Open House

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150 Responses to Open House

  1. Darin says:

    Black Pigeon-

    This week-
    X-men Jihad-
    Transgender Swimwear-
    China to be worlds largest Christian nation by 2030-
    Sweden now with more stupidity-
    And more

    • Ronbo says:

      ….and not only will China become the world’s largest Christian nation shortly, it is already homeland to much that is great in Western Civilization to include classical music and many other high fine arts….not to mention technology where Chinese scientists are among the best.

      This is especially good news for the West, since China has a continuous civilization going back as far as ancient Greece and Rome – and the Chinese produced some of the greatest empires the world has ever known, which in turn created gun power, rockets and the printing press long before the West.

      In the 18th century China was the most healthy, wealthy and happy nation on the face of the earth. The Chinese considered themselves the only civilized nation on earth and off limits to Western “barbarians”

      Then in 19th century, it all fell apart – and by the early 20th century China had nearly ceased to exist was carved up the European powers and Japan….

      So what happened to the great Chinese civilization that had lasted 2,000 years and withstood conquest and occupation by the Mongols and other barbarian tribes?

      No doubt scholars can give you 101 reasons, but what happened to the Chinese civilization was something that nearly happened to the West – Feudalism – a frozen class structure where merit, invention and individualism was discouraged and/or punished. A civilization where 10% of the population ruled the 90% frozen forever in castes as farmers, fishermen, tradesmen, etc. – You generally became what your father was and ditto for the ruling classes and military.

      Up until the middle of the 14th century this situation pretty much described Europe as well….Then came the Black Death that wiped out one half to three fourths of Europe’s population in less than ten years…The rest is history. The surviving serfs who were in short supply could sell their services to the highest bidder and began to become free farmers. The cities became semi-free from the feudal lords. The concentration of talent in the cities led to the division of labor and the invention of labor saving devices due to the shortage of serfs.

      So the old order in Europe died out rather quickly and a new order came into being in the 15th century. Western Civilization became a world civilization due to the European conquest of most of the planet by the early 20th century…

      All thanks to a deadly flea on a rat.

  2. Darin says:

    This just in from Pope Dumbass the 1st-

    Yes,because Auschwitz had free Wi-fi and cable TV :evil: :roll:

  3. Darin says:

    The Dumbest thing ever to come out of Harvard-

  4. Darin says:

    3D printed RC P-38 Lightening-


    Despite the all the world’s problems,it’s still a wonderful time to be alive

    • Ronbo says:

      …but it will be much better after we shoot all the Commies and Islamists!

      Like John Wesley Hardin said, “Some people just naturally need to be shot and killed.”

  5. Darin says:

    Trump’s use of the Congressional Review Act has Liberals running around screaming with their hair on fire!

    “But as the Wall Street Journal‘s Kimberly Strassel noted in January, two factors make the CRA particularly powerful. One is inherent to the legislation itself, which provides that a regulation, once repealed, cannot be promulgated again without a new act of Congress.

    The other factor is the arrogance and incompetence of the Obama administration, which failed to report many rules to Congress — meaning the 60-day window never began even for some earlier Obama rules.”


    • KG says:

      Arrest the bastard. :evil:

      • Ronbo says:

        No, just throw him up against and shoot the traitor!


        What do you think this commie bastard would do to us if he could? What did Lenin do to the Russian Republicans? A bullet in the back of the head.

        My motto is do unto others, but do it first.

  6. KG says:

    ‘The Russians Hacked Democrats’ Plans to Cheat in the General Election, Too..’

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      Bastards hacked my lunch today too. Celery and cucumber when I wanted pizza.

      • Ronbo says:

        I haven’t got any snail mail for a week! A WEEK! This has never happened before, so the Russians have hacked the post office and had all my free samples sent to the KGB Moscow! The bastards!

  7. KG says:

    WTF! :shock:
    ‘African Americans get less sleep than whites, an inequality stretching back to slavery..’

