Stiff Upper Lip

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8 Responses to Stiff Upper Lip

  1. Jamie says:

    That’s a hit.

  2. Ronbo says:

    The tree of liberty in Britain is badly in need of the traitor’s blood!

    After all, it’s the British traitors living safe and sound in their fenced communities, well protected by armed private security and police who enable the Muslims – the one they imported – to do their dirty acts of terrorism and murder – It’s like the man who is too cowardly to kill on his own, so he hires a hit man to do the “wet work.”

    The Muslim terrorists are the hitmen for the British Establishment. They are used like Hitler used his Storm Troopers to terrorize the German people into submission in 1920s and early 1930s. The German people finally surrendered to the Nazi terror and murder – and allowed Hitler to be the supreme leader – and the Nazi Party to rule.

    Will Britain surrender to the New Nazis of the Left?

    This is the endgame: the final push to a totalitarian Britain has begun.

    • Robertv says:

      Well said. There is no freedom left in europe. It has become a fascist state where they control every move we make.

      • K2 says:

        I have some good friends who feel the same way about the US. The ironic part is they wanted to immigrate to Australia but can’t because the immigration laws there are too restrictive.

  3. KG says:

    “Will Britain surrender to the New Nazis of the Left? ”
    They already have.

  4. paul scott says:

    And this is why we must change our immigration policies in New Zealand. Just recently Whitehouse has infected the South Island with this Islam stuff in Invercargill and Nelson.
    Small places where the people do not know how to resistance, we should be marching on Parliament and physically throwing that Whitehouse out.. , whatever the cost to our little lives are now,
    Australia is in for Sharia enrichment now, no one will remain unless like Poland we close borders.