It’s time to have a conversation about Trucks

Who,or rather what is to blame for the attack in Nice?


“After the Orlando Islamic terror attack, Obama insisted that the problem wasn’t Islam. It was guns.Just like the trouble in Boston was pressure cookers, not Muslim terrorists. And in Dallas, the issue was guns, not Black Lives Matter.”

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5 Responses to It’s time to have a conversation about Trucks

  1. Ronbo says:

    New Lamestream Media Propaganda Line: The Dallas and Baton Rouge Police Massacres were done by veterans – What did the military do to these young men?

    I kid you not…

    • Darin says:

      The left are flailing around looking for anything but the obvious truth,because like reality the truth refuses to fit the narrative they believe in and actively push.

  2. Phil Stephenson says:

    Earlier today I heard the news broadcaster on the ABC refer to the, ” .. .. . recent lone wolf attacks in Nice and, ….”

    I didn’t catch the second place, but it is obvious that this is going to become the “official” narrative, that these are isolated, lone wolf events, occurring in a vacuum, and in no way forming part of a pattern, or connected with any other incident. While it is probably possible for one man to get a truck and fill it with firearms and explosives etc, it seems highly unlikely that this guy acted alone.

    Then, we have this:

    “The explanation given by the French Ministry of Justice is that they don’t want ‘uncontrolled’ and ‘non-authorised (non maîtrisée) diffusion of the images of the terrorist attacks. ”

    Obviously, the, “authotrities,” don’t want pesky forensic evidence out there in the hands of the peasants that might undermine the narrative..