Obama only Bombs Libya when the Muslim Brotherhood lets him.


Why can Obama bomb Libya now but not to save the Americans who were under siege in Benghazi? The answer is simple and ugly.”

It’s really pretty simple,his allegiances are not to the American people,never have been. 

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2 Responses to Obama only Bombs Libya when the Muslim Brotherhood lets him.

  1. KG says:

    And Obama-with-uterus may be about to assume the Presidency….. :evil:
    America may never recover if the bitch succeeds.

    • Ronbo says:

      You are correct, as usual KG – the America as we have known it will no longer exist – It’s like Lincoln said it will become all of one thing – which in this case is a will be full blown New Age Fascism.

      The voices like mine will be silenced – a totalitarian regime simply will not allow free voices to be heard….This process has already started on the college campus, which is the where full blown fascism always strikes first. The First Amendment is becoming meaningless.

      I think we were both right on – Absent a bloody French style revolution and a blood purge of the Left the Dark Side wins, but the opposition has placed all its bets on elections and petitions that have proved useless.