
What else is there to say that hasn’t already been said?Maybe it’s time to listen,listen for what you say?It’s a quiet,soft sound,a steady rhythm,if you listen closely you can hear the frequency getting quicker drip…..drip…drip…

Drip….9/11………………drip…………………Madrid…………….drip………………7/7……………drip………………Beslan…………..drip…………Mumbai…………. drip….drip……Boston…….drip………..drip……Ft Hood….drip…Knoxville….drip….drip…San Bernadindo…drip..drip..Paris….drip..drip…drip..Nice…drip..drip..Orlando..drip..Berlin…Manchester..drip…drip…

Drops of blood in an ocean of death brought to our doors by a backward ideology.Have we stopped it coming here(and here is really anywhere these days)?Doesn’t look like it.

Have we changed our tactics,well yes,we have gotten softer.Is our response any different?No,more barricades will go up at concerts now,our children are already being touched by strangers in a manner that would normally see anyone arrested if they didn’t have a TSA badge on.I’m sure they will adjust to the same treatment at concerts,school and church as well.

You say this is another attack aimed at subjugating the West?I beg to differ,we have already been subjugated and it is we that have done it to ourselves.

And what now?Another ##?Another filter on the Facebook page?More Balloons,Candles and Tear soaked Teddy Bears?

Don’t bother,there are plenty of Teddy Bears and Balloons intermingled with the shredded remains of our children.

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44 Responses to Drip…..Drip…..Drip….

  1. Darin says:

    Bomb threats across UK schools-

    Is it a war yet? No? Okay,let me know when you are ready to fight back.

  2. Ronbo says:

    Well, first of all to fight a war you must name the enemy.

    To date only American presidents Bush and Trump – voices crying in the wilderness – have named the enemy and drawn the connection with Islam…In Britain Islamic terrorists are called, “militants” and the British government has never drawn a line between them and Islam.

    How would you fight WW II by calling the Nazis, “militants” – and putting to silence all those who would call the evil by its real name? In order to slay the beast, one must first name the beast.

    The West is still fighting a phony defensive war against the Islamists – and the path to victory lies not in the Middle East but here at home where Muslim preachers of hate are allowed to spew their poison without sanction.

    • KG says:

      I reckon you’re both absolutely right and I see no solution to this on the horizon.
      Politicians are still allowing jihadis to return “home” fer chrissakes!
      Of course. there are solutions, but nobody in the West has the courage and integrity to apply them.
      Unless politicians and bureaucrats (and their families) start dying, nothing will change.

      • Darin says:

        “To date only American presidents Bush and Trump – voices crying in the wilderness ”

        Ron,I have to disagree,Bush never did name our enemy,Trump did during the campaign,but has since backed off.You and I both know that islam,the whole of islam and ALL of it’s adherents are the enemy.We must force them to evolve or eradicate them from existence,not apologize and tiptoe around the issue.

        What infuriates me no end,is that islam is headed for the most lop-sided victory in the history of civilization over the west and no one cares.
        Heard on the radio this AM that Trump was soon to start dealing with NATO and their role in the WOT.
        Well guess what,news is they have a different opinion on how to deal with the issue than do we.It’s no surprise really,one NATO member nation is muslim and the majority of the rest have militarizes ruled over by female,EU civilian bureaucrats.

  3. Jamie says:

    Apologies Crusaders.
    Until muslim immigration is banned and Mecca gets sorted out [Trumpy just sold em heaps of weapons [to arm ISIS???] the care factor is three fifths of fuck all.


    “Before you accuse me of being cold, heartless, evil, or a psychopath, understand the point of this post is one akin to the Serenity Prayer. A very important philosophical epiphany many people never realize, but should as it is vital to their psychological well being and mental health. It is one of accepting reality and not getting worked up in the world of theory. And the London attacks, like previous and any future terrorist attacks, are/will continue to make my point until the point in time something is actually done about Islamic terror. And I strongly suggest you set aside emotions, politics, and even your own sense of self-survival to clearly see and hear the point I’m trying to make.

    First, “What is it this time?”

    Be it the Nice attack in France.
    The bombing in Germany’s market square.
    The Boston marathon bombing.
    The Cologne sexual assault party.
    The Orlando gay night club shooting.
    The hotel bombing in Mumbai.

    It’s very apparent that nothing new is going to happen. The media will immediately rush to say it wasn’t confirmed that it was a Muslim who did this. Then, when it’s discovered it was, they will rush out to say Muslims fear a backlash in their communities before the bodies get cold. There will be furor on the internet on the right demanding we “do something about this.” And people on the left will rush to say it’s racism to point out the attacks came from Muslims.

    But in the end NOTHING different will happen.


    And this leads to my final point about terrorist attacks nobody’s going to do anything about – self respect.
    Much as I disagree with terrorism, Islam, and murder, there is one thing they have that westerners don’t – self respect.
    It’s so disgusting that in full intellectual honesty I can actually respect the terrorists themselves more because at least they stand for something.”

    Worth fighting for???




    • KG says:

      It gives me no pleasure at all to say that Jamie may have pointed to the only sane attitude to this.

      • Darin says:

        Horse race or street walker convention?Oh,wait,sorry,most street walkers have better upbringing than that lot :shock:

        • Jamie says:

          Even though I’m not a plumbers asshole I still know it’s best to fix a dripping tap early when it’s easily and cheaply repaired. Leave it too long and you’re gonna need a new tap.


          Despite any previous or future disagreements, differences of opinion, and so forth….

          [Starring various Crusaders]


          Welcome to the suck.


          • Jamie says:

            Jesus might be able to forgive a islamist who goes to a kiddies concert to murder….


