Pay the utility bill,vote,launch terrorist attack

Cascade Mall shooter,here on a green card,voted in three elections illegally-

“Online voting system relies on the “honor system” guess which party affiliation he is?


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8 Responses to Pay the utility bill,vote,launch terrorist attack

  1. Ronbo says:

    What!?! I live in Washington state and in 2011 when I moved here and applied for a driver license and voter registration – which done at the same time -I was required to furnish my birth certificate to verify that I was a U.S. citizen and able to vote.

    I’ll have to check on it, but I don’t believe the state has changed the requirements, but maybe that particular county is doing some illegal crap….I wouldn’t be surprised.

    • Darin says:

      Apparently this is the online registration only.Neat way to provide a cheat.Anybody,from anywhere could vote,no citizenship required.

  2. KG says:

    And guess which way all those “refugees” the Obama administration has imported will vote….

  3. Ronbo says:

    Also, Washington state does not have polling stations… They mail you the ballot – now what could go wrong with that, especially when the state is controlled by the Democrat Party for last 50 years?

    Like Stalin said, “It’s not important how the people vote – It’s only important who counts the votes.”

  4. Contempt says:

    The voters in Washington State must be lazy. Going to a poll to vote is exciting. You see who your neighbors are and catch up with a few of them.

    Eliminate computer voting. Get back to paper ballots printed in English. Can’t read English? Go home. 🙄