Open House

And BTW:There is a new Woodpile Report up


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85 Responses to Open House

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Now I understand how the Obama Justice Department can ignore the illegal immigrant crime wave.

    • Darin says:

      Yup and I would add the crime rates for actual Caucasians are lower than for “whites” which includes many Hispanics that self identify as “white”.

    • KG says:

      Not looking good, is it?
      Globullwarming zealots will disappear and surface again with some new environment-based religion, shameless, unrepentant and still looking for a trough to stick their snouts into….

  2. Ronbo says:

    Lamestream Media – stick your polls up your ass! We are on to your dirty little trick showing the Republican presidential hopeful behind or breaking even with the Democrat candidate.

    How do I know Trump is ahead?….Let’s see….record numbers attending his rallies and only a few hundred PAID Democrats showing up for the Hildabeast…endless chatter from the Left on how terrible a president will Trump make….the threats by hundreds of big time Leftists to leave the country if Trump wins.

    These and countless other examples are not the actions of people thinking their candidate is on a winning hand. The Hildabeast is a loser…The Left is a loser in America, Europe and Latin America….nationalism on the rise!

    I’m watching live on C-Span a Trump rally in Prescott Valley, Arizona where some people waited ten hours in temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit – and after all that waiting in line, several thousand are still outside…. The fire marshal says no more inside. I’m seeing some Leftists trying to shout Trump down and getting the bums rush to the door as the crowd shouts, “USA, USA, USA!”

    • mawm says:

      The truism of “the more the left trashes and ridicules an opponent, the more they fear him (her)” certainly applies. They won with Palin but Trump has simply turned their weapon back on them.

      How anyone can turn a blind eye to Hillary’s venality, dishonesty and failure to achieve anything positive and think that she deserves to be President amazes me.

      • Ronbo says:

        The Democrat campaign for Hillary goes something like, “Trump would make a WORSE president than Hillary Clinton.”

        ….and that….my friend is hard to believe….No, impossible to believe. I still think Trump wins in a landslide.

        • mawm says:

          Nope, the Dems control the machines, and are already stuffing boxes and enrolling the dead and ineligible.

          They simply cannot afford to lose and will do whatever it takes. That in itself tells one that they do not represent ‘we, the people’.

          • Ronbo says:

            Once again, this is not a typical presidential election – it is a revolution. Okay, the Dems steal the election. Then what? Do you think more than half the country is going to say, “Well maybe 2020?” and quietly continue life. Ain’t gonna happen! Trump is not going away. 150 million highly pissed Americans are not going away. The polite days of the Tea Party protest are gone forever. The guns come out….Mark my words, civil war in the spring.

            • KG says:

              1) whites retaliate against increased black thuggery
              2) Police will be the meat in the sandwich and be targeted by both sides.
              3) National Guard vs citizens
              4) All bets are off.

              • Darin says:

                2) Police will call in sick.
                3) National Guard are citizens.
                4) Anyone want to bet Obama won’t call in foreign troops?

  3. .Alan says:

    If independents break in large numbers for Trump and there is at least a moderate increase of black and hispanic voters, he could win in a landslide. If it does not occur the DemoNcrats will prevail.

  4. Darin says:

    Canada continues to be culturally enriched-

    Migrant Violent in more Western Canadian schools Pt I

    Pt II

  5. mara the deplorable says:

    I just watched the VP debate, Kaine and Pence. It reminded me of the time a friend came visiting with his Great Dane dog. We have a little Bichon. The big dog, though alert, clearly viewed our noisy little dog with a combination of aloofness and, well, derision. No bloodshed ensued but our little chap was subdued for a bit after that. Some dogs are smarter than humans.

    • Darin says:

      I watched 10 minutes of it,then switched off.I kept wishing Pence would reach over and bitch slap Kane.

  6. Darin says:

    So we let in the ones that might be terrorists and kept out the ones that aren’t?

  7. mara the deplorable says:

    Darin “I watched 1o minutes of it.” Really? I watch every minute of what the enemy says. Why would you not have the knowledge of what the enemy does?

    • mawm says:

      Sun Tzu – “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

  8. mara the deplorable says:

    mawn, yes.

  9. KG says:

    FREE SPEECH CRACKDOWN: EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims

    • mawm says:

      “A report from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) found there was an increase in hate speech and racist violence in the UK from 2009 to March 2016. ” – Wow! They are surprised that the Brits are beginning to push back against their country being handed over to millions with a darker hue and their daughters to dirty old muslim men.

  10. KG says:

    It seems that catastrophic wind turbine fires are significantly under-reported.
    Hideous landscape-fouling bird mincers are immolating all over the place:
    Each year there are approximately 117 wind turbine fires, a major cause of wind farm failure, according to several reports from 2014. One of the major causes, outside of lightning, is overheated bearings and gearboxes. According to an article in Engineering Design Insider, “wind turbines often catch fire and burn much more frequently than is reported …”
    The report notes that a wind turbine fire can be more significant than other types of energy fires such as gas or oil, and gives the example of an Australian wind farm containing 112 turbines. “When one of them caught fire during a heat wave, the entire farm was shut down, cutting power to 63,000 homes,” said the report. “In addition, burning debris from the turbine ignited ground fires that destroyed 80,000 hectares of a national park.”
    And when they do catch fire, the suckers are too tall to extinguish…’

  11. KG says:

    ‘When transgenders can prove that they have either gotten rid of the “Y” chromosome (male-to-female) or implanted the “Y” chromosome (female-to-male), then they will truly be “transgendered.”  Until then, they are transvestites, pure and simple.’

