Jailed for Wrong Think-Brittany Pettibone

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29 Responses to Jailed for Wrong Think-Brittany Pettibone

  1. Darin says:

    I have no beef with our like minded British friends,but the rest should feel lucky I am not POTUS,otherwise they would have one hour before Seal Team Six was enroute.

      • Yokel says:

        Isn’t it lucky for the government that the front pages are covered with the poisoning of the Russian ex-spy who was still in contact with his old colleagues.

        • Andy5759etc says:

          Makes you wonder doesn’t it? I take with a pinch of salt the idea that the Russian state would use nerve agents to off this man. Poison is a woman’s weapon, Putin is no woman. The poison used is indiscriminate, points conveniently to Russia, and failed to kill. Are the Russians that stupid? There are plenty more effective ways to kill someone without attracting all the finger pointing. If someone wanted to demonise Russia this is precisely what they would do.

            • Ronbo says:

              Excellent point!

              The American Left has started to blame the Russians for everything…not Global Warming, but only because they are too stupid to dream up the charge at the present time.

              So I would look to the British Left if I were Chief Inspector of New Scotland Yard for suspects.

              • Yokel says:

                While Richard North of EUReferendum.com usually these days has his hands full with sorting out the wheat from the chaff to do with Brexit, he is a bloody good all round researcher and in the past has done many excellent wide-ranging investigations.

                In his post today:
                he looks at an awful lot behind the Salisbury poisonings. He is not one for conspiracy theories, but his closing sentence reads: “Accusing Putin without good evidence is not such a good idea and, without good evidence, is closer to slander than any Prime Minister should ever be.“.

                We need to carry on turning all those stones over to see what comes crawling out from under each of them.

  2. KG says:

    ” Of course, our citizens are free. They are free to do anything that is not expressly forbidden”
    Erich Honecker, East Germany.

  3. Pascal says:

    This is one of BPS’ most important and timely. The cradle where limits on govt was set down — in the Magna Carta — is “Progress”ing [>>spit<<] in the opposite direction faster than you can say Tommy Robinson.

  4. mawm says:

    Meanwhile….this time in Telford.

    Revealed: Police Failed to Act as 1,000 Girls Beaten, Pimped, Raped, and Even KILLED Over 40 Years in Britain’s Worst Grooming Scandal
    Social workers reportedly knew of the abuse, which saw girls as young as 11 targeted, from the 1990s, but police took ten years to launch an investigation and the authorities failed to keep tabs on suspects and perpetrators from the South Asian community fearing “racism” accusations.

    This is criminal negligence of the worst kind by the social workers, police and local politicians. They should all spend lengthy periods in gaol. As for the Asian men ……. where the fuck are you British men? You should be exacting revenge of terminal proportions until such time as these conquerers return en masse to their shithole countries. Get over the fear of being called a racist, get over the refrain that they are not all the same. You have been hoodwinked by your government and socialist organisations as they achieve all they have ever wanted to do – destroy your society and replace you.

  5. Alan says:

    Maybe Enoch Powell’s predictions are coming to fruition.

  6. KG says:

    “……. where the fuck are you British men? You should be exacting revenge of terminal proportions until such time as these conquerers return en masse to their shithole countries.”
    AMEN! to that.

    • mawm says:

      The police know that once unleashed the toll will be severe hence their reaction to the “very far right wing” such as Tommy Robinson. I have always thought that if the the football yobbo were to change his target….

      • KG says:

        Yeah, there’s a whole army to be mobilised there. But what would it take? If abused and murdered kids won’t do it then probably nothing will.

        • tranquil says:

          I think it’s time that Tommy Robinson “unleashed” the “football mob masses” and told them to take over Parliament. If there are any patriots left in the UK military, maybe a few of them would *join* the masses! They sure as heck *should*…..

          • Yokel says:

            I think that the 6 people arrested for being members of National Action in November last year were reportedly soldiers. Wikipedia has a bit of info.

      • Yokel says:

        Tommy Robinson has challenged them to prosecute him if he actually is inciting racial hatred:

    • Yokel says:

      So how many are banned now?
      – Sellner, Pettibone, Southern, Wilders, Geller, Spencer, Savage
      there must be more!

      Does anyone have a list of names of known radical Islamic/Islamist preachers who have been allowed in?

      • KG says:

        Meanwhile, the muzziescum Lord mayor of London is threatening to fine Facebook and Google if they don’t take down “hate speech”

        That is – of course – speech which criticises muzzies. The ones that beheaded a Brit in public, the ones who carry clearly racist and inflammatory anti-Western placards at their street demos while the cops stand by and do nothing.
        Britain is fucked. There will be no uprising.

        • Yokel says:

          Sadly, you are right. Kristallnacht and the Reichstag Fire cannot be far away. And most will cheer.

          • Darin says:

            If Lauren and Brittany had told the authorities they were soldiers of Allah returning from Jihad they probably would have been given housing vouchers and a car to drive.

  7. Darin says:

    Tommy Robinson interviews Brittany and Martin in Austria-


  8. Ronbo says:

    So what’s wrong with decent middle class British men – the backbone of the nation? When I lived in Orlando, Florida I talked to such individuals quite often, as Disney World and the other attractions were very popular with British families. Those men I talked to were mostly Conservative Party members, who agreed with me on about everything – So I asked, “Why not a little rebellion? Why go along with the edicts of your government without nary a demonstration or petition? Why allow your government to disarm you? Why allow your government to take away your right to freedom of speech? Why allow your country to be overrun by Muslims who hate Britain with hardly any protest? At least get mad at your PMs and wave a fist at the town hall meetings!”

    One Brit replied looking down at the ground, “I guess because we aren’t Americans.”http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif