Enriching our culture:

‘He didn’t know the boy didn’t want to be raped’ court throws out migrant child sex charge

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34 Responses to Enriching our culture:

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    Two fuckers ought to be swinging from a lamp post now!

  2. MacDoctor says:

    Just popping off for a quick vomit…

  3. Gregoryno6 says:

    All I can say is, enormous credit to the boy for calling in the cops.
    As for the appeals judge, well, I daresay the karma bus will find him one day.

  4. mara the deplorable says:

    In the same vein, the latest Trump victim was living in her monastic cell, reciting her prayers on a cold stone floor at 4am when a “gasp” man entered her safe space. Give me a bloody break.

  5. KG says:

    http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_unsure.gif And the ratbastard media’s peddling it as a horrifying “fact”…..

  6. Brown says:

    Still, be grateful its only one out of culture offence. Oh, wait while I check that …

  7. mara the deplorable says:

    A little boy has his arse ripped open and a Judge says “no case.” I cannot believe this. I really can not. What the hell is going on? I’m old so I probably give up.

  8. Ronbo says:

    This happens all the time in Afghanistan, I’ve read….The American troops say they can’t sleep at night in the villages because the boys are crying while being raped. A brave sergeant beat the crap out of one of the rapists – and he was court martialed by the U.S. Army for assault and battery.

    The world is turned upside down…

  9. Darin says:

    I am assuming the boys father is either non-existent,or has been de-balled by the left.If that were my child the pos rapist would die screaming :evil:

  10. KG says:

    “If that were my child the pos rapist would die screaming ”
    Either we, as Western men, start meting out justice ourselves or we end up as de-balled slaves. (Which is – it seems – exactly what millenial females would like.)
    Time for some extra-judicial killing.

  11. KG says:

    ‘Outrage as Cologne New Year’s Eve Sex Attacks Wiped from Crime Record’
    an interesting line from the report:
    ‘The SPD politician explained: “The police will count each attack, in which there is no evidence that the perpetrator has no right wing motivation, [as a right-wing hate crime] in the statistics.”…’


  12. fish153 says:


    • KG says:

      Yep, you read that right, O fishy one. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wink.gif Any attack with an unknown motive is now by default a right-wing hate crime.
      Hard to think of better way to encourage false flag attacks.

  13. KG says:

    ‘…The Swedish Migration Board now keeps the location of migrant centres confidential – a decision made after a note was posted on the door of a hotel housing migrants in north Sweden saying: “This is the last warning. Leave our town.”..
    ..But not everyone is hostile – Lutheran Bishop Eva Brunne called on churches in Sweden to remove crosses so it didn’t offend Muslims, which was met with an almighty backlash…’
    ‘UN plan for unlimited migration…’
    Let loose the dogs of war.

  14. mara the deplorable says:

    To my mind, uncontrolled, ongoing border invasion is cause for retaliation; in saner times it used to be the case because the people understood the need for it. These days snowflakes know nothing of history and if anyone pressed upon them any sense of reality it they’d be sacked.

  15. KG says:

    ‘Thousands of migrants taken to Italy after EU coastguard rescues them from Libyan coast
    THOUSANDS of migrants were rescued just off the Libyan coast and taken to Italy over the weekend…’

    So it’s a free shuttle service for the fuckers, straight from the M.E. into Europe. Is any more evidence of the lawless malevolence of the ruling class bureaucracrats and politicians necessary?

  16. PC says:

    Has the world gone mad? How on earth could a 10 year old boy possibly consent to that barbarity? A Muslim’s “sexual emergency” trumps a kid’s life? What a sickening state of affairs.

  17. KG says:

    Completely O/T:
    This trivial gossipy shit passes for “news” in the NZ media.
    ‘Ex TV3 host’s pregnancy ‘shock’
    10:19 AM Broadcaster Carly Flynn is still “getting her head around” her third pregnancy’

    Yep, the world’s gone mad.

  18. KG says:

    Outrage as US town votes unanimously to BAN Syrian refugees due to ‘poor vetting system’

  19. Darin says:

    Watch the insanity at your own risk,college proff takes on stupid SJW’s-


  20. KG says:

    Have a slice of irony:
    ‘Leading global warming scientist dies in snowmobile accident’