FFS! # 85,625

Kellog’s Corn Puffs Cereal? Raaaacissst!

Embrace the crazy –


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8 Responses to FFS! # 85,625

  1. Ronbo says:

    These companies should tell nutburger Muslims to fuck off and die! Note to INS: check out his status to stay in the USA.

  2. Darin says:

    Halperin out at PMSNBC cause sex and stuff-


    When asked for a comment Bill Cosby and Bill O’reilly both said -“Bwhahahahahaha”!!!!

  3. KG says:

    What rots my socks is the apology from Kellogs.
    Gutless bastards. :evil:

    • Pascal says:

      It’s more of the ever more open fascism we’ve come to expect. [insert picture of fasces here] Kellogg’s has long been identified as a crony amongst the corps. I stopped buying their socks. ;)

  4. Darin says:

    PJW: Bullsh*t Russian Collusion Narrative Collapses-



  5. What’s really silly is this brown cornflake or potato or whatever isn’t even a human being. So in no way is it even saying that brown people are inferior, cause it isn’t even a human being.

    And if it were a human being there are brown janitors in this world. It’s just so silly.

    • Darin says:

      The comments under that article are hilarious-

      “They clearly have a point. The illustration clearly shows the pops as yellow and the janitor as brown. This can only be meant to wrongly portray brown skinned people as being workers for the chinese.” :mrgreen:

  6. If I write a book about brown and white elves, brown and white dwarves, that’s not the same as talking about brown and white people is it? That’s sort of what my point is.