French PM Valls booed at memorial services for Nice attach victims

Gatewaypundit has it-

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has been booed at memorial service to remember the victims of the Nice terror attack.

Mr Valls was booed as he went to sign the book of condolence at the memorial service on the Promenade des Anglais.


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3 Responses to French PM Valls booed at memorial services for Nice attach victims

  1. Alan says:

    Another sign of how the political class is viewed world wide. In the western world they lean decidedly left and those that are supposed to represent the right have voluntarily been pulled to the leftist cause.

  2. Cadwallader says:

    …and the only thing which will distinguish Mrs Clinton from the rest of the lefty “leaders” is that she is more proficient at lying than the majority of them!