Another Attack by “Asians”

Get your stuffed bears,candles and balloons ready,dust off the old #pray for——- ready for Twitter.

Seems another “Asian” has gone on a killing spree-



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30 Responses to Another Attack by “Asians”

  1. mawm says:

    Must have been Tommy Robinson.

  2. tranquil says:

    Yep….. cue the usual “this is not the real Islam” bullshit in 3…. 2….. 1…..

    Only Eastern Europe and Russia “get it”. Only they seem to understand the evil of Islam. I am convinced that it would take a minimum of ten super-bloody Beslan-sized school massacres before the UK starts to wake up to the danger of Islam.

    • Darin says:

      I think sooner or later they will manage something on a massive scale,but I seriously doubt even that will make a difference.I have maintained for years that these fools we call “leaders” won’t change their minds until the knife is at their throats and by that time it will be too late.

  3. Oswald Bastable says:

    No worries. Only ‘little people’ died.

    • Darin says:

      I have my doubts that it would make any difference even if one of these idiots managed to kill a bunch of “special people”.The left,especially the left leadership has totally gone off the rails mentally.

      • Pascal says:

        Strictly determinative.

        Wherever rulers foster Malthusian, Utilitarian, Green and (most recently) Islamistophilic nutcases, there the ruled are at grave risk.

  4. Carole says:

    Usual somber reports of shock and sadness. I want to see some ANGER!!! From the
    People the reporters the political traitors responsible for all this. No? Not this time,
    Maybe next time.

    • dondiego says:

      A commenter at The Occidental Observer reckons it is time to start Shaming the euro-peasants.
      More than enough evidence available to everybody with a selfiephone- SHAME the euro & uk folk out of their slumber.

      • Darin says:

        Unfortunately “anger” is now politically incorrect,that is of course unless it is directed at right thinking normal people.

  5. D.T. says:

    This says it all really . That asian sheila laughing is beyond reproach and Tommy gives the leftist media a good serve .


  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    The use of ‘Asian’ is deliberately misleading and slanders anyone from the Far East that is not a Muslim. These bastards are from Western Asia, i.e. the Middle East. Until and unless the West decides to evict these barbarians there will be no peace.

  7. Odakyu-sen says:

    When a Japanese person hears the term “Asia-jin,” he (like the Americans) will think of someone from the Asian continent or the archipelagos of Southeast Asia.

    A Japanese consider himself “Asian” in much the same way an Englishman considers himself “European.”

    I imagine that “NZ/European” must surely refer to Kiwis of continental extraction (Dalmatians, Dutch, French, Germans, etc.)

    (Sorry for drifting off-topic.)

    • Darin says:

      It’s perfectly on topic Odakyu-sen,apparently it is now ok for the lying media to slander any one they want so they can protect their favored group-muslims.

  8. Ronbo says:

    Well, at least the UK media is going it a “Terrorist Attack” and maybe….just maybe,,,,after a few more with a higher body count and massive destruction of property, a light bulb will go out and connect the dots to ISLAM!


    • MikeH. says:

      Ya know, with all that omnipotent evil power Trump holds, you’d think he would use it to shut off the gravitational forces that secures leftist numb nuts to the planet.

      • Ronbo says:

        A bird fell dead at my feet this morning on my walk in the park.

        Trump killed that bird.

        Don’t ask me how.

        He just did.

  9. Brown says:

    The youtube clip from DT was interesting but I think the ranting and swearing counters a lot of the message quality. Farage’s advantage was that he was cutting while refraining from ranting. If you are ranting you have lost – the SJW’s prove this in my view.

  10. Michael in Nelson says:

    What is it with some liberals? I was talking with a well educated woman who was born in London and would not listen to the fact that there are millions of Muslims that want the rest of us dead. She even brought up the “What about the KKK?” argument as if it had some relevancy.

    • Darin says:

      Apparently,being liberal means being totally disconnected from any form of reality.

      • Ronbo says:

        @Darin: If you want get down to definitions you are a liberal. I am a liberal. The Crusaders are liberals. In the traditional definition of the word: We believe in representative democracy, the rule of law under a constitution, a bill of rights for all citizens.

        The Left has hijacked the word “liberal” like they have hijacked so many other things….For instance, they are LEFTISTS and represented by the color red starting in the French Revolution yet they hijacked the color blue that traditionally stood for the defenders of liberty (The uniforms of our revolutionary troops was blue and today the U.S. Army’s dress uniform is blue)…

        So why the hell today are the Rightists represented by the color red? About 1980 the major Leftist newspapers started showing Reagan’s victories in various states in red. Thus the traditional colors of what the Left really represents: socialism, communism and revolution are switched (hijacked) with the color they do not represent: The defenders of liberty.