyred all at once instead of in small chunks, and they wonder “what the hell happened?”

        • KG says:

          “When I said “leave” I meant the officer should pack his family up and move to a place where civilised people live.”
          Aaah……in that case, damn right! :mrgreen:

          • Darin says:

            Quite a few do just that,one we have in town was on the NOPD for six years and got his fill of the corruption and hopelessness the job offered.So he packed up and left for greener pastures.

            • Bo Chandler says:

              Big city cops are either crooked as a dog’s hind leg or wilfully ignorant/accepting of said corruption.

              I have very little sympathy for any of them.

  3. Darin says:

    B.B.King and Eric Clapton-The Thrill is Gone

  4. KG says:

    ‘Turning the Tables on the Poacher: A Fourth Generation Warfare Vignette by Bill Buppert

    • Bo Chandler says:

      I said it over at the WRSA, and again, I hate to be that guy… but.

      ’30 Man militia team executes complex plan with custom vehicles and rocket launchers and snipers and mortars to the sound of pumping rock music’ is obviously necessary when you’re selling a book, but in reality it would read:

      ’30 Man militia team with multiple moles is rounded up several hours before it executes complex plan with custom vehicles and rocket launchers and snipers and mortars.

      And for what. 22 dead cops and a media story of a black-site.

      Consider instead; 10 rather boring three man teams with no ties to each other each ambush a pair of crooked detectives. They waterboard them for intel and give them a lead pill to help them sleep.

      20 Crooked cops dead. Next to zero chance of infiltration. Next to zero logistics trail. Intel gathered. Disperse video confessions through trusted intermediary via dead drop.

      Of course the latter is not very inspiring or dynamic.

  5. KG says:

    Four brilliant articles by Richard Fernandez:
    Remain Overnight
    By Richard Fernandez February 17, 2016

    Through a Cloud

    Full Speed to Disaster
    ‘…Syria is now a grim monument to a mad Western policy, made not the less insane by the fact that one of its chief architects is running for office to complete president Obama’s third term.  What went off in Syria was the bomb of human stupidity, abetted by invincible hubris and accelerated by the unquenchable fire of fanatical dogmatism.  The result was ruin…’

    Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean …

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Good articles, but the writer in my opinion gives far too much credence to the idea that the Obamas and the Merkels of the world are anything other than puppets for powerbrokers.

      Talking about “Obama failing to do this or that” is missing the point. He’s doing exactly what he’s told to. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    • mawm says:

      “the bomb of human stupidity,”

      There’s a lot of that about, especially from Hillary – Libya, Syria, etc. How anyone with the smallest glimmer of intelligence could ever think that she could govern a nation is beyond me. I doubt that she is even going to be able to keep her cell clean.

  6. Ronbo says:

    SHOCK: Obama eats dead baby soup to increase his political powers!

    Didn’t we always know?

  7. KG says:

    ‘Pope Francis today called for a worldwide ban on the death penalty, saying the commandment “You shall not kill” was just as valid for the guilty as for the innocent.’
    I do believe the correct translation of that commandment is “thou shalt not murder”
    Which is another thing entirely.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Says the pontiff with his own private army carrying…what? Nerf guns?

    • Bo Chandler says:

      The left kills outside of the law. The right kills within it. Hence the left hates the death penalty. In it’s absence the worst of their thugs can murder with impunity and wait for pardons when the left steps into power over the corpse of the right.

      • Darin says:

        “I do believe the correct translation of that commandment is “thou shalt not murder”

        Yep,it was mis-translated,either by accident or design.

  8. KG says:

    Sack the stupid cow:
    ‘Head of £33,000-a-year girls’ boarding school says boys should wear princess dresses and girls should dress up as firemen as she calls for ‘gender neutral’ parenting’

    • Bo Chandler says:

      “My child will not be attending your school any longer. I demand a refund of all tuition fees paid beyond this date in a timely manner under threat of legal action. Alternately the resignation of the Head Mistress will suffice.


  9. Bo Chandler says:

    Mad Boris has gotten on the Brexit bandwagon. Via Bolt.

    p.s. But I see someone else has gotten there first :)

  10. KG says:

    Amateur hour:
    ‘…”Moderate” rebel forces backed by the CIA are at war with Kurdish rebel forces backed by the Pentagon…’

    • Darin says:

      That tells me that both are on separate pages,that both aren’t communicating and that we are solidly back on a pre-9/11 footing.

  11. Darin says:

    Bach Brandenburg Concerto #4

  12. Darin says:

    NOAA just flipped the switch on a brand new Cray supercomputer-

    This was in the comments section-

    “The most intresting read of the day. I sure hope that a few Black people help’ed build this computer, or we will hear about a lack of diversity in this deal.” LOL :mrgreen:

  13. KG says:

    Herald headline:
    ‘NZ may be in Cyclone Winston’s path’
    Every time there’s a cyclone in the Pacific we get this bullshit. All NZ ever gets is some heavy rain and (maybe) some good-sized ocean swells.
    Is this some kinda meteorological penis envy?

  14. KG says:

    ‘Hitler ‘had tiny deformed penis’ – historian ‘
    Well, at least he had one, which is more than can be said for most leftists.

  15. KG says:

    NZ Herald headline (yet again):
    US tourist dies beside husband
    A woman died beside her critically hurt husband in a head-on crash in rural Waikato.’

    If twenty people are killed and one is a female, The NZ Herald would run the headline “woman killed”. And if she happened to be pregnant, the dead men wouldn’t even get a mention.
    The widdle girls posing as “journalists” need a boot up the backside. :evil:

  16. Darin says:

    Boy today is my lucky day.I ordered some more 5.56 3ord mags the other day, or so I thought.Opened the box this afternoon and realised they were 5.45 mags so now I have to find some 5.56 followers.
    Then,a,real kick in the teeth.The property owner at the local range I frequent sold part of the property and as of next month the 600 and 1,000 yard ranges will be gone

  17. Darin says:

    Sheriff Brad Rogers-Patriot

    “Your local elected officials … can stem the tide of federal overreach if they apply just a little backbone in supporting and defending the Constitution. Expect it! Demand it!,” Rogers wrote.