
Google’s internal tapes leaked-

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8 Responses to Sedition

  1. KG says:

    These bastards clearly meet the legal standard for sedition charges, surely?

  2. mawm says:

    “The Guardian Media Editor Jim Waterson noted, “[T]he fact someone within Google leaked the video to Breitbart is as interesting as the content.””

    So it’s OK when the leak is about Trump……. Go after them Jeff, but make them pay their “fair share” of tax first.

    • Darin says:

      Someone pointed out today that the bulk of the employees in the big three tech companies display some pretty disturbing mental health issues.
      Kinda scary when they are working at Google which will soon have the power to start real wars.

      • K2 says:

        Break them up.

        Also, it was nice to see inside Google’s house for once as they know fricken everything about us.