Open House 9/1/18

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68 Responses to Open House 9/1/18

  1. Darin says:

    Maritool factory tour-

    Some of the finest tooling in the world

  2. Darin says:

    BPS : The Extreme MALE Brain vs soy boys and bugmen-

    More evidence that gender is not a social construct.

  3. Darin says:

    The establishment piles on Trump at McCain’s funeral-

    Mark my words,this whole shitshow is about piling on Trump while simultaneously ginning up the sympathy vote to install Meghan in her father’s senate seat.

    Watch the media blitz in 5..4..3..2..1 -“Meghan McCain is hoping to be appointed to her father’s old senate seat so she can carry on her father’s important work of being the lone voice of reason in the republican party in congress”

    • Warren Tooley says:

      In Meghan’s world a great nation has great inflation. To be able to fund a war you must have a strong economy or a massive amount of inflation. Work comes before play, earning plenty comes before spending plenty. Otherwise you have a nation with great inflation. Germany borrowed plenty for a war, they tried to pay it back with inflated dollars, the rest is history.

      Have I got something wrong here?

      • Warren Tooley says:

        I say this because in Meghan’s world a nation is great if the military is great, the economy being great has nothing to do with it.

  4. Darin says:

    150+ year old Pratt&Whitney rifling machine-

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    WTF! How could the FISA Court not hold hearings on this?!

    That’s a guarantee of abuse by prosecutors.

    • mawm says:

      There’s a story going around that Lynch signed the FISA at an earlier date than they have acknowledged and then they had to get the judge, the one who “resigned”, to sign it later. There is so much skullduggery going on that it is time to have a “special” counsel with the threat of 30 years in the clink or talk, and go after the main players – Clinton, Obama, Brennan, and their willing acolytes – Comey, McCabe, Yates, all Clinton’ weasley lawyers, Strock, Steele, Fusion GPS, Mueller, etc, etc. And while they are at it – the Clinton Foundation.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        I don’t know…considering the abuse within the Muller ‘Special Council’, I would seriously question appointing another.

      • Pascal says:

        You may think that with McCain gone that those you mentioned lost a major asset protecting them.

        No, he was just the most ‘maverick’ of the GOPe. The rest of the SKUNCs need removal (or isolated) before those prosecutions begin. Sadly, as you or another Crusader could or have pointed out, conservatives are the wrong ones to look for to mount a revolt against the party that claims to represent them. It does not matter how many times they and their alleged principles are betrayed.

        It pains me to admit this because I suspect I’m painting with my own brush. At some point the words principled conservative will clearly be understood to be an oxymoron. Liberty needs more than principled words.

          • Pascal says:

            Ya know KG, something I’d forgotten just hit me hard.

            One of the most damaging things the Prog agenda has succeeded at is redefining key words.

            Liberal and Conservative are two aspects of human thought that normally work together within individuals.

            • The conservative is grateful for what he has and would like to keep things level and working,
            • whereas the liberal sees the risk at not testing for improvements — the trail blazer.
            • Working together both within oneself and between the groups so labeled has meant real progress.

            Once the Progs converted the word liberal from “pertaining to individual liberty” to “pertaining to unrestricted government growth (power to rulers in disguise)” the original meaning had to be remembered as “Classical liberal.”

            But the Prog agenda has from the start been about reversing that trend of true human progress — seeking the exact opposite of progressive outcome for individuals, while seeking the progressive outcome for tyranny.

            And so in keeping with that aim, today we have libs so completely antagonistic to conservatives that even within individuals the ideas that are conservative are quickly dismissed. Doublethink prevents contemporary “liberals” from entertaining even for a moment common sense ideas if any conservative is identified with the idea. And that antagonism is now rising in conservatives towards not just the liberal who isn’t a classical lib, but the classical lib too because guilt by association.

            Like it or not KG, we have been tuned and played to do what the Progs need to win: turn on each other so that we not only can’t join forces to run them out of power — per Tocqueville’s words1 — but we can’t even think along such lines that would permit such a combining of forces — per Orwell’s words2.


