The Wikileaks Bombshell You Never Heard About

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43 Responses to The Wikileaks Bombshell You Never Heard About

  1. Gregoryno6 says:

    And the citizens’ distrust of the media just keeps on spreading… what will it take until the media realise they are digging themselves one hell of a hole?

  2. KG says:

    Good stuff! But as long as the MSM has a virtual stranglehold on information fed to the public, nothing can or will change.
    Most people still get their news from television, newspapers and online newspaper outlets.

  3. Ronbo says:

    We are moving in the direction of the old Soviet Union where the media was controlled by the Communist Party….No news – just propaganda 24/7.

    In fact, as the latest WikiLeaks confirms what we patriots have suspected for decades in the USA – The Lamestream Media is the PR firm for the Democrat Party and staffed by so-called journalists who just happen to be assigned to the media jobs – another ominous parallel with the old Soviet Union where Communist Party membership was required for employment.

    Speaking of things ominous, Rush Limbaugh believes that if Hillary is elected, the Democrat Party will go full bore totalitarian under her and do away with the Republican Party, as even a rump RINO opposition would be unacceptable.

    The next move would be to silence AM talk radio now dominated by Rightists such as Limbaugh – and censorship Red Chinese style of the Internet and shutdown all opposition blogs and websites.

    Fox News? Gone With The Wind.

    Ein Volk, Ein Fuhrer, Ein Amerika

  4. mara the deplorable says:

    Gregorhryn06, fuck that’s a horrible name to have to type. I’ve looked at it a few times but my eyes are a still a bit crossed in working it out. I’ll get back to what you said. Eventually.

  5. KG says:

    Drudge report:

    Releases Another 1,000 Emails From Podesta…
    How Saudi Arabia And Qatar ARE Funding ISIS…
    UNIVISION chief urged Clinton to hit harder…
    CNBC John Harwood Advises Campaign [And he was debate moderator?!]…
    NYT Gave Hillary Veto Power On Quotes!
    BOSTON GLOBE coordinated to max her ‘presence’ in paper…
    BRAZILE BUSTED: DNC Chief Shared CNN Town Hall Questions…
    Used Benghazi as distraction from email scandal…
    State Dept Coordinated Email Release…

  6. Ronbo says:

    The latest WikiLeaks may be a bombshell for many Americans, but, as said before, it’s only confirmation and evidence for long time patriots like myself, who could see by the actions of the Left there was coordination going on at the highest level.

    Also, as I said before, the best way – in my never humble opinion – to get the public attention is to compare the Government-Democrat Party -Media Axis with the late Soviet Union’s Communist Party domination of the same institutions.

    The late Soviet Union reborn, heh? IT’S ALIVE!

    Chilling thought that, especially as yours truly is high on the Leftist Shit List.

  7. Ronbo says:

    Speaking of coordination at the highest levels of Government-Media-Party – It would appear the RINO herd was in on the putsch against Trump last weekend. This from Free Republic:

    TWITTER) Insider Says GOP Coup Attempt Thwarted ^

    Posted on ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2016‎ ‎10‎:‎14‎:‎12‎ ‎PM by TigerClaws

    @JackPosobiec SCOOP: The DC Beltway is livid at Trump today. House staffers are telling me they all actually thought Trump would drop out this weekend

    RNC leaders were telling members that after the tape leaked that Trump would drop out so they all needed to unendorse him first

    So now its chaos, members were told Trump was dropping and Pence was taking over so that’s why so many publicly attacked Trump

    But now Trump is staying in, and after his strong debate performance and solid support levels they are worried they just screwed themselves

    The establishment plan was Pence would take the top of the ticket, lose, and then run Ryan-Rubio 2020. But Trump thwarted the coup attempt

  8. Ronbo says:

    The end of the Republican Party if Trump loses?

    It looks like the Democrats won’t get the chance to kill the elephant.

    More from Free Republic:


    Indeed. If Trump loses, I’ll never vote for another Republican as long as I live.
    If Trump loses, the GOP is dead. Millions of us will never vote for anyone from the GOP ever again. There’s no point anyway: the ones we’ve elected already have done nothing but stab us in the back, so why bother installing another batch of back-stabbers just so they can feast on the taxpayer-purchased caviar, wild-caught shrimp, and wild-caught smoked salmon served at all of those D.C. parties.

    • Darin says:

      Right and count me double in that sentiment Ron.

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      A split seems inevitable. The GOPers and NeverTrumpers leapt on that ‘pussy’ like it was gold. Just the excuse they needed to wash their hands of that awful man.
      When the citizens wash their hands, though, those Republicans will be the detritus going down the sinkhole.

  9. mara the deplorable says:

    Gregoryn06, apologies, my caretaker just shouldertapped me and said I need new and better spectatulars. It’s a bugger getting old. Cheers.

  10. Contempt says:

    It amazes me how I read on fb females who say Trump “scares me.” But they probably mean this in the same way I feel about Hillary. Next time Trump calls a prepresser do you think the press will be too pussyfied to show up? That was a solid gold dump on the press. Number one on the hit parade!

    Make America great again. You da Man Trump.

  11. Ronbo says:

    I’m looking at the accuracy of Rasmussen, the alleged gold standard in polling; however, I find that in 2012 – the gold standard bearer and master poll – called Romney the winner. The excuse they gave for falling flat on their face was that the black vote for Obama was two percent higher than they thought possible.

