FBI agent indicted….

For making false statements in the Levoy Finicum shooting-

Read it here-

It’s high time someone blows this case open,it was nothing less than full on government orchestrated murder and I believe a conspiracy to carry that murder out rose all the way to the top of the government,maybe even to the Whitehouse.

Lord Monckton has a warning for the BLM-

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14 Responses to FBI agent indicted….

  1. Ronbo says:

    “O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!”

    Yet more reason to do a purge of the FBI….and when we find the bastard traitors – I say shoot them at dawn on live national television.

    …now that would send a message!

    Ditto the SS, BATF, DEA, NSA, CIA, etc.

    Federal agents would think twice about joining Deep State and/or singing to the New York Times every time a classified document crosses their desks.

  2. MikeH. says:

    Mr. Finicum did not deserve to die, let alone be shot at. LEOs have become way too high strung and / or pussyfied to be allowed “qualified immunity” every time one of them drops the hammer on someone because said LEOs failed to follow common sense proceedures. Then again, I have known more than a few who should never have been certified as LEOs or allowed to carry a weapon.

  3. Brown says:

    This is a well timed development. Under Trump we may see the truth revealed but previously it would have been more difficult.

    • Ronbo says:

      I think The Donald is going to drop the hammer real hard on all the leading figures of the Obama Regime; however, at this point he doesn’t have complete control over the FBI, which is still pretty much working for Obama, so first of all, Trump must get his guys into the leadership roles in the DOJ and FBI.

      This process will take until sometime in 2018, I’d estimate before he gets the green light to start the purge trials….In the meantime, Trump is laying the groundwork by attacking the Leftist Media and ripping them to pieces. CNN alone has lost 25% of their viewership in June.

      What Trump is doing now is like what the military calls, “preparing the battlefield” and seeing as how the Leftist Media is so powerful in the “air” – the campaign opens with Trump achieving “air superiority” over the battlefield.

    • KG says:

      Sure can’t, Grog. But there’s a question, too – did the killer really think the autopsy wouldn’t show this? Or was he so pumped the thought didn’t occur to him?
      (all right, two questions)

      • Ronbo says:


        Over the last eight years the Left has grown arrogant, stupid, dangerous, deadly and thought they could get away with murder because the Obama Regime would look the other way – which they did.

        Also, they believed Hillary was a sure thing to be elected president and end the Constitutional Republic.

        They felt above the law.

        They felt bullet proof.

        They deemed themselves masters of the universe.

        Then Trump won in 2016…

        The best laid schemes of mice and men, heh?

      • Darin says:

        He thought nobody would come looking,just like last time.

      • Grog says:

        Ronbo and Darin gave the answers I would have given, but since you asked http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

        Yes, the killer, and all involved, thought the facts and actions wouldn’t be brought into the open, since such actions in the past have been disguised, kept out of sight, or glossed over. This time, there’s enough people standing up to the Fed, and enough people digging for information, that all the events can’t be hidden, and that sooner or later the truth of what happened was going to be exposed.

        Now, obviously, a lot of us who watched this as it happened, and talked behind the scenes, or on various blogs, realized very quickly this was an out and out murder, and my guess is that a lot of people that live in the area quickly arrived at the same conclusion, and “casually mentioned” to the people on the law side of the fence that would be investigating this, and who would be involved in any court proceedings, that the truth was known, and this would not be ignored.

        So, now we wait to find out what happens to the cops. If there’s not jail time involved for the shooters at the end, they’ll be moved under the witness relocation program, because there will be a lot of people out for scalps. Not that some people haven’t been thinking of that since this happened. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wink.gif

    • KG says:

      More of it needed. Much more. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

      • Ronbo says:

        Trump has yet to ask his base for counter demonstrators.

        So counter demonstration are done in an uncoordinated ad hoc manner – and many would be volunteers aren’t in the loop, so they don’t show up.

        I think if he would start tweeting for volunteers and coordinators, he’d have thousands out on the street every time the Left started marching.

        I would think his son Eric would make an excellent commander.

        He could appoint sub-commanders in every state.

        I would suggest the counter demonstrators wear a red MAGA hat, or other article of clothing so they don’t get mix up with the Leftists.

  4. Gregoryno6 says:

    I’m posting this strictly for the image. Which suggests very strongly that somebody’s mom got close to Wolverine.
    Waaaay too close.