Minnesota governor calls for tolerance after isis stabfest in mall.-
“I ask everyone in the St. Cloud area and throughout Minnesota to rise above this atrocity and act to make religious and racial tolerance one of the ways in which Minnesotans again lead our country,” Dayton said.
Maybe they can get the same type of tolerance Christian bakers have been receiving from the US government.
Somebody please stab this dumb c**t – he’ll be tolerant about it, obviously.
He might even apologize, gotta have tolerance and diversity, donchaknow.
Who knows, with these mendacious clowns.
*I’LL* give them “tolerance” – with a few patriots spraying around M2 heavy machineguns…….
This just in, from The Australian. (behind paywall, unfortunately):
‘Almost half of all Australians, including one-third of Greens voters, want a ban on Muslim immigrants, a poll reveals.’
Amazing, isn’t it, how the views of ordinary people are so out of synch with their political masters and babbling activists?
I read/skimmed a few articles in the mates Telegraph today. Apparently “Australia” has a child-rape problem. 12yr old wives etc etc. Then a few pages in old Turnbull’s telling the UN that Australia has upped it’s “refugee” intake 35%.
-The rapefugee thing was on him saying border control was necessary to sell the invader uptake to the punters.
I got a muslim stabbing story too: Young workmate shares his first name with a muslim who got a bit stabby (with another prick who shouldn’t be in this country) at a cafe in Sydney. And for some insane reason an ambulance was called?
No correlation. Cause and effect does not exist. Our “elected” “betters” have it all under control. Really~
“.. Our “elected” “betters” have it all under control…”
Yeah, their control in their interests.
I won’t be happy until I see some of those bastards swinging by their necks from lamp posts.
Australia…America….Britain….Germany – The Muslim story is the same:, rape, murder, crime…in short, TERRORISM!
Solution: Deport all Muslims from Western countries, or do a Crusade on them in our countries.
Yes, let’s show the terrorists some organized terror on an industrial scale.
It happens everywhere third world savages show up.
London mayor-“terror attacks part and parcel to life in big cities”
London’s mayor is a muslim asshole
It beggars belief that non-muslims voted for the creature.
A friend of mine that had visited London 20 years ago went over again last spring.He and his wife both said London had changed a lot and not for the better.Everywhere they went was packed with non westerners,the streets were noticeably dirty and the people were less open and friendly.
His wife was originally born and raised in Manchester so they went to visit some of her kin folk.They said even in the small villages things just didn’t sit right.He described it like it was a nation living under siege.
Oh well, a Yucatan Peninsula type asteroid strike will fix all of humanity’s problems, in double quick time.