Open House

November 9th will be interesting indeed-


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48 Responses to Open House

  1. Darin says:

    Desmond Doss,Medal of Honor,WWII-

    Sometimes the strength of ones convictions can be the greatest strength of all.New Movie coming out this fall covering his life,hope they get it right.

  2. Gregoryno6 says:

    A few words from Victor Davis Hanson on the present occupier of the Oval Office.
    “In just six years, Obama’s defense cuts, his recessional
    from world leadership, and his abdication of a strong presence in the volatile Middle East — in other words, a changed foreign policy reminds our EU and NATO allies to be careful of the change you wish for. Socialist pacifism in Europe was always predicated on the presence of America’s friendly free-market military muscularity. What the Europeans wanted was not change but the continuance of an America quite unlike themselves, willing to subsidize their indulgences and to serve as a scapegoat for their fits of envious venting. Instead, they got a president who is a fellow democratic socialist who likewise believes in reducing Western military power and influence. Now they are baffled if not terrified about their wishes for change coming true.”
    Apparently M Hollande has told his fellow Frenchpersons today that Donald Trump makes him sick. Poor fella!

    • Darin says:

      He’s right on,I was always pissed off at European arrogant condescension towards us.The tired old line about “if you stupid Americans didn’t spend so much on your military you would have xxxxx like we do”

      To which my answer was,yes and you would be speaking Russian as a first language if we didn’t.That’s why in the next war,this American will not be fighting for Europe.

  3. Flashman says:

    “Mental health issues” is the latest leftard weasel-out. Don’t you dare use the I-word.

    Hint: Hug a lone wolf, please don’t be judgmental and above all, encourage him to talk out his big ball of feels.

      • KG says:

        Biting, hilarious – and bloody frightening.
        Just how low can it go, folks?

        • Gregoryno6 says:

          If there’s one thing I learnt from Labor during the years of Ruddlard, it’s this: any time you think those fuckers can’t possibly get any more stupid, you’re in for a surprise.
          Now it looks like the Liberals under Turnbull will be repeating the lesson.

    • KG says:

      The lack of publicity and the lack of opposition to this from the Repubs stinks of conspiracy.

      • Darin says:

        In this case I think it’s laziness.That’s one of the gripes I have always had with the RNC.This is going on in cities that the RNC surrendered to the dems decades ago,based on the mantra that “these are areas controlled by dems that we have no chance of winning,so we won’t even back a candidate”

        This is something I have to give credit to the dems on,they will always try,even in the reddest or red states,they will field and back opposition candidates.Republican leadership justs want the easy hills and low hanging fruit.

        So if an Allen West pops up in the middle of Detroit,they won’t offer any support or funding.

  4. KG says:

    ‘NZ judge Dame Lowell Goddard resigns as head of Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse’

    She gives “snout in trough” a whole new dimension. Another woman of dubious merit appointed to a lucrative position because….well, because she’s a woman. :evil:

  5. KG says:

    ‘Donald Trump’s dangerous talk of a ‘rigged’ election’
    By Julie Roginsky

    It’s only “dangerous” because nobody else has the guts to talk about voter fraud in any meaningful, honest way. Take a look at this bureaucreep’s bio at the end of the article. :evil:

  6. KG says:

    Just in:
    ‘Russian diplomat kills mugger who tried to shoot him in Rio ‘

  7. KG says:

    NZ media headline:
    ‘The bitter cold snap is set to smash a weather record that has stood for more than a century as an icy chill takes hold of the South Island.’

    Had it been unusually warm, the headlines would have been screaming hysterically about globull warming…..

    • Darin says:

      Give them a couple days,I’m sure they will find a way to blame this on “climate change”

  8. KG says:

    Groveling mangina gets media space:
    ‘Male Zealand: We live in a sexist country’

    No we don’t – we live in a feminazi society dominated by baby talk, female whining and trivial girlie preoccupations elevated to the status of “news”.
    And this hopeless de-balled piece of shit is just virtue-signalling in the hopes of getting laid by some desperate female who has given up on finding something that isn’t a caponised dweeb.

  9. KG says:

    Muslim inbreeding

    ‘..Nicolas Sennels, a Danish psychologist who has done meticulous research on the subject of Muslim inbreeding, published a seminal article a few years ago in which he notes that Muslims are overrepresented among the criminally insane and that in Copenhagen, alone, the number of disabled children increased 100% in just ten years, a trend that correlates with a spike in the Muslim population in the city.
    …And this is what the West is eager to import..’

    • Darin says:

      One of my cousins that served in Afghanistan witnessed it first hand.It’s rampant out in the countryside and is evidenced by the massive number of birth defects.

    • mawm says:

      They are a totally fucked up society. A thermo-nuclear device would end so much suffering.

  10. KG says:

    ‘Temperatures could reach their coldest in parts of the south since 1972 and Queenstown could break its all-time August winter low since records began in 1871.’
    Where’s Al Gore when we need him?

  11. mawm says:

    Nothing to see, move on…..

    In this election cycle the Clinton related body count is 5 in less than 6 weeks!

  12. Ronbo says:

    Another lone wolf attack today that has nothing to do with Islam, although the attacker did yell, “Allah hu Akhba – A police spokesman: “The attacker yelled in English, WHERE IS THE SNACK BAR?” Police are said to be puzzled by the remark – an investigation is underway as to the attacker’s motive.

    • Darin says:

      That would be a good cover for all shorts of crimes.Knock over a bank for $50mil and yell Allah Flatbar as you stroll casually out the front door

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      Just reported on the Australian Bullshit Collecttive AND they included the fact that he AA’d. That was the most shocking part of the report.

  13. Yokel says:

    Not the sort of thing that Crusaders get wound up about, but anyway here is a warning to the Australian team:

    Timothy Kelsey is the reason why I now will not see a doctor about anything, ever. And I do not care if that means I die earlier than I otherwise need to. I have not yet found a private doctor who will keep his records separate from the NHS, and T Kelsey Esq promised that he would give away my NHS medical records (amongst everyone else’s) to whoever asked for them.

    For more info on the British fight see: and note that although the name is dead, the health bureaucrats still seem intent on carrying on regardless.

    I had thought that when Her Majesty ordered her subjects Transported to Botany Bay that the Australians had the common sense to keep them behind bars on arrival. Seems you let this one slip out.