Get the Popcorn ready!

“Delegates are Terrified” at UN Marrakech Climate meeting after Trump win.

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39 Responses to Get the Popcorn ready!

  1. KG says:

    ‘..Trump also appeared to back away from his promise to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, over her use of a private email server. Trump made such a promise during the second presidential debate against Clinton during a rhetorical duel that ended with Trump saying if he was president, “you’d be in jail.”
    …”I don’t want to hurt them, I don’t want to hurt them,” Trump said. “They’re, they’re good people. I don’t want to hurt them.”..’

    Who got to him? And with what?

    • mara the deplorable says:

      KG, I share your fear. What the fuck is going on? Trump is either a genius or an idiot. He got the big job but I am still nervous.

      • KG says:

        I’m nervous too, Mara. And so, I suspect, are a whole lot of conservatives.

        • Darin says:

          Reince Priebus is the most likely suspect,he is an establishment goon after all.

          • mawm says:

            Put in there by the RNC to control him. There are such mixed messages coming from Ryan, etc. that I fear the GOP Senate and Congress are going to stonewall him. Lame duck.

            • Darin says:


              • MikeH. says:

                Fuck that sorry ass, lying son of a bitch. Not even sworn in yet and already his bulldog mouth is being betrayed by his humming bird balls, in true political fashion.

                I knew he wasn’t going to be the answer to all the problems in America, but I surely didn’t expect this.

    • K2 says:

      I remember Reagan being called out as a “sell out” by conservatives. Some how his legacy survived that. There’s going to be compromise so get used to it. Good negotiators demand a huge bunch of stuff that’s clearly not going to happen and then settle for far more than they would have gotten if it had been a straight exchange. There are important things for Trump to do.
      1. Close the border. Deport illegals. Reform immigration.
      2. Appoint 2 (3?) SCOTUS judges who are Scalia level constitutionalists.
      3. Bring back manufacturing jobs.

      If trading off putting the Clintons in jail helps in part to accomplish those I’m for it. Hopefully he’ll use it as a bargaining chip and not just a sop to the “feel good” media.

      • Pascal says:

        This is not Reagan nor the circumstances in which he came into office. Reagan had a hostile Congress that forced him to compromise. This time both houses of Congress and the Prez are R in name at least. There are still too many GOPe traitors Progs that need to be nudged aside (and they know how to shove back mere nudges).

        Before I go on, the primary downside to one-sided rule is when the Rs write policy that goes bottom up, then they get the whole blame, and that is before the SSM propaganda unit paints it far worse than it might be. In fact we can expect Progs to insert exactly such poison into legislation so that Trump fails. We must spot these when we see them and scream about them — and expect to have our blogs inflitrated by Progs intending to shut us down just so Donald fails.

        And that’s before the worries over Trump himself. C’mon, you know that if the Donald starts to lean back in the direction of his former lib self, we are in for Hillary lite, and that is surely fiscal and societal disaster and will be courting electoral disaster in 2 years.

        So when Trump starts laying down who will fill adminstrative positions, and they are filled with the very swamp creatures he was voted in to rid us of, we have a problem. If we simply let him do it without us screaming louder than the Dems do for no reason, we will be fed the same old shit, only perhaps moving more sloth-like. The Trump admin will be Jeb Bush without the dynasty baggage.

    • Magoo says:

      Nobody got to Trump, he’s always been a Democrat and is a New York liberal. Here he is admitting it:

      He’ll renege on a whole bunch of promises, and the ones he doesn’t renege on will be watered down until they’re a weak imitation of what he promised. The only thing he will fight hard against is the climate change conjob, so I suppose that’s one thing at least.

  2. KG says:

    8O How many divisions does Angela have?
    ‘German officials order Donald Trump NOT to ignore Putin’s actions over Crimea and Syria’

  3. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    And so they should be terrified. Terrified of unemployment.

  4. GW says:

    Trump is doing all the right things on Climate Change so far. You might find this of interest.

    As to anything Trump says between now and Jan. 20, 2017, take it with a grain of salt. I would be willing to bet that he is posturing. As to Hillary and the special prosecutor, the reality is that the more he appears determined to convict her, the more likely a blanket pardon is from Obama.

    It is the same with Obamacare. The progs are in rapturous vapors because Trump said, after speaking with Obama, that perhaps all of Obamacare did not need to be repealed. But two ideas that Obamacare put into law were ones that were always going to be part of any replacement plans — i.e., risk pools for uninsurables and children carried forward to age 26 on parents plans. So, Trump, in order to toss the prog left some tiny bone for them to bite on could allow the Obamacare name to stand and let those two provisions stand while gutting and replacing everything else. It’s six of one, half a dozen of another. The difference in the two scenarios is that, in scenario one, Trump stands atop the corpses of the prog left surrounded by heads on pikes, in scenario two, the progs are given a few crumbs to make them grateful.

  5. Ronbo says:

    Trump also appeared to back away from his promise to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, over her use of a private email server. Trump made such a promise during the second presidential debate against Clinton during a rhetorical duel that ended with Trump saying if he was president, “you’d be in jail.”

    “She did some bad things, I mean she did some bad things,” Trump said, to which Stahl responded, “I know, but a special prosecutor?”

    “I don’t want to hurt them, I don’t want to hurt them,” Trump said. “They’re, they’re good people. I don’t want to hurt them.”


