If you’re gonna leave,leave,don’t talk.

Deloitte warns it will move business out of Britain if May cracks down on immigration.


“Mr Sproul said that their ability to recruit the brightest and the best from outside of the EU was vital to their success.”

Can’t hire native born Brits?


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4 Responses to If you’re gonna leave,leave,don’t talk.

  1. Ronbo says:

    Of course, but only if they accept a small salary in cash and off the books, which the guys from India thinks are big bucks.

    In the States we call this sort of employment working under the table – and for the employer if works Jim Dandy – no healthcare to pay for, no tax man involved, no vacation time to pay for….

    Another technique is “Contractor” – the employer pays you to accomplish a “contract” – and that’s it.

  2. K2 says:

    Ronbo +1.

    ADD: Hiring native born engineers and scientists would require first reforming the US education system – which has been occupied by the teacher union left for a generation. Additionally, US colleges expanded hugely during the baby boom but this was followed by a demographic dip when the BBoomers stopped having as many children. Instead of the obvious course of cutting back, they invited in Chinese and Indian students who had gone through cut throat high pressure prep schools to fill the slots and beat out all but the elite of the elite native students. I have no doubt this is what’s happening in Europe as well. I would suggest to tech companies that finding and supporting traditional high level private schools would be one way of keeping their tech world class while also reducing tech transfer to places like China.

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    I’ve seen something similiar. I’m a bookkeeper-Accountant, someone called me up saying we can give you accounts assistants. They explained that by using them, I would pay a quarter of what I would pay an Australian accountant. This probably explains why business is not so great, why use Warren’s services when we can get someone from the Phillipines for less. What goes around comes around.