Open House

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47 Responses to Open House

  1. Darin says:

    A bit of history is being moved to it’s new home near me-

    “The S-IC-15 stage now displayed at INFINITY is a prime example of the units. It is 138 feet long (or tall depending on its orientation) and 33 feet in diameter. Empty, it weighs 300,000-plus pounds. Loaded with fuel, it weighs 4.8 million pounds – or 2,400 tons.”

    It’s amazing that in the span of one human lifetime we went from the first powered flight using an engine that produced just 14HP to the Saturn V whose first stage produced 26,000,000 HP and took us to the Moon

  2. Cadwallader says:

    It is also amazing that just this week Trey Gowdy exhibited a level of moral decency and professional acuity which Mrs Clinton will expunge from the White House, perhaps forever! I truly fear for Uncle Sam should that malignant growth be the next President.

  3. KG says:

    A kind person just sent me this:

    Getting older, I woke up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. As I passed through the kitchen, I happened to look out through the rear windows. I noticed a known neighborhood animal rights extremist with a  knife, sneaking through my next door neighbor’s garden.   Suddenly my neighbor  came from nowhere and smacked him over the head with a  shovel, killing him instantly. He then dug a grave and put  the body in it and covered it. 
    Astonished, I got back  into bed.
    My wife said, “You’re upset, what is  it?”  
    “You’ll never  believe what I’ve just seen,” I said. “That SOB next door still has my shovel.”   

    • mawm says: All it takes is for one neuron to synapse with another. I don’t think there is much chance of that happening.

    • andy5759 says:

      The comments there are funny. It’s always nice to see that someone is there to take on the cretins.

      Frigging dozy bitches and fags prancing around like they actually have the slightest idea what’s going on. Cnuts, the lot of ’em.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Any evidence no matter how manufactured in enough for the prissy bastards to destroy something they don’t like but thousands of others do.

  5. KG says:

    The Legion:

    (The assholes at YouTube have made it impossible to download and keep this in the form it has been possible to up until recently. Thank globalism, supine, corrupt politicians and entertainment industry greed)

  6. Bill the Bunyip says:

    Firefox and download helper worked ok for me a moment ago Mr Wabbit.
    I can email it to you if you wish.

  7. KG says:

    Hey, Brits:
    ‘PETER HITCHENS: You voted for a revolution… you got a Blair robot’

    Perhaps the biggest con job in modern political history.

  8. Ronbo says:

    I see the Turkish military made the same mistake the German military made on July 20, 1944 – they didn’t take out the fascist head of state BEFORE rolling the tanks and sending the troops out.

    Rule Number One Of Putsch – Kill El Presidente FIRST!

  9. Gregoryno6 says:

    About an hour ago I was listening to More Or Less on BBC World through ABC News Radio. And it was looking at the numbers on police shootings in America.
    Their angle was interesting to say the least. Numerous conservative pundits have been quoting figures recently that indicate police are not on a black killing spree. This program’s response was ‘the figures are unreliable’.
    If they had evidence that PJW, Milo, Alfonzo and the rest had been using dud stats, they would say so. Loud and clear. The opening would have been ‘Figures quoted by right-wing commentators have been proven incorrect.’ Instead, they say ‘unreliable’.
    Call me a cynic but I translate ‘unreliable’ here as ‘they’re right, and we know it, but we’ll do what we can to muddy the picture.’
    Program can be downloaded here. Form your own opinions.

    • Darin says:

      The figures they used were from the FBI and DOJ not some BLM hack site.

    • Ronbo says:

      Propaganda – The FBI stats have the facts – It’s something like eight policeman killed by blacks for each cop who drops a black guy. Also, more whites than blacks are killed by cops.

      Another thing the FBI stats prove is that something like two-thirds of the crimes in this country are committed by blacks, who make up less than 13% of the population, and that two-thirds of those in prison for violent crimes are blacks.

      If you exclude blacks from USA crime stats this country has a very low crime rate.

      This information is off the top of my head, but you can Google the FBI stats and see for yourself…Fuck the BBC – Leftist Ministry of Propaganda beaming from the Orwell Studios.

      • Darin says:

        Yes,and it’s also easy to point out that blacks have much more to fear from other blacks than they do from whites or cops.Just look at the war zone called Chicago.

  10. Ronbo says:

    It’s beginning to look like the recent putsch in Turkey was done by Islamist President Erdogan. The obvious reason would be to purge the one institution that could have reversed his takeover – The Turkish Army.

    In Egypt – the military was successful in their overthrow of the Islamist Regime – and with Turkey’s history of successful military coups – It would appear Erdogan wanted to “lance the boil” by a preemptive strike on the Turkish Army.

    I’m wondering if this move would encourage our own pro- Islamist president to fake a U.S. military putsch against him, as a mean to declare martial law and arrest thousands of his opponents? Many patriots believe that Obama plans to create some sort of crisis to declare martial law in this country.

    • Darin says:

      Anything is possible Ron,notice that Obama&Co. were quick to preach support for Erdogan.With Obama &Co. it’s all about establishing the islamic state and caliphate.

      • Ronbo says:

        If Trump wins in November – I fully expect the Obama Regime to pull something like this. Of course, it may not be a false flag military putsch and martial law….An economic meltdown like they pulled in September, 2008 when McCain started looking like he was going to win would do.

        We do know the Democraps keep pulling the same old plays out of their dog eared game book.

  11. Ronbo says:

    On a more serious note – The Free Republic website says the Turks have seized control of a major NATO airbase – and our troops are hostages.


    Statement posted by the US embassy in Turkey said that local authorities are denying movements on to and off of Incirlik Air Base adding that the power there has also been cut.

    Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens: Incirlik Air Base and Adana Airport Information, July 16

    Be advised that local authorities are denying movements on to and off of Incirlik Air Base. The power there has also been cut. Please avoid the air base until normal operations have been restored.

    This is not the first time the Turks have seized control of an American base in Turkey – in the summer of 1974, I was unlucky to have been at the USASA Sinop Intelligence Base Operations Center located on the Black Sea, when the Turkish military rolled in and seized control.

    We had weapons and were ready to open fire on the Turks as they were massing in front of our Operations Building, when order came out to “stand down” and put our hands up. The Turks kicked the shit out of us for daring to point loaded M-16s, 7.62 mm machine guns and LAWs (Light Anti-Tank Weapons) at them, but they soon calmed down and placed us on military buses for quick transportation on C-141s for Germany…This was AFTER they took our wallets and other valuables.

    I have no love for the Turks.

  12. Ronbo says:


    I see you’re a fan of Spengler too!

    The man is a genius – no doubt – and he has hit the nail on the head…Of course, my plan – and the best thing to do IMNHO – would be to deport all Muslims in the West back to the Middle East – but failing that – Making the “peaceful” Muslims pay a price for looking the other way at terrorists would be an improvement.

    Also, go after the relatives of terrorists and deport them, seize all their money and property, and burn down their houses.

  13. KG says:

    Sure am. :)
    “Making the “peaceful” Muslims pay a price for looking the other way at terrorists would be an improvement.”
    Sure would, Ronbo. It’d drain some of the domestic swamp at least.

  14. KG says:

    THIS is how clueless the NZ Herald staff are:

    ‘Editorial: Coup’s failure hopeful sign for democracy’