Beware the Evil Do-Gooder

Why recycling plastic is the worst thing for the environment-

I can remember a time in the late 1970’s where burning trash to produce electricity was the norm.This was a time before landfills were poluting groundwater and millions of tons of plastic ended up in our oceans.

Why did we stop?Because incinerating trash produced some percentage of air polution and air polution must be stopped!Shouted the headlines of the time.And so with the newly created EPA in place and millions of new environmentalists pushing for “change” commercial incineration of municipal waste was banned and all but eliminated.

So we stopped burning our garbage to produce electricity and began burying it intead,but we still needed the electricity produced in the process,so we began burning more Coal and Natural gas while at the same time began building enormus landfills to polute the groundwater.

Large cities and states,those with more representation in Congress than others found a way around building landfills in their states.They simply shipped their garbage to other states.Remember the “Garbage Barge”of 1987?New York’s attempt to export it’s garbage to another state failed.It’s attempts to send it to another country failed when both Cuba and Mexico threatened,and rigthfully so,to Shell the barge if it attempted to dock in their countries.

More recently we have been shipping our trash to third world contries and either dumping it there,or sending it to Asia where there is enough cheap labor to hand sort the plastics and maybe recycle some.But that capacity has been overwhelmed and now much of it is either buried,burned,or simply dumped directly into the oceans.

But there is a better way,the way we used to do it before the evil do-gooders took over with their utopian delusions-

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12 Responses to Beware the Evil Do-Gooder

  1. Pascal says:


    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

    ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man, 1943

    Note the title of Lewis’ three lectures converted into his famous book.

    So, even though the endgame was clear to one patriotic Englishman mid-20th century, there still remain large numbers in the West who refuse to accept the reality of the full intentions of, in Darin’s words, the Evil Do-Gooder.

    • Fred says:

      It’s not sincere, at least at the top it’s not.

      • Pascal says:

        I wish I could be that sure Fred. The reason is I’m convinced that there are those at the top now who have abandoned the fundamental moral precepts out of which the Enlightenment expanded.

        Rather than seeing they are obligated to protect innocent human life, and maybe gain power and privilege and honor for doing so, they believe that they are saving the planet and us from ourselves, and are charged with deeming who will live and who must be eliminated.

        In Lewis’ thesis, the end result of the abolition of man would be supermen and slaves, nothing permitted to remain that we who still hold with the Western tradition would recognize or care to know.

        In seeking that goal “for our own good” they are far too sincere, and dangerous all the more because they are.

      • Pascal says:

        I would agree on one point for sure — when those at the top tell us why they do things, indeed they are not sincere. The Prog movement is filled with double-think phrases. Serving as the primary example we have Progressive politics (towards more freedom) really meaning regressive politics (back towards enslavement and worse).

  2. Fred says:

    There are 7000 to 10000 viable (depending on how you measure) publicly traded ongoing concerns (US). There are millions of private companies (US). There are some wonderful companies that employ a few people or up to 1000’s of people. They make real things that real people need and want. 2 such industries are transport and Oil &Gas. 90% of all US trucking companies have less than 10 rigs. These are small companies that know if they stop running millions will die. They are patriotic and proud, generally conservative. The oil and gas industry are again, hard working, for profit, real product, meeting a real need, generally conservative. If these were fully infiltrated by leftards the lights would be out and your neighbors would be hungry. I mention truckers and oil & gas men on purpose. Take note, the push to go electric and autonomous with vehicles and recycle and wind power is as much the lefts desire to wreck these 2 mainly conservative industries as it is the control of transport. See, the leftists don’t control transport in the US, YET. I reckon that this is the actual motive to EV auto drive and recycling plastic. Remember, it’s always about money and power. And as a bonus, the leftists at the top relish the opportunity to do to these families what they have done to the US coal miners, another decent bunch of conservative folk.

    • Pascal says:

      All that you wrote adds evidence in support of both responses about sincerity above. Both as to their sincerity to their ultimate goal (your examples reveal their methodology by which to incrementally achieve it) and as to how they must be insincere when stating their goals given the results.

      You will see that my theory even stands up to tests using the methods associated with soft social sciences.

      Fatal results happen so often in the pursuit of utopia that it is a virtual certainty the the fatal results were the intentions, the exact of opposite of what was being sold. Each different action has a limited number of outcomes. The ones you brought up actually brought us plenty, the ones that the Sinister push lead to increasingly diminishing returns.

      The statistics suggest strongly that these constant “failures” cannot be an accident.

      • Fred says:

        I know that the failures are not an accident which is what I meant by lacking in sincerity at the top. I think that we can both agree; hanged from the neck until dead, is the rightful remedy. While some favor ‘helicopter rides’ I think that this method is less effective, as 9 year old boys don’t get to witness first hand what could happen to them.

        • Pascal says:

          Yep Fred, as usual we are on the same page.

          Your comment on sincerity provided me an opportunity to expand on my take of C.S. Lewis’ perhaps too early understanding (and thus its dismissal) of the vain conceits and vile objectives of the enemy. Thank you.

          • Fred says:

            You’re welcome. You have broadened my understanding of issues as well.

            • Pascal says:

              It was accidental that I came upon the words of Calvin Coolidge only yesterday so that I could use them to celebrate the birth of America today. It looks like I used the same words in this thread as he did in 1926 and I did not know it.

              It is my hope that more and more people will understand now that anything said by Progressives Regressives and their forces is invariably said to aid them in achieving the exact opposite.

  3. Darin says:

    Oh,well,even the muzzies are doing their bit-

    The left and muslim terrorists,more and more alike each day.

    • Pascal says:

      “The left and muslim terrorists, more and more alike each day.”

      Yep, both seem to seek new ways to cheapen the value of human life every day. They seem to prove it with all the niggling intrusions into everyday life to the point that the victims devalue their existence as well. It seems like both groups understand the value of encouraging Stockholm Syndrome in their victims.