July 4th 1776

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15 Responses to July 4th 1776

  1. Pascal says:

    About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful.

    It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern.

    But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions.

    If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary.

    Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.

    Excerpt from Calvin Coolidge speech on the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Emphasis added.

    Coolidge was taking a swipe at the Progs. What he said in 1926 may have been dismissed then as reactionary itself. But we are better informed having witnessed the incremental sneakiness of the “Progressives.”

    And now that the Progs believe they’ve got it all sewn up, it is left to us to pillory them for how indeed reactionary they have always been.

    Thank you Cal.

  2. Warren Tooley says:

    Pascal, unfortunately there was the New Deal. Esau sold his birthright for food, Americans sold their rights because they were in a depression. Ever since then the problem has only got worse.

    • Pascal says:

      Really Warren? It is true that the loss of many rights may have been social engineered upon one generation.

      But show me where it is written that American tradition accepts that the role one is born into is the one that must be endured forever.

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Pascal have you heard of the Uniform Commercial Code? If not a good place to start would be UCC 9-203


        So let’s say you want to use the roads. The government is giving you a privilege, the use of the roads. Now when you use the roads UCC 9-203 says that by signing the MVR if you receive a privilege-use of the roads, collateral has been transferred from you to the government, there is now an attachment on your car.

        In my Barron’s law dictionary it says under seizure look up attachment. In other words your things can be seized if their is an attachment. Barron’s explains that an asset is something that has value and can be used to pay a debt.

        That property is something that you have a right or stake in, meaning property isn’t necessarily something you own 100%. The words lien, encumbrance, attachment and charge, all mean their is a higher claim on your asset or property and if you don’t pay, your assets or property will be seized or forfeited.

        You say its your car, yet the police officers act like they can do what they want to the car.

        The constitution gives Congress the right to regulate commerce between the States, nations and the Indian Tribes, hence uniform commercial code. This would explain how UCC 9-203 says the same thing to New Zealand.


        Ralph Epperson in America’s secret destiny explains that UCC came into existence in 1938, FDR called all the judges and attorney generals together and said that a new system of law is now in place, but don’t tell the people, use constitutional terms to fool the people.

        One supporting piece of proof is erie railroad vs tompkins, where they stated common law is no longer applicable to the United States.

        So no it hasn’t happened in one generation, but the 1930s was a pivot point and until people do something about the real problem things won’t get better. Their is more I could say, but I’ve used up enough space. If you don’t agree please look up uniform commercial code.

        • Pascal says:

          Thank you Warren.

        • Darin says:

          Warren,there is a bit of confusion that has arisen as to what exactly the UCC is,how it came about and why it exists.
          First,it IS NOT federal law and was never designed as such.Congress has the authority to regulate commerce between states,but not dictate state laws regarding commerce.That is a point often missed by it’s critics.

          We have always had a patchwork of commerce laws between states,because each state has it’s own autonomuos body of law.In 1942 all of the problems caused by not having a uniform body of commercial code were made worse by the war effort.For the first time products were being manufactured,shipped and transported accross multiple state jurisdictions.Any hiccup along the way could get very costly and very time consuming before a dispute was sorted out,if it ever was.

          In many ways adopting the UCC was partly responsible for the post war economic boom after the war.For the first time in our history we could manufacture a product ,ship it across statelines to be sold in another state and have good faith that our property and contract rights would be uniformly enforced and repsected across all jusidictions.

          That NZ has adopted all or part of the UCC is the same reason similar was adopted in Canada and Australia.It’s a requirement of doing trade with the US,especially direct trade between individuals.The reason it works is because the main body of law was adopted from British common law which is the bedrock of all law in the English speaking world.

