Open House

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121 Responses to Open House

  1. KG says:

    columnist for The Australian:
    Angela Shanahan
    ‘Sharia, as used to govern the rubrics of Islam in Australia, poses no threat to our democratic laws.’
    Is it all too complicated for this stupid cow?

    • Alan says:

      Not until they come raping her daughter or beheading her son. Even then she would be too thick to understand..

      • Darin says:

        Obviously it would be some deep rooted islamophobia they harbored that would be at fault,probably Trump’s fault.

  2. Darin says:

    How about we stretch it into a long week?

    All card carrying members of C.U.N.T. -Can’t Understand Normal Thinking.

  3. Darin says:

    Prusa 3D printers making parts for more 3D printers

  4. Ronbo says:

    The big news this morning in the States is the Left is pulling out all its many weapons against the Trumpster in a desperate last ditch attempt to stop the Trump Blitz aimed at reversing 100 years of Progressive legislation in one year.

    Yes, the witches too. I didn’t know there were INTERNATIONAL commie witches…In fact, I thought in politics witches were neutral and cursed both sides.

    Little did I know….

  5. Ronbo says:

    Breaking News: Democrats elect former Obama Labor Secretary Tom Perez as national party chairman.

    What does this mean?

    The Stalinist Democrats of the Party Establishment defeat the upstart Maoist wing of the Party led by Ellison.

    Question: Why don’t the Democrats rename themselves as the Communist Party, USA?

    • Darin says:

      Name is already taken and the Communists are far too conservative for their tastes.

    • tranquil says:

      Darn it. I was hoping that they’d elect Ellison. With him being a Muslim, I think he’d be a much easier person to attack.
      I know nothing about Perez. Does he have any obvious vulnerabilities?

      • KG says:

        Other than the obvious – being a lefty he must be mentally deficient – nothing that I know of, Tranquil.
        But there’ll be something, you may be sure.

  6. KG says:

    ‘Starbucks Brand Crashes After Announcement of Plan to Hire 10,000 Muslim ‘Refugees’..’
    I’ve said for a long time that the most potent weapon we have is the boycott.

  7. Ronbo says:

    Drudge Headline and Link:

    What the surprise?

    Trump does not play in room full of Leftist scumbags with daggers in their hands, guns in their pants and bombs in their backpacks.

  8. Darin says:

    Alan Colmes died this week,he was a liberal,but he was also a decent man who donated much of his time to helping others in need.That didn’t stop the unhinged lunatic left over at Slate from trashing him.Here is Sean Hannity’s response-

    “Only mean soulless assholes could ever write and print something this viscious, cruel, and heartless. You r so ignorant, wrong, and hateful”

    Ignorant,wrong and hateful,Sean has their number alright!

    • KG says: Is the worm beginning to turn, Gregory? It’s beginning to look that way, despite a couple of dreadful Trump appointments to his Administration.
      His most dangerous opponents aren’t the screeching celebrimorons, though. The most dangerous are deep inside the Republican Party.

      • Gregoryno6 says:

        The celebrimorons (weren’t they invaders in a 50s movie?) have focused a discontent among the entertainment public that’s been simmering for a number of years. More movies on more screens have kept the revenue good – along with higher ticket prices. But the actual number of tickets sold has declined by 25% since the turn of the century. At this rate Meryl Streep’s next Golden Globe will be a ball in the Saturday night lottery draw.
        The Republican swine are a different affair, and as you say, KG, much more dangerous.As for the dud appointments – you know, just about every so-called disaster during his campaigning turned into a positive for Trump. Flynn was a loss, but it also exposed a heap of shenanigans and brought a few maggots into the light.

        • KG says:

          All good points, Gregory and I forgot a couple of them.
          :oops: Blame it on age. :lol:

          • Ronbo says:

            Like my wise old Dad used to say, “Son, if you want to know the truth follow the money.”

            Hollywood crowd are Leftist speakers and activists are raving Bolsheviks for one reason and one reason only: MONEY.

            If they don’t endorse the party line they get bad press, no movie contracts, lose millions, and their careers.

            A man is always loyal to his bread and butter.

  9. Ronbo says:

    This is no surprise, the destruction of the “Administrative State” is the objective Natalie Marchenko Fryberger. That’s what “Drain the Swamp” means, I thought everyone knew that. Via Bruce Hanify.

    Bannon Admits Trump’s Cabinet Nominees Were Selected To Destroy Their Agencies.
    Campaign Action At CPAC today Stephen Bannon, the Chief Advisor and intellectual heft behind the Twittering infant that sits in the Oval Office, provided a little glimpse…

  10. Ronbo says:

    There is a secret – but furious – little battle going on inside the Democrat Party, which has spilt between the Establishment/Obama/Stalinist Left Wing, and the very far Left Maoist Faction….

    Personally, I just love it when the Revolution eats its own!

    I guess we keep the assault rifles on safety and shoot the survivors when they come out of their bunker after the feast.

