Death by Democrats:

(H/T Francis Porretto)

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6 Responses to Death by Democrats:

  1. Darin says:

    Whittle as always delivers,completely right on all points.New Orleans,the Sodom of the South is a prime example.Decades of Democrat destruction,repeating the same failed experiments over and over.That’s why I believe that nothing less than total collapse will fix this mess.

    • KG says:

      Unpalatable as it is, that’s the truth that has to be faced sooner or later.

      • Ronbo says:

        Excellent video!

        I remember the old Detroit of the late 1950s and early 1960s because one of my uncles lived up there (one of many V.Ps at Ford Motors) – and my parents (we lived in Huntington, West Virginia in those days) would often take myself and my brother on “educational” vacations up there in the summer, so we could tour the automobile factories and the other cultural attractions in “Motor City” – then the 4th most wealthy city in the USA.

        In those days Detroit and the surrounding suburbs were quite nice – my Uncle, aunt and cousin lived in Inkster – which today is a third world slum and combat zone – It was a typical middle class white suburb – upscale in many places like where my uncle’s house was located.

        I could go on for pages about “Old Detroit” – but the turning point came in the middle 1960s when they started to elect Democrat mayors and city councils. Then came the black riots of 1967 that were so bad, a Democrat president, Lyndon Johnson, was forced to send in paratroopers from Ft. Bragg to crush the insurrection.

        In the aftermath, the whites abandoned Detroit proper and withdrew to the suburbs and beyond. My uncle and his family didn’t stop running until they got to San Antonio, Texas.

        Today I live in Seattle, which is slowly being destroyed by a Democrat Party machine.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Steven Crowder, from 2009, exposes exactly the same about war zone Detroit…

    I like to pride myself that I can think clearly, can write coherent sentences that convey my opinion (although I confess, sometimes I may inject a little too much emotion) … but … Every time I watch a Bill Whittle video (or listen to a speech, or read an article), I think to myself that maybe if that was my job – writing, public speaking, making videos – instead of the corporate wage slavery choices I have made – I could do it somewhere near as well as Whittle. Then I reconsider; I’d be happy to be 10% as good as he is.

  3. fish153 says:

    Excellent!! So what’s the difference comparing this to the ANC in South Africa?!!