I’m going to start what will hopefully be a two part series on the subject of Neomasculinity,what it is and why men are beginning to flock to it.This will apply to single men of all ages from young adult to senior,but some of this may also apply if you are newly married and or have been for sometime.
First,a definition of terms-
Neomasculinity(NM) is defined as a lifestyle change where the desire is to separate oneself from the modern sexual status system that has resulted from the decades long war among the sexes that was begun by modern radical feminism.It differs from the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)movement in that whereas MGTOW is cynical and often takes on a negative view of women,NM seeks to make positive changes via personal improvement.At the same time where MGTOW tends to focus on the negative aspects of modern female attitudes,NM seeks to embrace the positive attributes,most often traditional attributes,women possess in a hope to convince them to do likewise and close the gulf that separates men and women.
So,what does neomasculinity entail?In a nutshell it means making better women by becoming better men.If you agree then by all means join the choir,if you disagree,then explain why.
1- A continual improvement of oneself in the hopes of attaining moral,and spiritual maturity and strength.Spiritual strength means understanding that tomorrow is yet to be born and it will be what we make of it and not what it makes of us.Always take the high road and always back your words with action,show the world that there is certainty in your purpose and unyielding courage in your convictions.
2-Studying and understanding the animal nature of the human species and how best to nurture it’s best attributes while minimizing it’s weakness.Identifying desirable traits and understanding what makes people and especially women tick.
3-Feed your intellect,avoid feeding your mind junk.Turn off the TV,quit going to the movies and become highly discriminating in what you allow into your train of thought.Hone the mind and the body will follow,your intellect is a deadly weapon,not a play toy.
4-Nourish and strengthen your body,lay off the whiskey and beer.Get into shape and get off the sofa,you have one body and only so many years of health,make the most of it.Let’s not forget,it’s much easier to attract a mate if your fit and odds are if you are,she will be as well.
5-Self reflection,look inside and examine yourself often.Compare your current state to the state of your goals,if you find yourself lacking,redouble your efforts,YOU are the one who can fix YOU.
6-Step up and take responsibility for your actions or lack there of.
7- Realize that you owe it to your culture to defend,repair and rebuild it and also it is your duty to replenish it through your offspring.It is a debt we owe our forefathers that the culture they sacrificed and died to bring into existence not perish from the Earth.
More to come in pt II.
“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none.
When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision.
When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.” – Chief Tecumseh
Jeez I need a bloody beer after reading that
I have to say, this all sounds a little self-absorbed.
MacDoctor say:
“Man who contemplates navel wind up with head up ass.”
Soon as I saw the word Neo….my brain went into lockdown.
In the interest of discussion, Kings also described this term.
“NM seeks to embrace the positive attributes, most often traditional attributes, women possess in a hope to convince them to do likewise and close the gulf that separates men and women” There’s never anything wrong with embracing women for their positive attributes.
But seriously, while a lot of this sounds good, and some of it actually is, what’s wrong with just using the word Masculine or the phrase “self reliant man”.
Tecumseh would laugh at most of the social norms if he were to walk around in this time, and then he’d get arrested for beating the snot out of someone that didn’t like his critical insults, is my guess.
I’ll still read part 2, Darin.
Darin, is it something in the water?
Sheesh tough crowd,never mind
Maybe PJW can explain it better?
No, Darin, there is no “never mind” – you will write part II… or I will loose a little bit of respect for you. To be masculine – NEO or OLD-SCHOOL means to make no apologies for what you believe in and to stand up for it. Say what you have to say about this if you believe it to be a good thing – more of this is what the modern man needs, but more importantly he needs to hear it and read it from men that live it and make no apologies for it, men that stand by their words with conviction and pride and honor… because the modern man is weak and docile and submissive – he is afraid to believe in something that will upset the herd, he is afraid to make something better of himself that he might be cast out and loose his friends that want him to remain a nobody looser like the rest of them, he is afraid to have an opinion that he will loose his job.