  11. Gregoryno6 says:

    Actor Bill Paxton has died from complications after surgery.
    A good actor. And I know SFA about his politics, for which discretion I also admire him.

    • Ronbo says:

      I enjoyed his movies and television…He was a good actor and that’s a tough profession to master. Did you ever try to act? I did back in high school and I really sucked, although my role as Captain Queeg in the Caine Mutiny Court Martial play got me rave reviews from my fellow classmates who said no one could play a nutburger as good as I could.

  12. Darin says:

    Shop tour with Paul Hamler of Hamler Tools-

  13. KG says:

    And fluffy unicorns will be given to every Swedish child….
    ‘..”Immigration does not lead to crime!’ Swedish MP attacks Trump over controversial comments…’

  14. tranquil says:

    I found this article on Tom Perez (the new Democrat Party chairman) on DiscoverTheNetworks –

    Quote – “According to the American Spectator, “Perez has overseen most of the unprecedentedly naked politicization of DOJ’s Civil Rights Division.” “

  15. Ronbo says:

    It looks like the Hildabeast and Huma were doing some very strange – even for them – things during the campaign last year.

    It involves an inhaler, a toy of some type and sacrifice night.

  16. KG says:

    “Live Free or Die”
    ‘New Hampshire: The 2nd Amendment Is Your Concealed Carry Permit’

  17. Pascal says:

    This report is more disgusting than alarming. Just read the url if you’re squeamish.

    Yes, we in the West don’t eat our victims. However, how many questions does our society (and that includes our Judeo-Christian religious leaders) ask of our medical community?

    Our medical community simply accepts body parts from those willing to take them from victims (China) and sell them to those rich and powerful enough to get a body part on demand, no questions asked.

    So when I complain that the SSM keeps trying to equate us with the muzzies, I sometimes can’t help but think that perhaps they have a point. At least the muzzies are open about their tactics.

  18. Warren Tooley says:

    Guys more good news about Trump:

    It looks like my prediction is right on track. Unemployment will be low within 6 months of him being President.

  19. tranquil says:

    Interesting evening tonight…..

    I was coming home from work and decided to tell the taxi I was in to use Garden Road (in Wellington). Bad move.

    Anyone who knows Wellington will know that Garden Road is a narrow, winding road, like a goat track. Usually (almost always) it is fine (and a good alternative to what was a jammed-up main road tonight) but there was an IDIOT camper-van driver trying to take his van down the road! He gets my “moron of the week” award. This guy caused CHAOS with cars backed up for a long way – unable to go forward OR backwards.

    Anyway – I’ve run the council and suggested that they put a “No Camper Vans” sign at each end of that road as it is completely unsuitable for big vehicles like that.

    • KG says:

      Ain’t no cure for stupidity, Tranquil. I doubt the signs will help.

      • tranquil says:

        Yeah, you’re probably right there KG!

        Anyway, the driver sure was a moron. I’d put money on his first name being Jurgen or his last name being Chang……
        ( I didn’t get a good look at him as we passed. )

        • Ronbo says:

          Speaking of traffic jams – what happened to those flying cars we were suppose to have years ago?

          I mean you are going down a country lane and the idiot in the camper blocks the road – then all you have to do is go airborne and fly over him.

          I remember the Jetson cartoon when I was a kid in the 1950s and everyone had those neat flying cars in the 21st century.

          Of course, flying cars would have a downside, like empty beer cans hitting peds on a Friday night would be one draw back.

          • Gregoryno6 says:

            A flying car and a sex robot for every teenage boy. That’s the way I remember it from the Sixties.

            • Ronbo says:

              Actually, there are a few early copies of both the flying car and the sex robot.

              But I understand there are a few bugs that must be ironed out first, such as the engine of the flying car stalling at 10,000 feet over a crowded metro area, and the sex doll shorting out and causing a fatal shock to its client in a very private place. OUCH! :-)

              Oh well, back to the old drawing board, heh?

  20. Ronbo says:

    Don’t miss the “civil war edition” to the Woodpile Report this Tuesday!

    “War. This is war, so the demonstrator’s banners say. It is, of course, a lunge at the megadramatic, a one-word double underline all caps string of exclamation points and a bag of chips. Victory is assured, their thinking goes, by jumping first to the final option. We’ve seen it before, but figuratively, as the War On Poverty and the War On Drugs.

    They just say “war”. By which they mean civil war.

    Aesop at Raconteur Report wrote a classic response in his essay, Reasonable Questions File:

    No, Snowflakes, this isn’t war. If it were war, you’d have been dead in wholesale lots, and the Right would have been grinning from ear to ear from their sniper perches hundreds of yards away, and would have laughed out loud as designated mop-up teams waded in and shot your wounded in the face. That’s how WAR is played. You could look it up.”

  21. Pascal says:

    The latest.
    Car drives into crowd at Mardis Gras parade in Alabama; Multiple injuries…

    Once is happenstance.
    Twice is coincidence.
    Thrice is incoming.

    SSM: “watcha talkin’ about Willus? (HA HA)”

  22. Pascal says:

    Politics as war.