    Today I noticed that Trump is running four points behind the Hildabeast this morning, but is he really? I mean every Trump rally turns people away….In the small Florida city of Melbourne, for example, population 100,000 – Trump holds a rally at the airport and over 25,000 show up!

    In marked contrast, when the Hildabeast holds a rally she is lucky to have 200-300 show up – and we know that many of her attendees have been paid to come to her rallies.

    I submit that even the one objective polling organization – Rasmussen – out there with a track record of making the right calls on presidential elections has no idea what the actual pro-Trump poll numbers are what they are because their formula says at most 60% of whites will vote for him….but what if 65% show up at the polls for Trump?

    Then there are the blacks who usually vote 95% for the Democrat candidate – especially if he’s black as is Obama….but will the same numbers vote for Hillary? Doubtful. Also, Trump courted the black vote – unlike Romney and Bush – who wrote them off – What if 10% of the blacks vote for Trump?

    My point is that it ain’t over until it’s over.

    Trump is still standing after a major attempt at a coup by the RINO Establishment and the Democrat Party.

    Like Nietzsche said, “That which does not destroy us makes us stronger.”

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      The Brexit result was a surprise to many in the polling profession, too.
      Back in 2013, here in the Great South Land, two million Labor voters changed sides to give Tony Abbott a 13 seat majority (which his idiot usurper Turnbull turned into a 1-seat majority and an even more unfriendly Senate, but that’s another story). The polls gave no indication of that large a swing.
      My gut reaction now is that when a conservative candidate is within 5-6 points of a ‘progressive’ candidate, that conservative is actually ahead out there among the voters. The pollsters probably see that in their figures but can’t bring themselves to say it plain so they massage the results.
      Am I accusing polling organisations of dishonesty? Damn straight. I’m tired of seeing ‘Labor Leads’ stories on the basis of a poll that covered a couple of thousand people. And on the two occasions I’ve been contacted by polls I’ve been told both times that ‘we’ve filled our quota of respondents in your age group, thanks and goodbye.’

  12. KG says:

    The superb Katie Hopkins:
    ‘So Trump is (a very flawed) human – big deal. I’d rather be grabbed by the p**** than governed by one
    ..If he fails, it will be he failed to be be duplicitous enough to be part of the Establishment regular Americans simply cannot stand..’

    • Ronbo says:

      It looks like the Left went “A Bridge Too Far” on this selective outrage over “PUSSYGATE”, as they are being pounded with endless examples of their locker room talk directed against their opponents via the Internet 24/7.

      This was done in the first place not because the Left was really upset about Trump’s pussy remarks; rather it was done to start a GOP coup against Trump to have him booted off the GOP ticket early this week.

      The final blow was to have been delivered by Hillary at the debate Sunday….

      Failure…Big time Leftist FAILURE!.

  13. Contempt says:

    Please Trump win big. How can his rallies attract so many Americans and lose? No more Bushes No more Clintons no more insanity no more corruption no more Paul Ryan bitches no more hipocrites no more greed no more PuSsYs swig two bottles of magnesium citrate and sit on it!

    Am I sick of this shit? No. Gotta get past these shitholes and make America great again.

    OH!! Mylie Cyrus is looking for NZ real estate with a moat, gun ports and a 6000 foot runway. Mawm can you assist?

  14. KG says:

    NZ media wankers – again:
    ‘Trump poses global danger
    Top UN human rights official says the world’s in danger if Donald Trump is President….’

    Who gives a fuck what the U.N. “human rights official” thinks? In a sensible world, the prick would be swinging by the neck.

    • Ronbo says:

      United Nation “Human Rights,” heh?

      Would that be the same outfit that rapes women and small boys on their “Peace Keeping” missions?

      • Yokel says:

        Remember that the UN Human Rights Commission has been taken over by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. The necessary consequence is that the only “Human Rights” that they will now push are those compatible with the full implementation of Sharia. In particular watch out for the assault on freedom of speech that will come from the gradual introduction of the sharia blasphemy codes.

    • Cadwallader says:

      I detest the UN and the motives behind its establishment. It amuses me how the opposers of the TPPA banged on about how it would remove national sovereignty while forgetting the larceny of sovereignty the creation of the UN gab-fest effected. Seriously: WTF has the UN ever achieved?

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      I’d like to think that future generations will mark this as the beginning of the end for the UN.

        • KG says:

          From Gregory’s link:
          ‘A newly elected senator has used his first speech to call for Australia to take inspiration from the UK’s Brexit and leave the United Nations.

          Senator Malcolm Roberts was elected by Queensland as a member of the anti-immigration One Nation party.

          He believes climate change is a global conspiracy created by bankers seeking to establish a worldwide government.

          Mr Roberts told the Senate “We need an OzExit” to escape the “unelected swill” of the UN.

          “Australia’s values and way of life are also at risk from insidious institutions such as the unelected swill that is the United Nations,” he said….’

  15. Darin says:

    Joe Scarbro and Mika Brzezinski make an honest admission,shockingly on MSNBC-

  16. Ronbo says:

    THE SMOKING GUN: Hillary Clinton is a traitor and serial felon.

    “Book ‘er Dan’l – Treason 1st Degree.”