Arsehole of the Week

Hold on to your hats boys,it’s a big haul this week!

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28 Responses to Arsehole of the Week

  1. Darin says:

    Fusion GPS is nothing but another criminal arm of the Clinton crime family and the DNC-

    • Ronbo says:

      I understand he’s already signed a million dollar contract with a donor to write a book titled, “What Happened”

  2. Darin says:

    Michigan teens being held without bail-

    I hope the judge throws the book at them,they have it coming.

  3. Alan says:

    I see the U.S. Supreme Court has thrown out the leftist Hawaiian judge ruling over the immigration issue. He must rate high in the asshole stakes.

  4. KG says:

    “Asset recycling”, the new term for thieving from the taxpayers:

    • Ronbo says:

      Yes, the Left is creative with language: Affordable Health Care in this country means health insurance no one can afford….The real definition of the term is the opposite than what it says…”1984″ is here! Freedom is slavery. Peace is war. Justice is tyranny.

  5. Pascal says:

    Hey, Darin, Kg. Where’s that puke emojii?

    “…but now I have to ask: How long has he [gwbush] been working for the Dark Side?”

    Only an op-ed writer who has been protecting her establishment ties all these years would write this George W. Bush: Victim Becomes Abuser and end it with such a pretentiously disappointed line.

    “BUT NOW I HAVE TO ASK…” Vomit

    But now? Go peddle your newly discovered outrage about a long standing GOPe ringleader with your mirror you poser.

    • Ronbo says:

      Like the race baiting poverty pimp Jesse Jackson – whom we never of anymore, since the Leftist radical black power contract was given to the ultra-violent racist “Black Lives Matter” – once said, “Stay out of the Bushes.”

      A broken clock is right twice a day.

  6. Darin says:

    Pascal,here’s the thing about Bush-

    First I never voted for Bush,I voted against Gore and Kerry.Bush was a social conservative,but a fiscal liberal and globalist just like his father.So with that in mind-

    I supported his tax cuts and small business capital expenditure deductions,but did not support him growing the debt by almost double.

    I supported the war,but not the way it was executed.Too much money spent and too many lives lost for too little gain with no clear objective.It is my firm belief that when we go to war,it should be total war and the objective should be to kill the enemy in mass until they are either extinct or capitulate in unconditional surrender.

    I supported him on 9/12,but did not support the creation of a police state that continues to invade the privacy rights of 340,000,000 Americans and god knows how many non-Americans.I would much rather go along with violating the rights of a few million temporarily than I had violating everyone’s rights indefinitely.

    Bush and Daddy both where/are CFR members,Bush Sr betrayed us on taxes and immigration,Bush Jr betrayed us on fiscal responsibility and border security,he also betrayed us in the WOT by incorrectly identifying the enemy.(the whole”islam is the religion of peace” horse crap)

    Bush gave us his “Faith Based Initiatives Act” that has mainstreamed taxpayer cash into activist religious organizations which have opened the flood gates to “refugees” and “dreamers” flooding in by the boatload.

    Oddly enough I don’t blame Bush for the Katrina response even though I was smack dab in the middle of it.I was actually amazed at how well Bush’s FEMA got a handle on things once it was up to speed.

    I didn’t support his prescription drug plan,because it was nothing more than a shell out subsidy to the pharmaceutical lobby and expansion of the socialist state.

    I didn’t support his bailout out and stimulus package which was an economic disaster and ended up giving us Obama.

    Basically I did what I always do,no matter who the president is I support the things they get right and oppose them for the things they did wrong.I would have supported Obama if he had done anything right,sadly the only thing he and I agreed on was when he called Kanye West a jackass.

    Oh,one more thing to point out-
    Bush 41-Yale grad Clinton-Harvard grad-Bush 43 Yale grad-Obama-Harvard grad.See a pattern there?Ya,me too

    • Ronbo says:

      Well said, Darin!

      Like the man should have said, “I’d vote for an old yellow dog for president if the critter was a Republican.”

    • Pascal says:

      And that what is wrong with the writer’s final lines. GW could have been a great man, but he was Daddy’s boy and boy to Daddy’s backers made him a tool of the Sinister Prog forces who hide behind the phony label ‘social’ justice.

      I too voted for the least of the evils, but you and I failed to make a dent with our warnings because the noise-to-signal ratio was amped by the uniparty thugs and the SSM. They were intent on moving the lesser evil in the worsening direction.

