Open house

‘Kiwi Big Brother is watching you’    and the vast majority of people are either unaware or don’t care.  Privacy is dead.


National and Maori: together, stealing a country.

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28 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘Labor volunteers have been caught on hidden cameras bragging about using Australian taxpayer funds to work on a US presidential campaign and interfering with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton campaign signs …’

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    And here’s the great thing about the two linked stories: there isn’t a damned thing anyone can do about it. In New Zealand, Parliament is sovereign. That means they can pass any law they like. There is no limit on them, provided they can get a majority in the triennial lolly scramble we naively call ‘elections’.

    There are no Constitutional boundaries. Our right to privacy? Granted by Parliament by way of the Privacy Act 1993. We have such privacy, or lack thereof, as our political overlords grant us.

    Most of our ‘rights’ are granted to us in New Zealand by way of the Bill of Rights Act 1990. These include the rights to the most fundamental aspects of life and living – including the right not to be deprived of life.

    In reality, and the situation is exactly the same in New Zealand, Canada, Britain and Australia (although in Aus there is a written Constitution) – we are subjects, not citizens. We do not have ‘rights’ but ‘grants’.

    That which Parliament grants, it can remove.

    • rivoniaboy says:

      “We do not have ‘rights’ but ‘grants’.”

      Not so sure about that Gantt consider this…They are afraid of Moslems and er, teens, but the Moslems and er, teens are not afraid of them. They don’t give a damn.
      Gordon Liddy, in his highly readable book Will, made the point that if your response to provocation is wildly disproportionate and unpredictable, no one will fuck with you. Yep. This is why reporters are afraid of Moslems, and governments are afraid of blacks. Journalists know that Moslems will not hesitate to kill them and their families if they criticize what’s-his-name, and governments know that blacks will burn whole cities if provoked. Both groups get their way.

      They have rights… they have been taken they were never given.
      With thanks to Fred on Everything.

  3. Robertv says:

    According to the The Seattle Times, the city fell short of its recycling goal. They recycled 56 percent of trash in 2013, 4 percent short of citywide goals. Apparently, the council members think that fining their way forward will close the gap.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      What fantastic sport. A small charge under some rotten offal rigged to go off when the lid is opened? Someone else’s bin of course. Preferably a prog’s. Video the results and post them on liveleak from a clean second hand laptop through a free WiFi service.

  4. KG says:

    Will somebody please strangle this arrogant, juvenile c**t?
    ‘Mark Zuckerberg: German Refugee Policies ‘Inspiring,’ U.S. Should ‘Follow Their Lead’

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Zuck’s no fool. It’s calculated. He’s no doubt been given the hard word that everyone gets when they pass from wealthy to obscenely rich.
      “Get with the program or we crush you like a bug.”

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Look what happened to Gates when he forgot to keep the monthly donation going to hte Clinton Foundation!

      • Robertv says:

        The same talk all politicians get when they climb the ladder. That’s why voting won’t change politics.

        We The people have never been in power.

  5. KG says:

    Rubio really is a POS, isn’t he?
    ‘As a member of the controversial “Gang of Eight” working up comprehensive immigration reform three years ago, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio blocked bipartisan efforts to reform the worker visa program to make sure American workers get first dibs on jobs, according to a top Senate Democrat. At a hearing on H-1B worker visas Thursday, Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois said that “a junior senator from Florida” fought to kill visa changes in the legislation that would have limited the ability of firms to replace American workers with cheaper foreign labor…’

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yep, he sure is. Lied to the people of Florida (and many, many other advocates and sponsors) to get into the Senate, then the minute he got there, cozied up to the worst of the worst.

      He’s also basically lazy. His record of attendance in the Florida House is about as bad as his record in the US Senate.

  6. Warren Tooley says:

    Guys and gals this started years ago. We had the privacy act and human rights act in 1993. In banking we heard about the Financial transactions reporting act of 1996. Where if someone did a suspicious transaction, a bank was obligated to inform the police and let them investigate. So when I heard that I started to see that if in any way it has to do with money, watch out; privacy rules don’t apply.

    Now do you see why I deal in silver, they can’t get me, silver ain’t taxable, so its not in their interests to watch. By the way act I was telling you about, has been made reduntant by a more draconian act.

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    • KG says: Too bloody right. And when TSHTF they’ll expect help from those who are prepared.

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Like those with guns, silver and gold. Until they have American’s guns they can only do so much. Once they have your guns expect all hell to break loose.

  8. KG says:

    Voters savage major parties in Ireland
    Ireland’s mainstream political leaders are reeling after an electoral bloodbath plunged support for establishment parties to a near record low.
    New financial crash ‘certain’, UK banker
    Another financial crisis is “certain” and will come “sooner rather than later”, the former Bank of England governor has warned.

  9. Brown says:

    I’ve planned for ‘the crash’ for years but am getting darned sick of waiting for that terminal event. Friends who played by the ‘wrong’rules have done far better than me. I still think I’m right that its all going to go tits up but its annoying that its taking its time doing so.

    • KG says: I’m sure it’ll happen, Brown.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        I’d prefer a crash over a slide into tyranny, but at the same time there’s too much stuff I need and don’t have.

        Time to go back over my strategies I think.

  10. KG says:

    Kids are getting soft:
    ‘No drugs or alcohol involved in rock band deaths’

  11. KG says:

    Damn right!
    ‘Winston Peters: Why should thousands of immigrants have a say on our flag?’

  12. KG says:


  13. Bo Chandler says:

    Our “once per five years” token report on the rolling rapefest called the UN Peacekeeping Forces.

  14. Fairfacts Media says:

    This will make you smile.
    Oh and I was out in Lincolnshire again yesterday with my UKIP buddies.
    500 or so surveyed. About 3 to one wanting to come out, but with as many don’t knows as Brexiters.