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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 1/18/25
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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News you can use – How your muscles age without exercise and how to prevent or reverse these changes.
So dust off that old 80’s mountain bike or hiking boots and get out and exercise. (KG – the lycra is optional )
I’m very relieved to hear that, Mawm.
I really do need to get more exercise, the loss of muscle tone over the past twelve months has been pretty pronounced. But sometimes we can only do what we can do…
The brain-rapidly-dying Hildebeast is attempting to convince her rapidly shrinking number of followers that Trump is an ISIS recruiter. Perhaps she hasn’t read this comment from Dabiq, the on-line ISIS propaganda magazine, latest edition.
“Even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us and usurping our Lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist UNTIL YOU EMBRACE ISlAM.” Donald may wish to explain this to her at the 1st Debate and watch her eyes roll back.
How Cannon barrels are made
Restoration of old No.40
Beautiful! That’d be very satisfying work.
‘Big Boy 4014 Steam Train: Headin’ Home Tour’
My country. Now afflicted with idiots.
The world is full of idiots.
Fascist Business Model: Reich Economics
Maybe they’ll wake up if they see the sign ‘ Arbeit macht Frei’ above the gate entrance.
Dead right Robert, just look how the left is attacking Trump Jr. for his skittles analogy. These idiots think that just because they refuse to acknowledge the analogy, we don’t understand it and will buy their interpretation.
Not satisfied with taking out whistleblowers one at a time, the Clintons have been killing people wholesale…with below potency drugs…for years.
Corrupt doesn’t even begin to describe them.
I’m watching Ray Donovan mini-series on Showdown while typing these lines (I have a dual screen set up now – Internet and TV) – and as usual Ray Donovan – “The Hollywood Fixer” is getting his client out of scandal and murder.
A light bulb went off in my head – The Clintons must have Ray Donovan as their “Fixer” because they have dodged the Law for decades while committing serial felonies to include murder and treason.
It may be years from now – but at some point HBO or Showtime are going to do a mini-series on the Clinton crime family.
….and it won’t have to be fictional.
Restaurant owner-“Muslims get out”
I think the welcome mat – if there ever was one for Muslims – is long gone in America – and I think the straw that broke the camel’s back for toleration of Muslims in this country ended in the wave of Islamic terrorism in the Homeland over the last nine years
Put simply: It’s an existentialist crisis -No Muslim can be trusted not to stick a knife in the back of an American, or bomb them, or shoot them, or run over them with a large truck, or fly a plane into their office building. The word of a Muslim NOT to do these things cannot be trusted and we have seen that even after years in America, even after taking an oath of allegiance to the Republic and becoming American citizens, they revert to their original murdering selves, as was the case recently in the Northeast.
The writing is on the wall….The Muslims either go back to their countries peacefully – or in a few years under (hopefully!) a Trump Administration they get the bum’s rush to the door.
A dose of sour grapes, or a case of “influenced thinking”? Then again, perhaps it’s geriatric dementia. George H.W. Bush is reportedly voting for the Hildabitch.
He is Mr “New World Order” and she *IS* a member of the NWO cheerleaders.
Ephesians 6:12
Scene from Gladiator
Starring Jamie as Maximus Decimus Merridius
The New World Order as Emperor Comodus
Scene: Maximus stands victorious in the arena – Comodus enters
Comodus: Why doesn’t the hero reveal himself and tell us his real name. You do have a name?
Maximus: My name is Gladiator
[Turns back on NWO]
Comodus: How dare you show your back to me! Slave! You will remove your helmet and tell me your name!
[Maximus takes a deep breath, slowly removes helmet and turns to face NWO]
Maximus: My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. soldier in the armies of the alt-right, and loyal servant to the people of New Zealand. The NWO has the blood of my ancestors on their hands and I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
[NWO is stunned – Guards step in and prepare to kill Maximus]
Crowd [outraged] chants: Live, live, live, live, live, live, [growing louder] live, live, live, live
[Commodus has no choice but to let Maximus live]
Crowd: Cheers – rapturous applause
[Maximus looks around and raises his helmet in acknowledgement to the crowd]
[Dramatic music]
Crowd and fellow gladiators chant: Maximus Maximus Maximus Maximus Maximus Maximus
Buy that man a beer!-
It seems Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt. She claims he has anger issues and is a total pothead. I had him pegged as more of a dickhead as well as a piss poor excuse for an actor. However, I suppose I’d have to self medicate if I were married to that liberal bitch.
Media B.S. – The real reason for the break up is that Brad has the hots for a little French gal who gives him good French without the language lessons.
You see, the French don’t care what they do just as long as they pronounce it correctly.
I never thought Angelina was all that hot anyway,way over rated IMO.
Pitt did well in a couple movies,Legends of the Fall was one,can’t think of the other one.
U-2 spy plane crash,one pilot killed-
Custom 32′ Ford roadster hot rod
That is very beautiful! And so clean and simple, too.
I would love to build something like that,but I have to wait until I have shop space.Too many hobbies,not enough roof is my main problem.
Don’t know about the medical aspect of the info in the link, but it sounds accurate, can anyone else verify?
I figure it’s only a matter of time before one goes off here,too many people are too fast asleep again.
Black Rifle Coffee Co.-
We need a gallon or two of that!
And the Left will say “Nothing to see here, move along.”
…or call it ‘old news’. Where is that machine-gun emoji when you need it?
Jim Jordan is a man of great personal restraint.Me I would have jumped the desk and proceeded to choke the life out of that SOB.
I have my weaknesses