The media is hiding the truth about Khizr Muazzam Khan

He’s the muslim father that went after Trump at the DNC convention-

Shoebat has it here-

But Khan’s fascination with Islam isn’t the only issue lest they say he was a “moderate Muslim”. What is more worrisome is that at the bottom of the intro, Khan shows his appreciation and the source of his work and gives credit to an icon of the Muslim Brotherhood:

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19 Responses to The media is hiding the truth about Khizr Muazzam Khan

  1. MikeH. says:

    Those people were invited to appear at the democretin convention where he spoke against Donald Trump. 1 + 1 = a muslim douche helping to promote a lying douche.

  2. tamati says:

    This personal message from Lt. Colonel Allen B. West to Khizr Khan is also well worth a read:

  3. Ronbo says:

    So Trump is destroyed for the 1,000th time by the Lamestream Media and the Democommies?

    Yes, the Lamestream Media and the Democraps have destroyed Trump once again in the Khan Affair. Bullshit. The Lamesers didn’t make Trump and they can’t break Trump. According to the only poll that matters – Rasmussen- Trump’s is still even with the Hillabeast. at 42% plus or minus three points.

    As is well known, Trump is the leader of a revolutionary/populist/nationalist movement – the bond is between him and We The People – and it lasts until Trump tells us to “go away.”

    Come to think of it: It’s love (actually)

    RUSH LIMBAUGH: “This, by the way, is now considered by the intelligentsia to be the destructive moment for Trump. This is it. He’s finally stepped in it. This is it. He has finally committed the last vital destructive act. This is it. This is what they all thought Trump had done on his announcement speech, when he went after McCain and three or four, five other times in the campaign, and they were wrong every time. They think this is it. Trump has finally imploded. “

  4. Ronbo says:


    Excellent letter to the editor on Khan!

    The bottom line is this current Media Blitz was done at the direction of the Hillary campaign – as is well known, the Lamestream Media are nothing more than the Propaganda Ministry for the Democommie Party – and the name of the game now is “Destroy Trump” – and if this gambit doesn’t work – there will be another and another until election day and beyond.

    Hillary must destroy Trump because she can’t run on her record, or the accomplishments of the Obama Regime – there are none.

    Will it work? The Hildabeast is not drawing in the crowds, no one likes her and the “Big Mo” is with Trump.

  5. Ronbo says:



    This is how you run Leftist blood pressure up to the heart attack range because Socialists have no sense of humor!

  6. Contempt says:

    So another God Damn America American is penciled into the elitist jackals society. Those “folks” do have a poisonous odor.

  7. Allan says:

    The Left leaning MSM are still pushing the anti-Trump message and not reporting the true facts. The whole thing sickens me. I really hope that Trump kicks Clinton’s butt big time, maybe then the truth will prevail because at least he is not afraid to tell it how it is. Clinton is a fraud and a shyster and her past will catch up on her sooner or later.

  8. KG says:

    ‘Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the Sharia’
    Khizr M. Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law — including the very Constitution he championed in his Democratic National Convention speech attacking GOP presidential nod Donald Trump…’