    • Darin says:

      If they didn’t roll out of bed at 11:00 AM and then stay out on the streets until 3:00 AM it might not be a problem.

      • Ronbo says:

        African – American business hours in Seattle: Drug dealers always to be found at the 3rd Ave and Pine street bus stop selling their wares between midnight and 4 a.m. – and they never charge the 10% city sales tax which has the mayor all kinds of pissed off.

  8. mara the deplorable says:

    You will cheer with me today to hear that I am now a man called Bruno. I shall start to grow a beard and be able to lift sacks of concrete with ease. I am still pondering other manly things to aspire to but heh, give me a break, it’s early days yet. Rasoring hair out of ears and nostrils is not a terribly attractive prospect but comes with the job I guess. And there’s the prospect of having a prostate problem. Ah, perhaps I should revert. Life is becoming so complicated.

    • KG says:

      ok Bruno, the first thing you need is a chainsaw. No bloke is complete without one.
      Next, stop worrying about washing non-colorfast items together with other stuff – real men don’t care, everything goes in together, ok?
      You need a shed. Doesn’t matter much what you fill it with, just fill it with stuff that might come in useful one day. There’s no such thing as junk, only stuff you haven’t found a use for yet.
      Clothes are only old when they fall to pieces, until then they’re your favorite shirt/ pants whatever.
      Workboots are acceptable formal wear.
      There’s lots more, but you’ll want to kind of ease into this gradually, I assume.

  9. mara the deplorable says:

    Thank you sweetheart.

  10. mara the deplorable says:

    KG, scrub the previous reply. In this confusing transitioning period I momentarily forgot my orientation or whatever it is called. I expect Caitlin has the same problems. Yo bro. Mate. Bruno. Ps, the old chap is confused as well. Poor bugger.

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: point out the benefits, Bruno. He won’t have to wait for an hour in the coffee shop while you pop into David Jones “for one or two things” and for once you might keep him waiting for less than fifteen minutes for the bathroom.

      • Ronbo says:

        By accident I used the ladies room at a crowded party venue.

        When I was leaving a large and angry black woman blocked my way and said, “Hey fella, this be the ladies room. What are you doing here?

        I responded, “I heard the ladies room was much cleaner than the men’s room.”

        The large woman laughed and said, “Not after I get done with it, honey!”

  11. Ronbo says:

    This is for real?


    I got the link from Fakebook…err Facebook so maybe no.

  12. KG says:

    ‘Harvard researchers were initially skeptical when a database project indicated that an extremely rare parchment copy of the Declaration of Independence was in a small records office in Southern England.
    However, Harvard Professor Danielle Allen and Emily Sneff, research manager for the Declaration Resources Project, tracked down the parchment manuscript and confirmed its authenticity….’

    • Pascal says:

      I don’t see how that’s accurate KG.

      Obama went out of his way to diminish the importance and standing of the world’s super nation.

      How can any pol take France lower than what she’s been for almost 100 years?

  13. Pascal says:

    BART takeover robbery: 40 to 60 teens swarm train, rob weekend riders

    The images cannot be shared publicly, she said, because the suspects appear to be minors.

    Yeah, go pull the other one. In an era where “migrants” are permitted across borders because they claim to be under 18 even though look to be 40, everything published by SSM passing along such drivel from authorities is the establishment protecting its violent shock troops. Just like when the KKK terrorized the south or the SA terrorized Weimar Germany.

  14. Gregoryno6 says:

    Our soldiers have not lost that spirit. Which is more than can be said for our political leaders.
    With a few honourable exceptions, most of them wouldn’t know it if it bit them.

  15. Darin says:

    Damascus Straight Razor Pt 1-

  16. Ronbo says:

    Poor little Leftist Snowflake pussy all sad and crying because the Right punches back.


    At least those Leftist rioters back in the 60s were stand up guys who went toe to toe against the Chicago police department.

  17. Ronbo says:

    The Religion of Peace imports 52 tons of illegal guns into Florida.

