SJW’s the next generation

Today being Sunday it’s my day to sleep in before getting up and doing something productive.Sitting down to lace my boots up I flipped the TV on to catch the news for the usual Trump news or to find out where the latest terror attack happened.Instead a kids cartoon program was on,didn’t catch the name of it,but just five minutes worth was all I needed to see.

It was the typical setup,fury little forest creatures poorly drawn,all with squeaky little voices.I had no idea that Aardvarks,Brown Bears and Giraffes all inhabited an Alpine Pine forest,but it is a cartoon.

The female characters were all brilliant and the males ones were all dumb.A couple of the female ones were of course “single moms” and the villains were all male,white accent,loggers and factory owners.Cutting a tree down was a “crime” and a “wrong that must be righted” proclaimed two of the wise,female single mom characters and off they went to “protest” and “stop” those evil people “ruining” “our Earth”.

This was all before there was some minor disagreement between characters that led to the typical “we are all equal and we have to be tolerant” horse shit The End.

Then the list of the sponsors : Annanberg CPB,Kock Brothers etc.etc.

So now another generation will grow up to be little leftists SJW monsters completely cutoff from reality and expecting all of us to conform to their “social norm”whatever that maybe.

My advice to anyone with kids these days is as it always has been.If you want your kids to have the best chance at a normal life,set the TV out on the curb with the trash and refuse to allow them to be brainwashed by the corporate left.

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5 Responses to SJW’s the next generation

  1. Diamond Mair says:

    Pressed for time right now, but – for at least the last 50 years or so, the media (to encompass shows/movies as well as advertising) has been intent on portraying “white man as (stupid, arrogant, demanding, out-of-touch) @$$ holes” – learned THAT from man I dated, who had been in advertising. I’ll admit to not having noticed it, because it was so prevalent as to be almost subliminal.
    Semper Fi’

  2. MikeH. says:

    Darin, ya shoulda turned to MTV and watched Ren And Stimpy. Those cartoons are too simple minded to serve an agenda.

    Let’s face it… indoctrination is a dish best served to a very young audience. Kids get it in schools, they get it on the idiot tube and they get it via electronic gadgets. Their young minds and bodies are turned into useless puddles of flab. What they don’t get is the right kind of indoctrination from family, in the home.

    If you want to fix the problem, throw the electronics out with the television and home school.

  3. KG says:

    “If you want your kids to have the best chance at a normal life,set the TV out on the curb with the trash and refuse to allow them to be brainwashed by the corporate left.”
    Yep, that and homeschooling, as Mike says.

  4. andy5759 says:

    I remember being given some illustrated children’s books from the Russian Exhibition in London, sometime in the early 60s I guess. My Dad wasn’t a commie, more old fashioned Labour, he probably hoped that some of the outright propaganda would rub off on me. It did, I was a proper Trot for a while before having my Damascene moment. Those children being exposed to twaddle in school and media will eventually realise how much they have been duped. When they do… well, be ready for the Ballroom Blitz!

  5. K2 says:

    If you’re looking for something that isn’t left wing indoctrination for young girls, I suggest the new “My Little Pony” program. It’s girl centric but the boys are presented generally as helpful and hardworking and the values traditional. There was actually an episode where the protagonists went to a town “where everybody was equal” and it was presented as a dystopia. A lot of screaming on the social networks by the leftoids after that particular program.