    Rope. Rope. Rope. Rope. Suicide!
    How do you say that in French?

  23. KG says:

    Communism, fine. White pride, not so much. This is NZ today.

  24. KG says:

    Leftists, in a nutshell:
    Ex-Clinton volunteer slammed, loses job, after swipe at widow of fallen SEAL

    But how many similar cases go unreported, eh?

  25. Gregoryno6 says:

    “Poorly worded” – yeah, and you might think that after all the Twitter disasters they’ve had, the left might have learnt something by now.
    They’re getting all het up about self-defence lessons, so why not add a few lessons on how to not be a Twitter twat? Unless, of course, they enjoy those grovelling apologies – and the subsequent job hunting!

    • Darin says:

      My father drove mainframes for 30 years.His moto-“if it’s anything important,don’t keep it on a computer”

      • Gregoryno6 says:

        No argument here! Then there’s the special joy of not being able to access a document, and being told by the assorted gatekeepers that someone else, not them, has to enable my permissions.

  26. Darin says:

    PJW: Leonardo DiCaprio is a complete idiot-

    • Ronbo says:

      But the crap-pee-o thinks he’s a bloody genius because he can act and talk like Albert Einstein on the tall screen.

  27. Cadwallader says:

    At Auckland University this week a club espousing European Culture has given-up trying to become affiliated to the students’ union after threats and abuse. The old mantra of racism simply because one has white skin has been spewed up by the mindless hate-filled staff/students at once was a university.Now, if the club was an affiliate of ISIS….

    • Ronbo says:

      What did they expect? Of course, it would be denied by the university – which is run by the far Left like all higher educational institutions in the Western World.

      The next move should be to form the club off campus. Like my late father always said, “Son, never play a man’s own game, because you will lose – Play your own game and you will win.”

  28. Darin says:

    Georgia woman slams into chicken truck,said she did it because she’s vegan

  29. mawm says:

    Some sobering comments from Pat Condell.

    • KG says:

      From the Condell link:
      “…how threatening to women does this invasion have to get before you vote against it?..
      ..are you prepared to defend yourselves and your daughters from a violent rape culture, or not?
      His anger is always plain, but his frustration at idiot women holding up “refugees welcome” signs while their sisters and daughters are being raped by those they’re welcoming is palpable.
      And he’s right.
      My conclusion is that the increased risk of rape and beatings is less important to very many young women than acting to stop this plague because their leftist indoctrination has turned them into moral pygmies.
      I was brought up to be chivalrous and protective towards women, and towards older women I still am. Young women? NO. Let them reap what they’ve sown, and learn the cost of jabbering virtue-signalling until they take responsibility for their own safety – they’re not worth the risk and the effort as far as I’m concerned because they’re welcoming the tidal wave of barbarian conquerors.

  30. Gregoryno6 says:

    Breitbart’s running a story about Tom Hanks having donated a new coffee machine to the White House Press Corps. Among the comments, this from The Demon Slick:
    “People don’t realize that Hanks is a closet conservative and before he has the machines delivered he takes a few moments and rubs his testicles all over them.”
    Damn, I hope those reporters read Breitbart!

  31. Warren Tooley says:

    Well guys I’ve just been hit hard by a dodgy business. Called Finda, they are overcharging by 3 months and demanding their money. Here is the proof.

  32. Warren Tooley says:

    Oh gosh, oh gosh, this is not good.

  33. Warren Tooley says:

    Anyway I was just wanting to report a dodgy business, so at least I tried.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Ugly for the Democratic Party when the election results come but not to the rest of the country me thinks.

  34. Darin says:

    Because he knows damn well what the answer is-

    I hope they hang that bastard.

  35. Gregoryno6 says:

    Top comment on this story
    about voter fraud in Ohio:
    “I live in Ohio and spoke with the Secretary of State’s office to ask how they determine the validity of registrations. There is NO check whatever. They cannot access the Federal databases to verify even the last four digits of your SSN.
    “As an experiment, I registered a completely false name with a nearby address and random four digit SSN. When I went to the polls, the name was there and I could have voted with an easily faked rental receipt.
    “Most states do not have ANY system in place to check voter registration.
    “You need more ID for a library card than you do to register to vote.”

    • Darin says:

      The whole SSN thing is ridiculous.It says right on the card “not for identification” but besides a drivers license what’s the #2 form of ID everybody asks for?Yup,SSN :roll:

      I can also tell you for a fact that Florida would not even be close on election night if it were not for dem snowbird voter fraud.All those retirees that own a winter residence in Florida and a main residence in a blue state vote twice for president.

  36. KG says:

    ‘Ex-CIA Officer Abandoned by Obama: Without Trump Admin, ‘I Would Be Spending Tonight in an Italian Prison’
    …The Obama administration did nothing for seven years following Sabrina’s conviction. They did nothing while she was detained in Portugal.  Meanwhile, President Obama released prisoners from GITMO. The White House handed out pardons. Not a finger was lifted to assist Sabrina.’