      At this point I’m praying the up-coming generations learn from our mistakes. I hate to admit it, but I think Ronbo is close to the right track on what the biggest mistake to avoid is. Listen to what Black Pidgeon speaks at 8:40 of the Rules for Rationalists thread’s video.

  7. Jamie says:

    Going to nominate myself this week.


    – Apart from being a bit of an asshole at times?


    “”””New Zealand’s only female plane hijacker could receive a $25,000 compensation payment unless her victims claim it.

    Asha Ali Abdille’s nine-year jail term expired in February.

    It has now been revealed that $25,000 was paid into a victims’ claims trust account in her name.

    The money was compensation for wrongs that occurred in the corrections and criminal justice system. But the Department of Corrections refused, on privacy grounds, to say what had happened to Abdille.””””

    Her victims – who include two pilots who were injured – have until March 2018 to make a claim against the money.””””



    Why – Because you continue to bust your fool ass to pay for shit like that.

    [don’t say thanks bitch]

    Next I’ll be expected to pay for her skinny ass to bring her entire tribe over; sharia and all.

    – Oh and have the privilege of being the bad guy while she’s at it.

    Goody goody gum drops

  8. KG says:

    From the Washpost, recycled by the NZ Herald, natch:
    ‘The behaviour we can no longer ignore from men’

    How about an article on the women’s behaviour we men can no longer ignore?
    You know, the trivial stuff like treating men as mere sperm donors once a woman has the kids she wants, the false rape allegations, the persistent denigration of the man who acts as an unpaid bodyguard and is expected to step up whenever there’s a dirty or dangerous job to be done but is slandered for his “toxic masculinity”?
    And how about the women who dress and behave like sluts, but squeal in confected outrage should a man be foolish enough to treat them as such? Women who sleep with multiple partners and describe themselves as “polyamorous” whereas men who do the same are “commitment-phobic” sex maniacs?
    I have grown very, very sick of whining, entitled bloody women. .

    • Jamie says:

      The constant and never ending mixed messages….


      “”””We were full of despair and frustration – not with being objectified and pawed at, but at not being objectified or pawed at, at all.

      Things could only improve, we figured, and improve they did, slowly. And I can assure you that at each and every sign of it – each rumour a boy thought I was pretty; each snog (I didn’t much mind with who); each lecherous stare on the street – I would secretly punch the air with glee. I too was being noticed by the opposite sex! At last!

      Flash forward a few years, to when I was on holiday with my parents in Rome. Some local loafer hanging around the Coliseum, no doubt expressly with the intention to perve on young tourists, perved on me. Something along the lines of, “hey, beautiful” in that seedy way that these sorts of men have. He followed me and said it again. Then we left.

      Reader: I kid you not. I was thrilled. It was my first bit of street hassle – or at least the first I’d clocked – and I felt like I had finally arrived.””””



      Best approach – Speak only when spoken to

      • KG says:

        From your link, Jamie, possibly the most stupid comment I have EVER seen under an article. Any article.
        “Maybe there should be more fathers involved in child rearing so people don’t have to look for odd ways to find what they are missing.”
        :shock: That level of obtuseness is plain frightening.

        • Darin says:

          Yesterday the topic of the current scandals came up,the ones with Weistein and the media types,in idle lunch time conversation.
          I asked a simple question,where were the men in these women’s lives that were supposedly abused?The bothers,boyfriends and husbands???One of the women in the group piped up and asked “well what were they supposed to do?”
          I said for starters they should have done what a man should do and defend the women in his life.
          “And do what?” she asked
          I said – go find the prick that’s making unwanted passes or abusing them and ask him if he has dental insurance.

          Then came the predictable “well violence really isn’t the answer” BS to which my reply was,apparently not letting men be men isn’t working out to well either.

    • mawm says:

      “I have grown very, very sick of whining, entitled bloody women. .”

      That’s why I say to young men – “rent, don’t buy”. Sad but true.

      • Darin says:

        Yep,rule 3F-

        If it-
        Flys,Floats or Fornicates it’s cheaper to rent :mrgreen:

        • Ronbo says:

          Feminism is the best thing that ever happened for criminal minded women – (1) Get a job with a big company. (2) Start complaining about being sexually harassed. (3) Move up with unearned promotions – and when you’re on the same floor as the Big Boss – say he sexually harassed you some way…any way…no witnesses are required – and sue him into the poor house.. (4) Then with the generous settlement move into wealthy circles and get some rich guy to marry you without a pre-nup.(5) Divorce the sucker for a multi-million dollar settlement.