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16 Responses to Facebroke

  1. Fred says:

    Facebook is shocked, shocked, that somebody ELSE would use your data to make money and influence the populace…shocked!

    So, the benevolent facebook collects all this data about you? And then some bad guy uses the data but this use, of course, is not for your own good?

    Here’s the thing, the population, including the congress and other nations political’s, are soooooooo very stupid that they will play right into this. “We need to keep all the data facebook collects safe from somebody ELSE!!!

    We’ll get to the bottom of this, I can assure you…BWA HA HA HA HA HA.

    When the service is free the product is YOU!

    News flash…news flash…critical information…The Internet is the worlds largest intelligence collection platform. Your personal information will be used against you. It’s to big a temptation. The money and power is too much. You are the target! You are the target! You are the target!…

  2. KG says:

    I think Facebook and Twitter are loathsome, dangerous companies, helping to destroy the social and cultural bonds so essential to civilized countries.
    their control and regulation by governments may well be the greater evil, enabling those governments to shut down free speech entirely while leaving the illusion of free speech more or less intact.
    Perhaps the Soviet-era samizdat may end up being the only method by which we’re able to express free opinions.

    • mawm says:

      Don’t underestimate what Google, Apple, Snopes and Wikipedia, etc are doing by filtering the news and altering the product to promote socialism and destroy conservatism and nationalism. “Masters of the Universe” to coin a phrase from PJMedia’s Glen Reynolds at Instapundit.

      • Ronbo says:

        The Facebook CEO is hoist on his own petard! The Z Man tried to play nice with the Left – like many a capitalist – only finding out too late he had sold them the rope with which they have hanged him.

        This was totally unnecessary – Z Man could have enacted just a few simple rules like no kiddy porn, no snuff videos, no terrorist videos, no racist videos, etc. – and enforced them without regard to politics, religion, race, or creed.

        Instead Z Man went hard Left and gave the commies everything they asked…Then along comes a clever Rightist who used the same techniques used by the Left to mine persoanl data for Trump in 2016…and for this one single of unaware act of betrayal Facebook faces destruction by the Left for “treason.”

        Z Man’s reaction to this Leftist shit storm should be to pull out bass knuckles and hit them back square in the nose with a hard right turn, but we all know he won’t because he lacks the balls to do so.

        The moral to this story is never play nice with the Left – never give then anything – never do business with them, never, never, NEVER play using their rules. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and a whole army of Rightists ride large and unafraid on the airwaves and Internet because they have never compromised with the Left.

    • KG says:

      I sure don’t underestimate it, Mawm. But we’re old-fashioned. Out of touch. Paranoid. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif
      Update: Apologies for my comment being so rudely interrupted by Ronbo. Again.
      Don’t you understand what an effing comments thread is, Ronbo? Or do you simply not care? Your long lectures on the obvious are tedious enough (they appear to assume commenters here are idiots unschooled in history) but your habit of breaking up comments threads has been going on for a long, long time despite repeated objections.
      Get some bloody manners.

      • Ronbo says:

        @KG: I’m not feeling the love!

        In my defense I don’t think I’ve disrupted any conversation. The way the board is set up – I assume by you – is a “reply” is allowed at the end of the comment…So I have replied theren to certain comments that have interested me.. This features allows the commenter to get feedback on that particular comment. As for my comments being wordy and insulting anyone’s intelligence, I don’t think that’s possible with the high caliber of people posting here.

        In regards to my alleged bad manners – I’d say you suffer from a bad case of projection because you have frequently been rude and obnoxious to me. Clearly, you want to ban me, but apparently you feel the need to get the majority support to do so.

        You owe me the apology – not the other way round.

        • KG says:

          I don’t want to ban you – I no longer have the right to do that anyway. It’s now Darin’s blog. And if I still owned it “majority support” to do something I believed was right would be irrelevant to me. Following a mob has never been my style.
          And if you’re too damn dumb to get the link between your long, wordy, patronizing comments and the reduction in the comment count overall when they become pervasive then nothing I can say will have any effect.
          I’m aware of how the comments work which is why I’m also aware of how often you have inserted your comments between a comment and the reply to it, despite being given a number of hints that it isn’t supposed to work that way.
          I owe you no apology. There are people here who can testify that I readily apologise for an intemperate outburst or for something that may have seemed ill-mannered. So forget your pop psychology theories about projection.

  3. Fred says:

    Facebook is shocked that somebody ELSE would use your data to make money and influence the populace…shocked! BWA HA HA HA HA HA.

    So, the benevolent facebook collects all this data about you? And then some (other) bad guy uses the data but that use, of course, is not for your own good?

    Here’s the thing, the population, including the congress and other nations political’s, are soooooooo very stupid that they will play right into this. “We need to keep all the data facebook collects safe from somebody ELSE!!! We’ll get to the bottom of this, I can assure you.”


    When the service is free the product is YOU!

    News flash…critical information…The Internet is the worlds largest intelligence collection platform. Your personal information will be used against you. It’s to big a temptation. The money and power is too much. You are the target!

  4. Yokel says:

    Sit down, folks, and engage brain please. Disengage the “Knee jerk reaction” gear. Then have a look at this article at The Register:
    There is a hint of something there, but in the comments you will find:

    Now that is interesting. I leave you to look up “List X” as your homework for tonight. You will then be able to make meaningful comment on this article in tomorrow’s lesson:

    Or to put it another way, there’s no need to stop digging yet as there is plenty more down in this quarry. Could explosives bring that wall over there down for us?

    • Darin says:

      They finally got caught doing what everybody with any sense knew they were doing,gathering and selling information.Of course it’s only a big deal now because Trump’s team may have found use for some of the data,not so much for Obama/Clinton when they did the same thing.