Brexit: Article 50 Letter Sent……….

…….Merkel quick to throw wrench..

Sky News-

As the PM says there is “no turning back”, Angela Merkel wastes no time in blocking UK hopes for parallel Brexit and trade talks.

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16 Responses to Brexit: Article 50 Letter Sent……….

  1. Brown says:

    Did you really think it would be nice and easy?

  2. Darin says:

    Nope,and I am sure it will get worse,before it gets better.

  3. tranquil says:

    “…Angela Merkel wastes no time in blocking UK hopes for parallel Brexit and trade talks.”

    Pfft. I say “stuff her”. Now that BrExit is underway she’s throwing her toys out of the cot.

    I’m pretty darned sure that apart from German cars, almost anything made in Germany can also be sourced from elsewhere. I’ll bet the US will be **raring to go** when it comes to being a replacement market for the sour-grapes obstinate Germans.

  4. Ronbo says:

    It’s time for dear old Dutchland – GERMANY – to throw her cards down on the table, since the British exit from their union is tantamount to “call” at a poker game.

    In other words – dear old Dutchland – GERMANY – it’s time you put your cards on the table and admit the REAL reason YOU want a European Union…Hmmm? CONFESS: You want to conquer by non lethal means what the ALLIES in WW I & II kept you from having – CONTROL OF EUROPE!

    I say GERMANY is whatever form – republic, empire or Third Reich – wants to dominate first Europe and then the world.

    Yes, call me what you will, but when I was a young soldier stationed in Germany in the early 1970s, we were briefed on our mission in Europe (1) KEEP THE GERMANS DOWN (2) KEEP THE RUSSIANS OUT (3) KEEP AMERICA IN.

    Like Churchill is alleged to have said, “The Germans are either at your feet, or at your throat – and quite honestly, I want them at my feet.”

  5. Ronbo says:

    Speaking of Merkel’s Fourth Reich: Her boy in the EU parliament says the Eurocrats will break up the USA union by pushing for the independence of Ohio and Texas!

  6. Ronbo says:

    …and when you folks stop laughing at that one – scientists have created a female robot that has “Periods”

    • Darin says:

      Best comment-

      The Tamponator

      “I’ll be bitchy.”
      “Your chocolate. Give it to me. Now.”
      “Phased plasma vibrator, in the 40-watt range.”
      (shop clerk: “Hey, just what you see, pall”)
      “Listen, and understand! That Tamponator is out there! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are bitched at to death!”


  7. MikeH. says:

    Someone should throw a wrench at Frau Mengele… I mean Frau Merkel.

  8. tranquil says:

    I really am THRILLED that article 50 has been invoked!
    BrExit is underway!

    A long way to go for the West (of course) but this is a very good first step.

    Even better news is that throughout the West, it looks like the MSM has taken some mortal blows in the last year or so. The US election campaign hit them massively, as is their backing of the latest pathetic book by Nicky Hager. Error after error in it and it looks like being a complete flop.

    Conservatives / “the right” are pissing all over the left on Youtube and elsewhere so that’s encouraging.