            1. “The despot cares not that you love him provided you do not love each other.”
            2. “The purpose of newspeak [is to eradicate words so that ability to ponder ways of organizing rebellion] should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words.”
    • mawm says:

      $4 000 000! How many more ways can they find to channel money to the grabbing, grasping Maori?

      • KG says:

        “Tell stories” is right. Maori oral history is a mish-mash of lies, distortions and wishful thinking, aided and abetted by caponised leftards comprising the disgraceful Waitangi tribunal.
        Perhaps we should demand 4mil to tell the white settlers’ stories…

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          Maori, like other cultures without a written language, relied on oral history carefully passed down to articulate their past. Unfortunately, with the advent of reparations for past injustices, it has become convenient for new violations to be found which negate any ‘full and final’ settlement. The current oral tradition of Maori tribes (Iwi) is indeed corrupted to the point of absurdity. Love of money wins again.

          • KG says:

            They’ve been more than compensated for any past injustice
            They were handed an enormous gift of incalculable worth for almost nothing – Civilisation.

  6. KG says:

    NZ media headline, this morning:
    ‘Trump ‘churlish’ over McCain death ‘

    This, after the McCain family’s low-grade, graceless, pig-ignorant act of turning a funeral into a Trump bashing fest – while inviting the Klinton Kleptos, Farrakhan and a tit-groping preacher! :shock:
    BUT…this just in:
    ‘Backlash After McCain Funeral Turns Anti-Trump Rally’

    • Pascal says:

      Yup. The degree to which Trump dominates the life of the Left and Never-Trumpers could not be more evident when the news out of the funeral for a deceased Never-Trumper is all about Trump.


    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Clinton Farrakhan and the tit grabber were at Aretha’s funeral, otherwise the Trump bashing was the same.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:
    • Pascal says:

      Islamabad denies that it is holding back on hunting terrorist groups, pointing to the thousands of Pakistani soldiers that have been killed fighting Islamic militants in recent years.

      Yep, sure.

      Did you deploy them anything like Bushobama did the thousands of American soldiers who were killed fighting Islamic militants due mostly to rules of engagement tantamount to treason?

      Yeah, that’s what Trump thinks too, so you (and your un-indicted co-conspirators) are SOL.

  8. Darin says:

    Launch Pad tour with Troy Bruno CEO of ULA (United Launch Alliance) Delta IV Heavy-

    The Parker Solar Probe-

  9. Darin says:

    Faith Goldy running for Toronto mayor-

  10. Pascal says:

    Great timing by Prager. He posted this today, a day after what I wrote up above reminding us of how the Progs have got liberals and conservatives ready to war with each other instead of with the Progs.

    Dennis Prager’s final words. “Dear Liberals: Conservatives are not your enemy. The Left is.” I just wish he’d use the word Prog or Sinister instead. ;)

  11. Darin says:

    Never let a “crisis” go to waste and if there isn’t one,invent one-

  12. Michael in Nelson says:

    Let The Circus Begin!! The 5 minutes I saw of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings this morning were all about the Republicans and Democrats pissing contest over the number of documents released (or not). The maddening thing is they don’t comprehend how asinine their posturing is. (because I don’t have a head-banging emoji)

  13. KG says:


    What a disgraceful little rag this leftist propaganda outlet posing as a newspaper is. The pity of it is, for very many Kiwis this printed toilet paper and the equally shallow, biased and bigoted television “news” is all that forms their view of the world.
    Kept in the dark and fed on bullshit they are politically little more than socialism’s lab rats.
    Keep pressing that button when the bell rings, Kiwis…China needs another Pacific island base and a mini-Venezuela would suit them just fine.

  14. KG says:

    Australia Wants to Take Government Surveillance to the Next Level

  15. Gregoryno6 says:

    Ted Cruz at the Kavaugh hearings. He has no time for the idiots and tells them so.

    • KG says:

      He illustrates perfectly what a mob of subversive, contemptible anti-American radicals the Democrats have become.

