Generation Snow Flake-Stuck on Stupid

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17 Responses to Generation Snow Flake-Stuck on Stupid

  1. Ronbo says:

    “Comrades: I am pleased to report that we in Academia have achieved nearly 100% of our brainwashing targets for Generation Snowflake! This is a great triumph for Big Brother! See you at the two minute Trump hate at noon!”

  2. KG says:

    God help us! Because these dumb bastards certainly can’t. :evil:
    They’re parasites, living of the achievements of previous generations, too uninformed to know how stupid they are and full of the arrogance of ignorance.

  3. Pascal says:

    I did what I recommended. This is the wallpaper on my smartphone. It appears to have had the desired emotional impact on one young woman who previously said she was voting for Gary Johnson.

    • andy5759 says:

      Have you got used to seeing that image light up each time your wife calls? Have you grown accustomed to pressing that vile image to your cheek as you whisper sweet nothings to your wife? Only joking Pascal. Getting a nighttime call with that lit up would truly get me into the Halloween spirit, I’d shi* meself.

      • Pascal says:

        We’ve all got sacrifices to make. This is far smaller than living under her after her seeming inevitable steal. If this sways enough voters and cheaters into voting against her it will be worth it.

        As for the horror — you got that right. This year they could’ve held election day on Oct 31 and nearly everybody would understand. But even our overlords haven’t gotten that obvious yet. They’re waiting until after she’s anointed (and dissolve into a puddle if this were Oz).

  4. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile, “The Already Defeated Donald Trump” draws a monster crowd of 20, 000 to 50,000to his rally in Tampa, Florida- but one of the “Victors” draws 30 people to his rally that was covered by the Lamestream Media.

    I have a question: Since WikiLeaks has documented the Big Media-Democrat Party association – WHY WOULD ANYONE BELIEVE ONE OF THEIR OBVIOUSLY RIGGED POLLS?