            Crusaders can’t.

            • Jamie says:

              Dispatches/recon from the front,
              reinforcements pouring in….


              Comment No 83

              Roberto Soria
              Senior Research Fellow, Curtin University

              “You are right, the terrorist was not the real coward in this story, not by a long way.

              The real cowards are you, your fellow leftist-eco-feminist academics and intellectuals, most of the politicians, the abc, the human right lobbies, and the other respectable progressive multicultural anti-racist luvvies who don’t even have the guts to admit our Western Civilization is incompatible with islam, the most barbaric, violent, regressive ideology in the world today.

              You lot are the cowards for not even daring to mention the words “islam”, “jihad”, and “muslims” in your learned articles, in relation to terrorism.

              You lot are the cowards for telling people that we just need more love for all, and singing kumbaya together, and open the doors to more and more muslim immigrants, because we are all the same, they all want peace, and religions are all the same, and islam is the religion of peace, and if we are more accommodating to them, if we allow more segregated pools, if we pay for more mosques, if we let their women wear black tents because a 7th century Arabian paedophile said so, everything will be all right.

              You lot are the cowards for not facing the truth, for preferring to look good among your fellow leftist academics and journalists, praising each other in your luvvie world, collecting your multicultural awards, having a successful public career, and leaving women and children (and the next generation of Europeans and Australians) to face the consequences of your disastrous ideological misjudgement.”

              2 days ago


  4. Alan says:

    The west has no will to attack, probably has little in the way of defense. It is a bit like a football team that always tries to defend but has nothing in the way of offense. They end up losers by a big margin. It has been said on this blog on numerous occasions, attack is the best form of defense but the west has become so P/C that this has become somewhat of an impossibility.

    • Ronbo says:

      Alan, “It ain’t over until it’s over.”

      The West has a history of getting it right in the endgame.

      After first failing time after time.

  5. Ronbo says:

    We may not believe we are in WW III – but unfortunately the enemy DOES know this is Third Great Jihad against Western Civilization and acts accordingly on the offensive….while the West in a sort repeat of the Phony War of 1939/40 plays defense using a military establishment said to be undefeatable – especially by 7th century barbarians.

    The only problem is that the barbarians win battle after battle, because, as is well known, even the best defense will be overwhelmed in time.

    So what is to be done? In my dark days I think it’s time to go for broke and launch wave after wave of ICBMs and B-1 bombers on the all 57 Muslim countries and nuke them into atomic glass – and shoot any Muslims lucky enough to survive. What about the Muslims living in the West? A Final Solution for them. We have lots of trains and lots of poison gas and lots of people willing to do paybacks.

    However, I doubt my “Plan A” would get much support…So I would suggest “Plan “B” force Islam into a Reformation that would pull the teeth of terrorism and render the beast more peaceful – kind of like neutering a troublesome Tom cat.

    Okay you say, show us your plan:


    Believe it or not there are such Muslims in existence and they are as serious as Catholics in the Reformation. The problem is that such leaders receive no support from any quarter and their lives are in constant danger. This sorry state of affairs would change quickly if they were well financed, protected and had an army of staffers.

    Thus for a tiny fraction of the billions spent for defense and other security measures, the West could launch a killer offensive against the evil heart of Islam – and cut it out.

    How to you tame a Tom cat with an attitude? You cut his balls off.

  6. Alan says:

    Mass neutering of Islamists might work, far fetched but possibly effective Ron. They all might want to join the Vienna boys Choir after that.

  7. Gregoryno6 says:

    Saying you hate Americans is no longer enough to buy you protection… look out for beheadings at next year’s Oscars.

  8. Grog says:

    If anyone wants to read some silly shit, here’s someone called beardfacewood with a definite lack of rationality, and a lot of excellent replies shutting him(?)down, even if the maroon doesn’t realize it.


  9. KG says:

    ‘May puts 5,000 troops on the streets’
    What a load of utter bollocks. Pure (expensive) PR.
    What’s the role of these troops, exactly? What training have they had for urban/CT operations? What are their rules of engagement?
    “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”

  10. mara the deplorable says:

    May puts troops on the streets when looking sideways while thousands of Africans and Arabs are being assisted into Europe and Britain aided by the EU? Fuck, you would be hard pressed to make this stuff up. Bring up the light shows, tear soaked teddies, swathes of dying flowers, heart emogies and bullshit commentary by the MSM. Then wait for the next atrocity and the media cream-fest to follow. Bugger the families of blown up children. Diversity and inclusion is more important than British children’s lives. Obviously.

  11. Grog says:

    Daniel has been identifying and excoriating the muzzies and their appeasers for years, no doubt he was marked some time ago.

    Regarding the 5,000 comment, this isn’t surprising, the comments from the police idiots are verification of your comment, KG, and the police have been told, no doubt, to treat the muzzies with kid gloves. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_negative.gif

  12. Darin says:

    PJW: Manchester Attack,what they’re not telling you


    • Ronbo says:

      Great find, Darin!

      One of the best heart felt accounts of this horrible massacre!

      It’s true what THE MAN says, TOLERANCE KILLS!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  13. Darin says:

    And more-Katy Perry is a complete idiot-


    • Grog says:

      PJW is spot on, but I stopped watching after the first interview segment, because I was going to punch my computer after seeing her face.

  14. MvL says:

    The post-terror cultivation of passivity speaks to a profound crisis of – and fear of – the active citizen. It diminishes us as citizens to reduce us to hashtaggers and candle-holders in the wake of serious, disorientating acts of violence against our society.

    Worth reading the whole thing ….

  15. mara the deplorable says:
