The Real Reason Behind The Mueller Probe

It’s not what many think it is,sure the swamp would like to claim Trump’s presidency as a trophy,but that’s not the real target-

The Washington Examiner-

The real purpose is to bankrupt and humiliate anyone even remotely affiliated with Trump.And remember,it’s not the man,it’s what he stands for that’s the stick in their craw.Trump and by extention anyone who works for or supports him must be destroyed,otherwise their ideas could spread.

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18 Responses to The Real Reason Behind The Mueller Probe

  1. Grey says:

    The process is the punishment.

    If we’re going to have an adversarial system where the government provides investigators/prosecutors with an unlimited budget with which to act, then it should only be fair that the government be required to provide a similar budget to the defense.

    No more crap public defenders. Everyone gets a good attorney. And government bears the financial jeopardy.

    I would settle for government being on the hook for all legal fees and additional compensation for time, suffering, and inconvenience in the event that charges are dropped, no charges are filed, or no conviction is reached.

    • Darin says:

      I would like to see some one file suit on behalf of the taxpayers against Mueller and his band of idots to recover some of the money they have wasted on this witch hunt.

      • mawm says:

        Investigating “The Russia Collusion” investigation would turn over a trove of documents of criminal behaviour by the Clinton Crime Family – Mueller, Comey, Rottenswine, Lynch, Crapper, Brennan ….. and best of all Obama. Do it, Jeff, do it!

  2. KG says:

    Just effing fire Mueller, Rosenstein and whoever else happens to be even remotely implicated in this outrage, and damn the consequences.
    I cannot believe that there’s no dirt on these bastards to be used as leverage and/or punishment.
    Enough is enough. :evil:

    • Darin says:

      If I were Trump I would tell Mueller and Rosenstein both that they have until May 7th to shit or get off the pot.Either that or simply declassify all the documents they have been slow walking the release of and let the whole mess explode at once.

      • mawm says:

        I’d just tell them to bring a case against me on Russian collusion, Russian collusion only, do it now or you are fired!

  3. mawm says:

    According to Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse the Mueller investigation is just a continuation of the surveillance of the Trump campaign – just being done by different people to the Counterintelligence group in the FBI. If this is true they should “all hang from ropes”.

    • Alan says:

      Rudy Giuliani has Trumps back, he now has a serious legal team behind him, put it this way the fight is well and truly on. There would be a large portion of the adult U.S. population has had enough of this crap. Of course there are a lot of dumb so called homo sapiens, who have no idea of whats going on. We are living in weird times.

      • mawm says:

        He needs Sessions and Congress (R) on his side first and only then can he fire Mueller and turn the investigation around.

  4. tranquil says:

    In other news – I have donated $200 to Generation Identitaire – the group that has closed off a mountain pass in the French Alps that was being used by Muslim savages to get into France.

    I thought that if the great energetic, PATRIOTIC and proud young people in G.I. had the determination to do that, then the least I could do was to chip in with some money to support them!

    If anyone else is interested in helping them out, here’s the website –

    – tranquil

    • Darin says:

      Sessions had better be working with the IG getting charges ready for Hillary and co.If not he needs to go and soon.