Robert Mueller’s Flock Shooting Fiasco

Thomas Lipscomb makes the case for why Mueller is an incompetent hack-

Robert Mueller’s Flock Shooting Fiasco

“But given his record, and the past year, Elmer Fudd Mueller is doing his earnest best. At this point, Mueller’s efforts are more laughable than to be feared. Like the hapless hunter in Tom Lehrer’s song, it appears all he has bagged is “Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow.”

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8 Responses to Robert Mueller’s Flock Shooting Fiasco

  1. Pascal says:

    Holy cow. If this piece is 1/10 true, the swamp is much deeper than any old swamp.

    The only place a Mueller could have risen to anywhere near his levels of power must be the same city that not only tolerates but heaps honors on the likes of Ted Kennedy and John McCain.

  2. Darin says:

    Uh Oh! DC Judge orders release of Weiner’s laptop,the one Comey tried to bury deep-

    A district court judge ordered the release of the Weiner laptop. This is the same laptop the James Comey FBI buried under mountains of sealed “protection” to keep secret. The laptop that had the entire Obama intelligence apparatus (and the Clinton Machine) in a panic shortly before the 2016 Election. All the major media outlets knew about this development – but said nothing. The reason why is simple. They fear who might be implicated.

  3. mawm says:

    Hmmm…. NZ has the highest homelessness rate in the OECD. Lets bring some more “refugees”, that should fix it.