  12. Ronbo says:

    Drudge Headlines and Links the morning after the V.P. debate:

    Pence: ‘Millions more people in poverty’ under Obama…
    CBS Moderator Repeatedly Attacks Republican in VP Debate…
    More Illegal Voters Surface in Philly…
    Most international observers ever to ‘monitor’…
    Judge won’t release drafts of Whitewater indictment…
    CLINTON: ‘I don’t recall joking about droning Julian Assange’…

    95% say Pence won the debate on the Drudge Poll, but when the Lamestream Media report later this morning will say The Dems won hands down…so predictable….It’s like the man said when the police broke into his house just after he shot his poor wife dead and was standing over her body with a smoking gun in his hand, “Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes.”

    My take is if the Dems think this election is in their bag already, then why are they reacting with increased fury and desperation? Also, note the calm and cool Pence who stood back and let the Leftist children pee all over themselves. It was like Napoleon famously said, “When your enemy is in the process of destroying himself do nothing.”

    Ask yourself: who is acting like the winners and who is acting like the losers? The secret polls known only to the Dem insiders must be wildly in favor of the Republican ticket.

    • mawm says:

      Trump needs to calm down, become more “presidential”……..and let Hillary get on with destroying herself. He could take a leaf out of Pence’s book because he is becoming his own worst enemy (with the help of the MSM of course).

      • Darin says:

        He needs to learn to pivot just like the Clintons do.Turn their own tactics against them.For that matter he needs advice from Mike Pence.

  13. Gregoryno6 says:

    As I recall, the Australian Bullshitters Collective ran this much of Trump’s reply:
    “When you talk about the mental health problems when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of folks in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can’t handle it.”
    I thought Hell, Donald, that’s a bit unkind. I should have known there was more to it.

  14. KG says:

    Fucking bureaucrats – this crap won’t end until a few of the swine are made to pay personally for their decisions and policies.
    Personally as in some busted kneecaps and destroyed property. Make their lives a bloody misery. It won’t take many before the rest of the parasites get the message.

    • Darin says:

      And all it would take is a few phone calls from several council members to the folks at IAG. Squeaking wheels get oiled,it’s disgraceful that the council wouldn’t even pick up the phone to lift a finger.

  15. Jamie says:

    Good Ol’ Remus – Bloke’s too old to die young now….

  16. Michael in Nelson says:

    AlfonZo is on target again. I’ve watched his videos when he did them under ‘Zo Nation’

  17. KG says:

    GREAT comments under this bullshit opinion piece in NZ Stuff “news”:
    ‘Antonio Guterres, another male UN chief: ‘Maybe next time, said feminists the world over – again’…’–again

    • mawm says:

      Another diehard communist and failed head of UNHCR.

      The left never gives up!

      • KG says:

        Indeed..and Daniel Flitton, the author of this idiotic piece?
        ‘Daniel Flitton is senior correspondent for The Age covering foreign affairs and politics.’
        The Age, of course, being a fact-challenged Aussie lefty rag that’s dying as we speak…

  18. KG says:

    Lord help us…

  19. KG says:

    The pic won’t display properly on Gecko’s Macbook, she has to right-click on an icon to view it. And I can’t make it any smaller. Hopefully nobody else has the problem.

  20. Michael in Nelson says:

    How to properly handle a ‘scary clown (I’m sure Hiswiseangel already knows)

  21. KG says:

    It’s no exaggeration:
    Coulter: Election ‘Will Determine Survival of Western Civilization’

  22. mawm says:

    Obama taking in as many ‘refugees’ as he can with the threat of a Trump Presidency looming. Bastard scumbag POS!

    Obama State Department bringing refugees in at the astronomical rate of over 400 a day!

    “This refugee crisis response has not ever been put before the American people and our Congress has also given up any semblance of oversight as we voluntarily cede our control over the entire budget process to the new Sovereign in the executive branch,”Brat adds.

    Typical scorched earth policy when the left loses power – destroy as much as you can and then blame you successor for the subsequent disaster – just like Gordon Brown and Michael Cullen.

    • Darin says:

      Obama has set the precedent however by blaming Bush for everything.In turn everything WILL be blamed on him and I am one of those who will see to it!

    • Ronbo says:

      The thing is the rape-you-gees can go back much faster than they came over – and failing to find a country to take them back – you have to remember the USA concentration camps of WW II way out West in the desert for potential security risks.

      And, yes, a Nationalist government would have the balls to do something like that – who would stop them? It’s pretty much one man rule now.

  23. KG says:

    What new sickening bollocks is this? NZ is at the forefront of what Hitchens memorably called “the Dianafication of grief”.
    ‘Learning to deserve to grieve’

    • Darin says:

      I don’t understand it myself.I feel for the parents losing their children,but to me it’s not something to stop the world over.Looking back at our ancestors and all the hardships they had to endure,but somehow they carried on anyway and here we are.
      My great grandfather on my mother side lost his first wife,who he loved dearly,but if he hadn’t kept living life and having children, I wouldn’t be here.

      I think people are losing their natural sense of continuity.It’s more than just us,we are the result of an unbroken chain that extends back to the first of our kind.Lord willing the chain will keep getting longer.