The modern man needs all the help he can get – but it is up to him and only him to figure out what it is that he wants in life and act upon it – we can only give him the tools… we can only provide a path… but we must show that man that other men are there to help him along the way – this is the way of the tribe – to help men become better men so that they can better serve their families, their communities and their tribe. It is only because of the men that you have described that society does not completely crumble. It is the men that you have described that built the world and the men that will tear it down and rebuild. It is the men you describe that prosper and create and protect and allow the week to live in comfort and security.
Call it what you want to call it… give it a name… make it a movement… who cares… but make men better… make them smarter, stronger, healthier, and help them to get closer to their creator… this is not a bad thing… it is what the western world needs the most now – men. Women want these men… society needs these men… for your culture and traditions to survive you will need these men.
When I was young I let myself become weak and it was not until I was in my thirties that I came to the conclusion that I was fed a bunch of horse shit from society and I knew that the man I wanted to be like was men like my grandfathers – they were men, real men and no one could or would dare to question it or deny it… as men of their generation were all men of strength – physically, mentally, and spiritually… but the modern world kept telling me it was wrong to want to be a masculine man like those that came before me… the modern world kept telling me that the problems of the world are because of those masculine men that came before me and that we are idiots and losers and women are smarter and better… and to instill that into the minds of young men they got rid of all the television shows that portrayed strong, brave, masculine fathers and replaced them with “everybody loves Raymond’ type faggoty shit… and their television programming just got worse and worse. So for me to become a man like my grandfathers I had to get rid of all the bullshit programming I had in my head and do all that you have just listed and more… I am not quite there yet but I am in a far better place than I would be had I not tried to change myself for the better. The Neo-masculine movement is a good thing – it took me a while to understand it but I get it now and I support it… what is a mans other option in this modern world? Exactly.
As you know, I am building a tribe. We are finding it hard to reach twenty members which is a goal, mostly because men are weak. They want in but they can’t hack it, and they find it hard to let go of the programming instilled in them by the modern world – they don’t yet know what they want and have nothing real to believe in… but I hope all those young men find someplace where they belong in the world. We have taken a couple of young men and given them all that you have listed here… us older guys taught them about women and showed them how to get laid but a big part of that was being a man – looking like a man, dressing like a man, talking like a man, walking like a man… being a complete and total unapologetic man… we changed their mind-set and gave them a purpose and something to believe in… we gave them a tribe to protect and to protect them… we instill in them pride and honor and don’t let them forget why pride and honor and integrity are important to them and the tribe… we helped them become physically stronger so that the may be more confident and raise their self esteem and that they may be able to protect themselves, their families and their tribe… we showed them how to fight and make money and be self reliant in society and in the wild… we have helped them get closer to God and to accept death – a brutal and bloody violent death in the service of God… for God hates a coward… And we taught them to be aware and vigilant so that they know their enemy and their friends – know how to pick their fights… who is stronger and who is week… what to look for when sizing a man up and how to defeat him… the tricks others will use on you and how to deflect them… and the tricks to use on others… how to bend the world to your will… to believe in yourself and to know what you want and to make no apologies for it.
We are a tribe… we are not a movement. We are men of a common belief come together for a common purpose. We are watching and we are waiting and we are scheming to help through fuel onto the fire of the degenerates’ own destruction… we will show no mercy to the week and the degenerates and all men will find a purpose in this order of ours or be left to scavenge for our fallen crumbs… the women will change when the men have changed – just look at Europe to see what the rest of the west has in store for it’s future… Europe is purposely importing stronger men to replace the week feminine man-boys they created with men willing to kill and die for their beliefs… men that treat women like property, like animals to be used and disposed of as they please and the feminist left will shut anyone up that speaks out against it – because they need stronger men to fix their own damn mistakes… You will submit men of the west – to Islam or to Christianity – (the Jews are not recruiting – they are enjoying the show and laughing their asses off), you will submit and neither is going to accept week, feminine men. War is upon us – you will choose a side before each side decides where you belong – in the pile of corpses to be burned or in the infantry. Islam will take away any semblance of freedom you know today, Christianity will allow you to chose how much you want to keep… war is upon you. Neo-masculinity may be the only thing the modern man may have left to look to for help in navigating the landfill of this modern world and anyone who criticizes or gets in the way of any man that wants to make something better of himself so that he may create a better world are the ones I personally shove the f*ck out of the way – you show the world your true colors by doing so – you serve no purpose, you are part of the problem…
To want to be a better man and to rebuild a better world is the purpose of the Iron Legion – to find like minded men and gather them up in tribes for this coming war – your countries will not protect you and your church will not support you and your women will surrender themselves to the strongest army. The old ways must become the new ways. Old beliefs must become new beliefs. Old traditions must become new traditions. Old customs must be adapted as new customs… for the young man to follow.
