Black pastors are breaking the law to get Hillary elected

The laws the dems love to break the most,are the ones they wrote-

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7 Responses to Black pastors are breaking the law to get Hillary elected

  1. It’s really not contradictory at all. Every law creates a business for those willing to break the the law. If you’re mindful of the differing degrees of lawfulness of the races, much sense suddenly appears, as if out of nowhere.

    • Darin says:

      It’s not just race,but also party affiliation and ideology.We had a local pastor called on the carpet by the IRS when he preached against abortion and gay marriage,but not a peep was said about the local Anglican branch who advocated for both and openly pushed certain candidates in the local election.

  2. mara says:

    Exactly, lawfulness is just now just a matter of opinion.

  3. Ronbo says:

    The thing with breaking the law, and running wild as the Left has done all over the world – It only works for criminal as long as the majority obeys the law, but at some point, the majority gets fed up – and imposes a rough and ready form of justice that does not involve Writ of Habeas Corpus, police, courts, trials and judges.

    Take the Philippines, for example – the people got fed up with drug dealers and government wouldn’t do anything to stop them – so Johnny got his gun and started shooting the druggies on sight. Bodies pile up. Drug dealing ends. Problem solved.

    The Left should take note when they take a power saw to the tree of justice.

    • Darin says:

      “The Left should take note when they take a power saw to the tree of justice.”

      Yup,that was my point when I posted about it awhile back.If things are allowed to run downhill long enough,sooner or later the people will have their full and TCB on their own.
      In an armed society things tend to return to law and order fairly quickly.In a disarmed society a fascist government usually forms and the people end up in a worse spot then where they started.

  4. Wyowanderer says:

    Do as I say, not as I do, peasant.