          The UCC believe it or not is what made Ebay and Amazon possible.In order to buy or sell on Ebay for example,you must first agree to abide by the UCC.That means you and I even though we are thousands of miles apart can engage in the free exchange of ideas and produce with a reasonable expectation that our rights as individuals to freely associate and engage in commerce will be protected.
          The UCC is actually a good thing in that it helps facilitate capitalism,not hinder it.
          Too much focus is placed on the federal government,when so much of our freedom is lost to our immeadiate local governments.Read up on Agenda 21,most of it is and has been implemented by the local governments.
          Our local town councils have more ability to infringe on our rights than the federal goverment does.If you want a real shocker read up on HOA’s (Home Owner’s Associations) Stalin would be jealous.
          Whever this discussion comes up I am reminded of that line from the movie The Patriot-

          “Why should I trade one Tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 Tyrants 1 mile away?”

          • Warren Tooley says:

            Darin, I am well aware of the advantages of UCC, as Jordan Maxwell explained, you have to have people abiding by the same rules of commerce for trade to work.

            I’m not saying UCC is 100% evil, what I’ve pointed out though is that there are somethings in it that are not good. For instance UCC 1-201(24)B defines what money is, it means the money system is debt based.

            If you take a look at:


            Sections 4, 5 & 6, it tells you that the tax you pay is going to the IMF those who lent the government money. In 1944 the USA signed that agreement with the IMF, most countries have.

            The other parts of UCC 1-201(24)B are found in Australia’s currency and banking act and NZ’s Reserve Bank Act.

            When HJR-192 was declared, this meant you could no longer pay a debt in gold. Another system needed to be established.

            To me the big issue I have in the negative, is that I see gold and silver as money, and I see debt based money creation as slavery.

            Oh yes sections 1 & 4 of the 14th Amendment explain that person means taxpayer of the national debt.

            But yes I do agree, that a standard for trade is essential. And yes I am well aware of the Agenda 21.

            • Fred says:

              I didn’t know any of this. Thank you. It’s interesting. I would point out that the 14th amendment also created a fiction out thin air, the Citizen of the United States. While Statists point out that the 14th ended slavery it in fact didn’t. The 14th rolled up everybody into national servitude to the State. Prior to the 14th a person was a citizen of his of body and a resident of the state where he made his home. These concepts sound so far fetched in this day and age of government worship that people think I’m crazy when I say these things. Freedom sounds like some ancient insane experiment that could only go crazily awry. The 14th could only lead to one thing…a national tax, a federal ID number and control over every aspect within the formerly sovereign several states.

              I remain unreconstructed. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

              • Darin says:

                I am well aware of the IMF involvement in trade and commerce.It too is a needed framework that properly managed benefits all who use it.
                The key word here is *properly*.As with any system devised by man there are numerous examples of how it can be ran off the rails and corrupted,that is just a given.

                As for the currency regs the same rules apply.

                • Warren Tooley says:

                  Yes Darin agree with you there, we need trade and commerce, but not everybody who designs the rules has noble intentions.

                  While on the topic, the judicature act in England, put admiralty law into the system.

                  Look up bill of exchange (which is admiralty/maritime) and this is a form of money. When HJR-192 came into existence, you could no longer pay in gold, but you could discharge with a bill of exchange or other form of money, so UCC may seem new but in England they’ve had something similiar for years.

                  NZ has a Bill of Exchange Act, so does Australia, so does Canada so does England, USA has UCC 1-201(24)B. In every law dictionary I have bill of exchange is a way of discharging debt.

              • Warren Tooley says:

                Thanks Fred, yeah all one needs to do is look up person in a law dictionary, and it means corporation as one of its definitions. So now we know why we have this gay agenda. Where if you say man or woman that’s hate speech. Its a push to call everybody a person, and now you are in the world of commerce.

                Also the next time you get your bank statement, or anything to do with the government or money. Your name will be FRED. This means they are referring to your person, take a look at your driver’s license.

  3. Warren Tooley says:


  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Happy Birthday USA!


  5. Fred says:

    It was a good day to shoot a tyrant in the face, as it is again today.