A complete inversion of the truth:

33EDA08900000578-3578568-image-a-1_1462633729109 ‘No Muslims on German Soil’: Thousands of right-wing extremists rally outside Berlin train station against city’s influx of refugees ‘
What else should we expect, from the press in a country that has utterly surrendered to the barbarian invaders?
Objecting to having your daughter raped, to having your culture and way of life utterly destroyed, objecting to being forced to pay for the invasion of your own country – now makes you a “right-wing extremist”

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7 Responses to A complete inversion of the truth:

  1. Yokel says:

    Well the Mail has to keep the pressure up, to continue to keep PEGIDA UK at bay.

  2. Cadwallader says:

    So…the definition of those who try to defend standards of decency is “Right Wing Extremist.” FFS. I give up with the Western media and its filth laden bias. (Sorry KG I have misplaced your machine gun…again!)

  3. Bo Chandler says:

    Most articles at the daily mail draw “best rated” comments that are ten to one voted in favour of right wing politics.

    Occasionally you get a big event like this, and miraculously you get several (never more than three) top rated comments in favour of left wing politics, and these two or three comments get perhaps triple or quadruple the number of votes in favour than most other top comments get on any other day of the week.

    And yet, the negative votes on those left wing comments typically number as highly as positive votes on right wing comments on any other regular article.

    The fix is getting pretty obvious, but only because people are visiting the articles and giving positive votes to right wing comments (and negative votes to left wing comments).

    • KG says:

      The newer version of the fix seems to be to simply not allow comments under some articles.

  4. Ronbo says:

    KG said:

    “The newer version of the fix seems to be to simply not allow comments under some articles.”

    Of course, the editors had to do this when the their readers are over 80% against the opinion of the well paid Leftard hack writers, and they know they have lost the propaganda war, so they have to cut their losses.

    Like Rush Limbaugh has said on several occasions – “The Media is the only business I know of where the manufacturer can ignore the complaints of his customers and continue to produce defective goods.”