One of those Red things

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13 Responses to One of those Red things

  1. KG says:

    Oh my!!! Perfection.

  2. mawm says:

    One of the best!

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    At a restored value in the $500,000 range, I’ll take two

  4. Like a beautiful high strung girlfriend, the upkeep will kill you.

  5. Odakyu-sen says:

    It’s amazing how the lines of an attractive sports car haven’t really changed in over 50 years…

    • KG says:

      I think they were generally better looking back then, Odakyu-sen.

      • Darin says:

        Cars in general were more attractive back then.I get a kick out of what young kids say when they go to an old car show,they never knew cars before the epidemic of plastic,look alike boxes.

  6. Contempt says:

    Pretty. Reminds me of my 1991 Pontiac red Sunbird 3.1 V6 140 horses five speed manual transmission hauling tail new White top down and winding it out. Except she is in the hospital experiencing late middle age consequences too numerous to relate. However. None the less. You can buy her for $105,099 in appraised mint Confederate States of America currency. Let me know🇺🇸

  7. Darin says:

    Le Mans winning 1960 Ferrari T250

    • KG says:

      Magnificent – but what babbling moron decided to overlay the sound of a Lampredi V12 with crappy “music”? :shock: