Thank God! No really!

It’s an answer to a lot of prayers,time we give credit where credit is due.Giving thanks for mercy!

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16 Responses to Thank God! No really!

  1. KG says:

    “You can never stop rolling that rock….”
    Indeed. And we never will.

  2. Contempt says:

    Now boarding for Orgy Island. Last call!! All aboard for Orgy Island. Final call Last call Now boarding for Orgy Island. Special discounts in the Shop. Free replacement blinders. Free dark glasses. Free walking canes. Lasssstttt Callllll get aboard now for Orgy Island.

    Guarantee much more will be opened concerning infiltration, corruption and who knows WHAT among our non-Deplorable citizens.

    I Love Being a Deplorable among very many Deplorables. Feels good. The High Road is the hard road.

    • Contempt says:

      Via a secret back channel, HarvardPotatoHead tells me he has been offered a service position at Orgy Island NOT ThAT kind!!damn. He tells me it’s a booking agency appealing to Constitutional Scholars, celebrities, Madonna, Miley Cyrus and disbarred Atturnees. I told Harvard to decline the offer.

  3. MikeH. says:


  4. Carole says:

    Thank you America. You may well have saved Western Civilisation. My prayers now
    are to keep the Trump family safe.

  5. Gregoryno6 says:

    In other news – no confirmation yet of rumours that Vince Foster voted for HRC fifteen times across six states.

      • Ronbo says:

        ….and I wonder how many other dead Democrats voted in New York state and California where the Dems own the voting booths…Five million? ….six million? Hillary may win the popular vote, but not without millions of dead Democrats voting for her.

        • Gregoryno6 says:

          For a long time I didn’t vote, believing that line that ‘if voting could change anything, they’d make it illegal.’
          Put that one to bed forever now.
          If voting is pointless… why is there so much industry put into rigging votes?

          • Darin says:

            I think in the US anyway our method of voting,the time allowed and the penalty for violating the people’s trust should all be changed.

            I think we need a national voter registry of some sort.I know for decades there have been many “snowbirds” that live up north,but also own property down south that vote twice every election.Florida and Southern Georgia were famous for that.IIRC the 2000 election there were an estimated 60,000 double votes in one Florida alone.

  6. Ronbo says:

    As I predicted the Left is going postal against Victor Trump, especially here on the West Coast – riots in San Diego, San Francisco, L.A. and – of course – Seattle.

    In fact, the disorder in Seattle happened only about three blocks from my apartment building in the traditional Northwest Riot Place – better known as Westlake Park – which is to Seattle what Central Park is to NYC.

    This riot happened when I was asleep….and I don’t smell any smoke – so guess they didn’t torch my apartment building.

  7. Ronbo says:


    The Clintons can be arrested and go to prison even if pardoned by Obama:

    “And for those of you who will be quick to respond that Obama will simply pardon the Clintons, you will only be partially correct.  He can pardon them for federal offenses.  However, he has no authority to pardon them for future federal offenses, from state offenses, or from civil lawsuits arising from their corrupt behaviors.  That reality leaves a lot of prosecutorial and litigation doors open to a pair of grifters with a long list of political enemies.”

    • Darin says:

      I bet Obama doesn’t give a chit about the Clinton’s and as usual will only be worried about his own hide.