    So Muslims make loyal citizens, heh?

    • Darin says:

      Now Ron,I’m sure being peaceful muslims they were just wanting to add to the benefits of diversity…..

  18. Darin says:

    Ferrari + Chevy + LaFrance fire truck = Awesome!

    • KG says:

      Noooooo! The sound of a Colombo V12 winding out is like nothing else. This is just butchering a classic car.
      (cool transporter though)

      • Darin says:

        True,but given the scarce supply the car would probably still be sitting waiting on one to turn up.I’d drive it based on the “any Ferrari is better than no Ferrari rule

  19. Ronbo says:

    Rightist couple charged with attacking “gentle” Leftist Snowflake rioters at the University of Washington

    Prosecutors allege the couple, Elizabeth Hokoana and Marc Hokoana, went to the Jan. 20 University of Washington demonstration “to provoke altercations with…

  20. Gregoryno6 says:
    • Darin says:

      I answered a phone contest that called the house one time.Found out I had been entered into a contest by my ISP at the time and all I needed to do to win my choice of money or a new OS was answer one history question-

      “Who was the second US president to be assassinated?”

      James Garfield I said,guy on the other end of the line nearly fell out his chair,seems after working there awhile I was the first one to get it right.

      That was near 20 years ago,we’re fucked for sure by now

  21. Darin says:

    Ooooh this should have liberal tree hugging commies heads exploding-

    Giving back some of the 784,000,000 acres of land the last three presidents took out of commission.

  22. Darin says:

    Calculator for calculating sag in wood shelves-The Sagulator

  23. KG says:

    Yet another Obama goon:
    ‘Judge blocks Trump’s order on sanctuary cities
    Judge William Orrick, III, appointed by President Obama after he raised at least $200,000 for his fellow left-liberal, has issued an order blocking President Trump from withholding funds to communities that limit cooperation with U.S. immigration authorities. Judge Orrick ruled that the president has no authority to attach new conditions to federal spending…’

    • Darin says:

      Something tells me this will come to a head sooner rather than later. Gorsuch seems to be spot on in his first rulings in the SCOTUS,so I suspect if this case goes to the SCOTUS this could be over and done relatively quickly.

      • Ronbo says:

        These blocks are coming from the Ninth “Circus” Court which is the most Leftist Circuit Court in the country, so that was to be expected.

        Trump’s options are to (1) Ignore the court ruling and go full speed ahead – and, yes, this would be LEGAL because the three branches of the federal government are equals under the U.S. Constitution. Presidents in the past – such as Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln ignored even Supreme Court decisions. In Fact, Jackson famously said, “Mr. Marshal has made his law now let him enforce it.

        (2) This is a DISTRICT court decision and can be overruled by either the Ninth Circus or the U.S. Supreme Court. But like I said, Trump can ignore ALL judicial decisions if wants to – and the only sanction would be impeachment, which ain’t gonna happens with a Republican majority in Congress.

  24. mara the deplorable says:

    I watched Tucker Carlson talking with Caitlin Jenner on his prog the other day. Nothing wrong with that. Caitlin’s voice is in that weird range between a man’s and a woman’s . OK, but what is troubling to me is that

    I watched Tucker Carlson chat with Bruce Caitlin Jenner and stupidly expected that something interesting or relevant might be said. I suppose that a pre-program deal was reached where Tucker was never going to ask Jenner any question that the so called prurient public (that’s us) would want an answer to. Such as, why are we expected to believe that this crap is normal.

    • Darin says:

      That was Rupert’s ultra lib sons marking their territory after taking O’reilly out.They replaced him with Tucker and for icing on the cake they had Tucker do a meaningless fluff interview with that thing formally known as Bruce.

      A former shell of a man,so demoralized,so feminized and driven insane living in that Tornado of estrogen and ignorance known as the house Kardashian that he agreed to his own Chopadicofftomy to try and escape that hell hole.