    Well, all I got to say if Trump does not prosecute the arrogant, corrupt, stupid, criminal, degenerate and treasonous Clinton scumbags Bill and Hill, he will find his legacy shit, his support from the right running on empty and his presidency limited to one term. THIS WAS A KEY CAMPAIGN PROMISE! Over and over his supporters shouted in rally after rally, ” LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP!”

    I thought Trump understood that he was leader of a revolution – and not business as usual lying political promises broken before he gets into office and may find himself doing a repeat of Robespierre’s short tenure as a revolutionary leader.

  6. Gregoryno6 says:

    Trump’s hint that he might softpedal Hillary seems more a pragmatic move for the here and now. Clinton’s army of the (brain)dead are still throwing their hissy fit. Trump could well be angling to take some heat out of that situation.
    Sure, he could stand up and say “I promised I’d put that rotten bitch in jail and God help me I will!” and that would be petrol on the flames. It might also incite those on his own side who are just waiting for a signal from the boss. Trump has a lot more on his side who support the Second Amendment; a counter protest could quickly become a bloodbath.
    Trump is an experienced businessman, and that’s one of the reasons he was supported. Real-world experience. He knows how to handle people. Let’s not assume that he’s instantly become a pussified puppet.
    There’s one other possibility, and maybe you have to be a sadistic bastard like me to appreciate it: cat and mouse. Playing with your food.
    After all that vilification, that mockery, that wholesale dismissal – if I’d been through that, I might relax by fucking with somebody’s head too.

    • Ronbo says:


      “A cat playing with his dinner mouse?”

      COULD BE!

      “Yes, Bill & Hill…Stand down! …Relax…Don’t ask Obama for a pardon. This would be so politically incorrect. You’re good people (barf)…BE HAPPY!”

      …and then in March or April when Bill & Hill are feeling so safe and warm at their New York estate appoint a special prosecutor with orders to nail their hides to the barn door.

  7. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile, Marine Le Pen speaks of a “Global Revolution” –

    Interestingly, my humble little blog is getting all kinds of hits from France – a country that heretofore – was little noted in my stats. I can just imagine the hits larger website are getting that focus on Trump….

    Late 18th century redux? America goes revolutionary and a few years later the French rebel as well? Stay tuned.

  8. Contempt says:

    I expect Trump will do all he can when he can. The purpose being to keep it together. His build a wall “that high” was wry humor and many of us knew that. The Republican Party is not mine. I voted for Trump not them. They are proven talkers not doers. This election is a HEAR US no more no less. Issues may clear up on their own and do. Main thing for me is law & order.

    Trust my friends in NZ are ok. 😳

  9. .Alan says:

    My guess is that Trump is waiting to see how the Clinton foundation investigation plays out with the FBI. Probably no resolution will be reached until after the Obama administration is well clear of the white house. If charges are recommended after that, there will be a new ATJ, possibly Rudi Giuliani, and it is well known what he thinks of the Clintons.

  10. mawm says:

    Several things:-

    1 Trump should allow justice to pursue its course re Clinton’s emails and the Foundation. He must not be seen to be vindictive.

    2 Everybody and his dog is out to get Trump and it is all nothing other than typical socialist hatred for those who don’t worship at the same alter. Don’t believe all you read.

    3 Trump is setting things up and has made some good moves like Brannon as special advisor.

    The way I see it Trump must do the following things:-

    1 Use the current laws to stop illegals and deport the criminals ASAP. No need for Ryan/Congress to help!

    2 Gut Obamacare. I’m not quite sure how he’s going to handle the issue of preexisting conditions now that so many have come off their previous insurance plans. This will have to be sorted out between the Admin, insurance providers and the actuaries.

    3 Hobble the EPA starting with climate change. Then while he’s at it depoliticise the bureaucracy, IRS and any others in the alphabet.

    4 Start dialogue with Russia and China to de-escalate global conflict potential.

    5 Expose the Obama-Iran deal and let Iran know they will not get away with anything.

    6 Set the economy in motion. He has indicated what he wants – he must now do it. This must include The Fed, and Wall St and the “rich’s” political interference.

    7 Let Nato know that the US will not support the warmongering done by the EU or back them up militarily when Putin bloodies their nose.

    8 Move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem thereby letting the ‘Palestinians’ know that he’s wise to their game (and giving the UN a big finger at the same time).

    9 Get out of Syria (and tell Erdogan to FO at the same time) and all the other wars Obama is fighting.

    Most of these are simple and fall in with his campaign promises.

      • Contempt says:

        Mawm, here’s a question,”are we (military) fighting for American freedom in Afghanistan and other places? Are we fighting for our freedom?” Bush once said in 06/07 we’re fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here (our borders wiiiide open). The duplicity is noticeable?

        So Trump has a pile of stuff to sort. I’m thinking and hoping his plans were made long ago. He will play by the book. That is what I expect. Hope I’m still around to see it!

        • Contempt says:

          A bit chilly in Ye olde South Carolina. May have to raise the top on the lil red sports car.

  11. Oswald Bastable says:

    well, if I were in the chair, I would call on a couple of FBI advisors a step to two down from the top and tell them I would be REAL grateful if they could serve me witchypoo’s head on a silver platter.

    I’m sure the first advice they would give me is not to make a move that could be pardoned by the outgoing cockroach. They would probably advise me to cosy up to the opposition

    Next, they would have time to gather, PROTECT and compile the evidence.

    Then, I would want the names of any staffers that were collaborators, so they could be posted so close to the arctic circle, that ten steps in any direction would have them headed south.

    Only then would the prosecution commence.