We are a tribe of the Iron Legion. Our ways are old ways, our beliefs and our traditions are old ones, the culture and the church we wish to preserve is ancient, but for the young man of the modern world, we call it The New Order.
Pt II is gonna happen,and I agree totally!
What Victor said.
“..more of this is what the modern man needs, but more importantly he needs to hear it and read it from men that live it and make no apologies for it, men that stand by their words with conviction and pride and honor… because the modern man is weak and docile and submissive – he is afraid to believe in something that will upset the herd..”
For the rest of it…I’m not so sure. There have been too many dead-ends, too many movements hijacked by opportunists and scammers, too many false prophets, too many betrayals and too, too many suicidal, pointless last stands as supposed allies evaporate when the heat of of conflict arrives.
I would have thought that “alt masculinity” would gain more traction. After all we all know what a great fucking job the “neo cons. ” have done, think John McCain et al.
Neo would not have been my first choice either,renaissance is too long and would get confused with that Danny Devito movie.
“Alt-right” and “Alt-conservative” have already been demonized by the left.
I’m 65, my girl is nudging 25 and I am well versed in contemporary young male/female behaviour. I observe that in middle class society the females rule the roost and that to appeal to women young men have to abdicate signs of their innate masculinity. They seem to do it willingly just to have sex and a relationship with girls who are indoctrinated to believe that men are predatory or something. Yes, men need to harden up but this “neo” talk makes me suspicious and rather queasy.
That’s known as hookup culture,it’s an endless stream of bed hopping that results in two very different outcomes.
Assuming nobody catches something they can’t get rid of and no bastard children are produced,the guys get a bit older and more appealing to younger women and the girls get older and start collecting Cats.Both will wake up one morning,childless and alone wondering where life went.
Obviously this very bad for our culture which is why it has been pushed heavily in POP culture since at least the late 80’s.
Always refreshing to have your female perspective Mara.
Thank you rivoniaboy.
And that’s a very cool new nick, too.
This post is the reason I still open the computer on CR. I do most of the seven things stated, but as Victor alluded to it’s bloody hard trying to find folks who aren’t programmed with bullsh!t.
I would’ve driven 5hrs down to Melbourne in Feb- turned out fortunate I drove 5hrs the other way to Bathurst [for the 12hr]. Most of the young blokes at work are in the brainwashed-staring into the selfiephone for banal pointless infotainment bracket.
It is interesting to note that although I don’t know many people here, two pretty yellow-haired young ladies have expressed deep concern for all the muzzies showing up. I’ve been censored at work for my “outspoken-ness”, so to have a couple of the people who are/will be raising the next crop of Aussies onside was quite refreshing.
I look forward to part II, Darin~
Well done, Darin. Can’t wait for part II.
Thank you!
Yeah…what he said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UehMI33Ow3w
Sorry,but I don’t agree,with MGTOW I see a bunch of cranks and haters and yes,third wave feminism and the erosion of the social contract is very much to blame for the current state of affairs.
Also he doesn’t address the basal inspects of the creature-
I agree with Seneca 111.
Don’t worry,be happy….no seriously,it could save your life-