      All the signs were there with Bruce,instead of manning up and telling those nasty whore daughters to shape up or GTFO,he reverted to pre-pubescence and allowed himself to be lorded over by that goofy self-absorbed step mother wanna be with the frozen cookie duster.I wonder how many of the fat assed whore trifecta banged step dad for extra allowance?

      And to think that heap of crazy people refers to itself as “christian” and “republican”.

      Just sayin

  25. mara the deplorable says:

    Darin I hate to believe that Carlson has allowed himself to be compromised. If so, what about Hannity and the whole Fox machine? Is there any commercial channel which can be honest anymore without the fear of being destroyed by the Liberal destroyers? If this happens we deserve it.

  26. KG says:

    Kiwis; self-subjugating brainwashed sheeple.
    The line that jumped out at me was “Several people had complained about the trip to NZTA, prompting the agency to launch an investigation.”
    Like East Germans reporting their neighbours to the Stasi, Kiwis are doing the totalitarians’ work for them. And getting a warm self-righteous glow in the process.
    This country is beyond saving from socialism, it’s now too deeply ingrained.

  27. mara the deplorable says:

    Good deflection KG.

  28. Gregoryno6 says:

    In the words of the old song, they can’t take that away from me.
    However, in this case, it might require a note of hysteria rather than nostalgia.
    Man Refuses To Accept He’s No Longer Black After DNA Test Results.

  29. Darin says:

    Yes! Yes! Sometimes life delivers sweet poetry-


    • Gregoryno6 says:

      At the gates of paradise:
      ‘Cause of death?’
      ‘Again, please. Cause of death?’
      ‘Uhhhh… eaten by a… ummm… pig.’
      Trapdoor opens. Express elevator to hell!

      • Ronbo says:

        What no 72 virgins?

        BTW, scholars have discovered “The 72 virgins of Paradise” in the KORAN is not correct – It’s “The 72 VIRGINIANS” – Like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee who kick terrorist butt for eternity.

  30. Ronbo says:

    Ann Coulter turns coward and refuses to speak at Berkeley.

    What’s so special about her safety?

    Guess who is off my Christmas card list?

  31. KG says:

    The liberal Trojan horse n the WH?
    ‘Ivanka Trump: Opening Border to Syrian Refugees ‘Has To Be Part of the Discussion,’ Won’t Be Enough By Itself..’

  32. KG says:

    FFS! This is a headline in the NZ Herald!
    ‘Radio host bullied after mum’s death
    The Hits’ host revealed she was bullied when her mother died when she was 10 years old…’
    This garbage passes for “news” in NZ

  33. KG says:

    The Western world is now degenerate and insane:
    ‘The Pope Heads To Egypt To Defend Islam’
    How can any Catholic defend this spineless unprincipled asshole?

  34. KG says:

    A message to SJWs:
    ‘..We have no desire to kill anybody, for any reason, ever. But you must never doubt for a single second that, if forced to, we will—in job lots, as many as we can manage. We will stack your corpses like cordwood, and will hunt ferociously for more to heighten the pile. We will hate it, we will be horrified by it. We will regret the circumstances that led to it, and agonize over the choices, on both sides, that made it inevitable. But I promise you, as solemnly as I possibly can: we will do it….’

    • Ronbo says:

      …or as Shakespeare said in regards to an ancient Roman civil war:

      A curse shall light upon the limbs of men;
      Domestic fury and fierce civil strife
      Shall cumber all the parts of Italy;
      Blood and destruction shall be so in use
      And dreadful objects so familiar
      That mothers shall but smile when they behold
      Their infants quarter’d with the hands of war;
      All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:
      And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge,
      With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
      Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice
      Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war;
      That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
      With carrion men, groaning for burial.