  16. Gregoryno6 says:

    I was rewatching Sargon of Akkad’s video titled ‘Jordan Peterson was right’, and it got me wondering about all those festering pus holes of SJW indoctrination that were so prominent in the media a couple of years ago. They’re not so prominent now. They’re not so populated, either.
    Just like Hollywood, they’re learning the hard way.

  17. Darin says:

    Congressman shuts down protester –

  18. Darin says:

    PJW interviews Angry Foreigner on the Swedish elections-

  19. Pascal says:

    The headline provided enough click bait for me to remove the email from spam where Yahoo had put it.

    Nothing bad about McCain would surprise me, but I’d like to see what Crusaders know about this item to provide it credibility.

  20. Pascal says:

    Democrats are not the only ones “never let a crisis go to waste” practitioners. Here’s the content of a typical email (it’s gone from doubling now up to quintupling donations).

    Fellow Conservative,

    House Democrats are outraising us, they have the edge in public polling, and they’re CONFIDENT they will take the Majority away from us.

    Do you have the grit and determination to prove them wrong? Because this is your chance.

    If you stand with me now I will match your contribution 500%. That’s not a typo — you will have 5x the impact.

    We’re sending resources and reinforcements to help our Conservative allies — and I need your help immediately. That’s why I’m authorizing a 5X-MATCH for the next seven hours:

    Contribute $250=$1,250
    Contribute $100=$500
    Contribute $50=$250
    Contribute $25=$125

    The Democrats will stop at NOTHING to take down Trump’s allies in the House. I know you’re committed to our cause but I need you to take action.

    Help save the House Majority!

    This election will be a challenge. It will test our mettle. But I know I can count on you to help us deliver another historic victory.

    All links have been removed.

    One point I’d like to make is that a good portion of the money goes into the pockets of the money raisers.

    But worse than that: It goes into the coffers of the media we all loath and we will thus help keep it alive to torment us some more. That is the same we who wish the SSM would die the death of a thousand cuts.

    The GOPe and their comrades in the SSM are helped by such donations which in turn can be and have been used to keep real conservatives from taking office or being reelected.

    Far better to send money to candidates you trust — well, trust more anyway.

    Don’t fall for the “your money could have the weight of 5 times its value.” It’s another scam, and you know it.

  21. Gregoryno6 says:

    RIP Burt Reynolds.
    And if you find a better meme than this, I want to see it.

    • Pascal says:

      They have so many loons, and so many inconsistent positions, this happens far more frequently on the Left than the Right. But the Progs make sure that they always recover no matter how much they are forced to retrench, because they have a clear vision of what they want — absolute centralized power. If only the Right liked liberty half so much. For if it did, it would not permit Progs to hide amongst their side for long. The Dems kicked out conservatives from its ranks long ago, and continue to kick out anyone who leans right for a moment. Meanwhile Progs like McCain are allowed to remain in power until they die of natural causes. It is simply unconscionable, but that is the reality we permit.

      So Michael, I can’t really find any comfort in developments such as this. The Progs always recover and that is no laughing matter.

      • Gregoryno6 says:

        The lefties don’t ever quit.
        They are fundamentally incapable of recognising defeat.
        I used to find something admirable in that, until I realised that it’s a bug and not a feature. They don’t choose to remain focused on the goal; it’s wired into their brains. They cannot take a step back or sideways and ask themselves ‘What am I doing here?’
        And so we will keep on seeing Cambodias and Venezuelas and Chinas and Russias. When it all turns to crap, the lefties just walk away from the problem. ‘It wasn’t done properly’ is all they have to offer as explanation.
        But in spite of the idiocy and the piled-up tragedy they produce, we need to laugh at the left.
        If we shut down that response we’d be Usain Bolt cutting his legs off because he runs too fast.

        • Pascal says:

          If you believe that would otherwise be your response, by all means laugh away Greg. It’s not mine.

          I just keep on looking for some useful keys in hopes I find them before I pass on. I’d hate to have contributed so much to the problem and have left so little for the solution.