maori stand-over tactics #356476

“nice pipeline you got there…..”

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8 Responses to maori stand-over tactics #356476

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    I’m sure an exorbitant amount of compensation would be acceptable.

  2. mara says:

    They keep doing this because it works. In my world, I’d give them 2 warnings and then bulldoze them off the road.

  3. Tom says:

    $10,ooo per tree? I say pump the sewerage to sea and then see what they have to say

  4. Mick says:

    I’m not too sure on this one. I’d have something to say to council if I had an orchard, they cut down my trees and construct vents from a shit pipe wafting the aroma over my property.
    And I’m so white I make the Queen look third world.

    • KG says:

      Well, I’d be skeptical too, Mick, except that maori have a history of waiting until projects are well underway before bringing them to a grinding halt and demanding compensation.
      The pipeline is either legal or it is not, and for maori spokesmen to blather about their “cultural right” to clean air is laughable – their so-called culture is only concerned about these things when there’s a buck in it or a route to power.