  35. KG says:

    Via Breitbart, the insanity that is Europe:
    Shock Report: Migrants Become Less Integrated the Longer They Stay in Europe
    French Mayor Fined for Mentioning Demographic Changes in Local Schools
    Austrian President: All Women Must Wear Headscarves to Fight Islamophobia
    Refugee Activists: ‘Inhuman’ to Return Migrants to Safe Countries
    EU On Track to Pay Turkey Three Billion For Migrants This Year

  36. KG says:

    ‘The real culprits behind the human waves of migrants’
    Include the mainstream Christian churches in the list.

    • Darin says:

      Yup,been waning people about NGO’s for years.Our tax dollars lining pockets of organizations who don’t have our interests in mind and subject to less than zero accountability.

      Have a look at what Faith Goldy found on the Canadian border-

  37. Darin says:

    Damascus Straight Razor pt-2

  38. KG says:

    Well, well…..
    ‘Benedict breaks his silence
    On the eve of Pope Francis’s Egypt visit, retired Pope Benedict XVI condemns radical Islam as creating an ‘explosive situation’…’
    (The Australian, behind a paywall)
    So, as Comrade Francis goes to Egypt to grovel to the muzzies, Benedict speaks out. Interesting timing, eh?

    • Ronbo says:

      In the old days the Popes raised armies of hardcore Crusaders to attack the Muslims and roll back their empire – Today the Popes go to the Muslims on bent knee. O HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN!

  39. KG says:

    Mitsubishi, 100 years:

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Beats the hell out off a PT Cruiser!

    • Ronbo says:

      An excellent copy of a Ford Model T. :-) …but I’m glad they weren’t able to copy the B-29, the Sherman tank, or the M-1 Garand rifle during WW II.

  40. Ronbo says:

    Gee, the Snowflakes must be unhappy their grand & glorious journalists have the worst jobs.

  41. Gregoryno6 says:

    Give ’em their lead passport to the afterlife.

    Oh the forces of ISIS are frightful
    But some idiots think they’re delightful
    If it’s martyrdom they want to know
    Let ’em go, let ’em go, let ’em go!

  42. Warren Tooley says:

    Some good news, lower petrol prices:

  43. Warren Tooley says:

    Best part of it is those who are environmentalists and oppose it, are opposing lower petrol prices and will look like fools.

  44. Warren Tooley says:

    Case in point, Al Gore’s plane rides. If he really cared he should travel by row boat and bike, or maybe his legs.

    • Ronbo says:

      No, it’s different rules for the oligarchy – so shut up peon and start peddling your bike!

      • Warren Tooley says:

        In that case I tick no vote. We should have the no consent, no confidence, no vote option. Where you are saying they aren’t worth your vote. Now why don’t they have that option? Because this way you are mandating someone to rule over you, that’s why that option doesn’t exist.

        • Ronbo says:

          Sorry if I offended you Warren. I was doing some satire and it didn’t come out very good. I agree with you – the little guy is held to a different standard than the big people on top like Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama who can commit felony after felony and get a free pass from the prosecutor; whereas, some little guy who doesn’t fill out a passport application correctly gets convicted of a felony and goes up the river.

  45. Ronbo says:

    What do you do if you’re stupid, black and unemployable…You buy a stolen gun off the black market that you have no idea how to operate and rob a store, where it is not necessary, since the management of the store has given the clerk orders to hand over the money without resistance.

  46. Warren Tooley says:

    Wouldn’t it be funny, if someone aimed the gun at themselves, since they don’t know how the gun works.

    • Ronbo says:

      Yeah, someone not familiar with guns looks down the barrel of an automatic pistol with a bullet in the chamber. and not seeing the round in the darkness, pulls the trigger, which results in their head being blown off.

      Rule Number One: Always, ALWAYS treat a gun as loaded when you pick it up. Put on the safety, pull out the magazine and pull back the action and carefully inspect the chamber for a round.

      In the Army I saw several accidental discharges by trained soldiers who believed there was no round in the chamber and pulled the trigger and got the bang…These guys were all lucky in that they didn’t kill or wound anyone including themselves, but all ended up being courts martialed, and working like slaves for the First Sergeant for several months of extra duty.