China’s covert infiltration into New Zealand’s government

‘In September of last year, professor Anne-Marie Brady of New Zealand’s University of Canterbury published a detailed report on China’s intelligence activity to guide, buy, and coerce political influence on a global basis, with emphasis on New Zealand. Brady’s work was extremely effective because she is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, and she based her research on Chinese-language media both inside and outside of China.’

By 2030 the Pacific will be a Chinese lake.

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8 Responses to China’s covert infiltration into New Zealand’s government

  1. Brown says:

    Alas. So many like cheap trinkets that we will just suck it up. Comrade Clarkula will be happy as a pig in shit as will her political offspring.

  2. Lara says:

    National sold out to China too, especially under the Key regime. Sigh. Maybe Winston as PM will save us…? (not)…

  3. tom says:

    Look up a book….”In The Jaws of The Dragon” by Ron Asher. Anyone will be surprised at the influence and ownership of the chinese in our country

  4. Cadwallader says:

    NZ used to be a farm for Britain, then a military base for the USA, then a golf course for Japan and now a suburb of Shanghai.

    • andy5759 says:

      So true Cadwallader. New Zealand is seen by so many as the most beautiful country on the planet, and coveted by all. It has become a battleground in ideological wars, ethnic wars, trade wars, and imperial wars. Not many shots fired. Yet.

      • Cadwallader says:

        There were plenty of shots fired here in the nineteenth century between the locals and the British. I grew-up knowing them as the “Maori wars” but now it is preferred to call them the “Land wars.”

  5. Grog says:

    This is a few years old, but still relevant. Maybe before 2030, at this rate.