They could always try real policing

and tax dept audits:
‘Govt moves to limit $700m cost to support gang members and their dependants
• 3960 gang members
• 77% Maori, 14% European, 8% Pacific
• Average age 40
• 38% Mongrel Mob, 29% Black Power
• 19% in Bay of Plenty, 17% in East Coast
• 92% have received welfare, for an average of 8.9 years
• 27% allegedly guilty of child abuse or neglect…’
The $700m figure concerns just gang members and their families. There are large numbers of Maoris who are not members (or at least not recognized members) of gangs who are also receiving welfare, some of them for generations.
More ineffectual and expensive social work won’t fix the problem of these thugs and their spawn and the government must know this. Asking where they got their often high-value items such as cars and boats and how they can afford to cruise around in them when fuel is around $1:70c a litre might provide a clue or two.
Some vigorous policing instead of cultural arse-licking might just help, too.
Tribal leaders are always talking about “our people”, so how about they pick up the welfare tab for them? They’re certainly wealthy enough, having been given vast amounts of taxpayer’s dollars and property. And their business ventures are often tax-exempt, too.

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17 Responses to They could always try real policing

  1. Barry says:

    Hear hear!

  2. KG says:

    Thanks, Barry.

  3. rivoniaboy says:

    I don’t know about you KG, but I laugh at the pathetic police spokesmen who comes on air and says if you see someone being attacked by some thugs, that you should not intervene, rather watch them get stabbed to death while you call the police.

    God forbid that I should ever need this bunch of pansies.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      A quick analysis is all that’s needed. If a prog is under attack, walk away. Otherwise, cover your face, find something heavy, come in from behind and put one of the bastards in a wheelchair straight up. Then go full psycho on whoever’s left. Extract a name from the person you aided. Tell them they’ve been conscripted.

    • KG says:

      It just infuriates me, Rivoniaboy. Are Kiwis so infantilised and de-balled that they need advice from these blue-uniformed pansy bureaucrats?
      Bureaucrats who MUST know that they cannot possibly protect people in an effective and timely way themselves.
      It’s the counsel of craven surrender, aimed more at ensuring the populace is cowed and compliant than with protecting them.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        I don’t want protection. I’m not cattle or poultry.
        I want the right to bear arms decriminalised.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        I think it’s worse than that, KG. Most kiwis have been so infantilised and de-balled from decades of receiving and listening to advice from blue-uniformed bureaucrats that they firmly believe the police are there to (and are able to) protect them.

        They’ve been so indoctrinated with propaganda from the police (and don’t even get me started on that ‘Once Were Warriors’ ‘Warrior Gene’ horseshit) that they firmly believe a phone call to 111 (or 999 for you Aussies, or 911 for ‘Murricans) will save them from whatever violence might befall them.

  4. Ronbo says:

    The International Socialist Regime in power in New Zealand will never allow citizens the right to keep and bear arms – so I would suggest the honest citizen do what the criminal element does – buy guns on the black market or make your own.

    Like we say in the States, “Better to be tried by 12 than murdered by one.”

  5. Darin says:

    Seems whats needed is a remote island to send them all to,I hear Bikini Atoll is nice :twisted: