Open House 10/12/18

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60 Responses to Open House 10/12/18

  1. Darin says:

    Kanye West is the new runaway slave-

    Firther proof that real racism has it’s home on the left.

  2. Darin says:

    Gay Muslim Drag Queen Causes Confusion

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    I just read today, that Taylor Swift isn’t even registered to vote. This is the same person who’s urging her fans to vote democrat.

    • mawm says:

      I can assure this is not being done because he supports white farmers. He is a leech off his own people. I have seen how his thugs set up a table right next to those paying out the welfare pittance to rural Zulu pensioners to get his share – he takes a tax for every time a piece of land is cultivated. If there is a vegetable patch either side of a hut then it is double, etc. His Nkosi are also allowed land, and the ability to tax their subjects, by him and to get it they have to be subservient to him. He doesn’t want to lose his hold on his people or their money.

      When the ANC was unbanned and Mandela released from prison their only viable opposition was the Zulu Inkatha Freedom Party under Buthelezi. This is a Zulu nationalist party and was supported by the traditionalist Zulu chiefs, the Nkosi, who depend on the King for their land and power. The ANC murdered hundreds of these chiefs in the run up to the ’94 elections. So there is a certain amount of tension between the ANC, which was essentially a Xhosa movement, and the Zulu. Making Zuma President of the ANC was done to get the Zulu on their side. I don’t know if it made any difference but the urban/academic Zulu was always pro ANC.

      Quite a number of whites supported Inkatha as they saw it as a viable alternative rather than the socialist Democratic Alliance, and Buthelezi made all the right noises about whites, etc. I can imagine he’s using this past support now.

  4. KG says:

    Read it and prepare to kiss your culture goodbye:
    ‘Australia must not sign the UN ‘Migration Compact’
    The UN combines the very worst elements of the very worst governments you could imagine, metastasised by a giant global bureaucracy and overlaid with a vomit-scented sheen of infantile do-goodery. It legitimises dictators and trashes nations that defend liberty.’

  5. KG says:

    ‘A Terrible College Case Shows the High Cost of ‘Believe Women’…’

    • mawm says:

      Sadly this is just one of many young men who have had their lives destroyed by a shrieking harpy.

      • Darin says:

        My advice to a young man starting college this year was -if you don’t know her,pretend she’s a radioactive Ebola carrier.If you do know her,keep her at arms length,it’s just not worth it.

        • Warren Tooley says:

          And that in itself will solve half of the problem. If enough men do this, then the good women will feel lonely. Then they’ll see that this madness is ultimately hurting them.

          Then they’ll want to go back to the way things used to be. Especially if they find out about section 11 of the Earth Charter, where only women have rights in relationships and not men. Splitting up men and women, is necessary to fix the environment. Its not about women’s rights, its about the earth’s rights.

  6. Darin says:

    Demented bitch pens a man hating rage screed and predictably WAPO publishes it-

    Bat shit crazy hag,I feel sorry for her husband

  7. Darin says:

    Chainsaw wielding man run over by lawnmower while trying to kill son-

    • KG says:

      Don’t see a headline like that every day. I also saw one today on Drudge that read “man arrested for pelting mom with sausages”.

  8. Darin says:

    No,she knew it was going to be pulled,so she requested it in a political CYA move-

  9. Darin says:

    Louis has finished his Sport Dory and boy is it nice

  10. Darin says:

    Making some machinist’s toe clamps-

  11. KG says:

    This story is end-to-end racist bullshit. And the proper place for these racist claims is in a court of law, not the racist Waitangi Tribunal. :evil:
    The NZ media are now promoters and enablers of apartheid.How about that, eh?

    • Darin says:

      True every word of it and also true of Yellow Fever outbreaks.YF is thought to be one of the first diseases that will re-emerge as routine vaccination and adequate Mosquito control goes by the way side.

  12. mawm says:

    Epic Piss take.


    McKinnon in January was quoted in USA Today arguing against requiring biological males to suppress testosterone as a requirement for competing against women.

    “We cannot have a woman legally recognized as a trans woman in society, and not be recognized that way in sports,” McKinnon told USA Today.

    “Focusing on performance advantage is largely irrelevant because this is a rights issue. We shouldn’t be worried about trans people taking over the Olympics. We should be worried about their fairness and human rights instead.”

    McKinnon also compared restrictions on biological males competing in women’s events to racial segregation.

    “This is bigger than sports, and it’s about human rights,” McKinnon said to USA Today.

    “By catering to cisgender people’s views, that furthers transgender people’s oppression. When it comes to extending rights to a minority population, why would we ask the majority? I bet a lot of white people were pissed off when we desegregated sports racially and allowed black people. But they had to deal with it.”

    • KG says:


    • Pascal says:

      I can hardly wait for the two sports most loved by the ruling class, golf and tennis, to be invaded by this line of rhetoric.

      However, unlike the LGPA, woman’s pro tennis has an avid following. And aside from the obvious benefits of viewing, lady’s matches contain much more shot making and are far less dominated by ace serves. Plus they end in 3 sets rather than 5.

      Once pro tennis is invaded by this line of thinking, less woman will bother the arduous training because the tranny will have too much advantage for them to bring in the big bucks.

      And since the other enjoyments of viewing the players will vanish (nice way to say repelled from viewing), even the trannies won’t benefit since the bucks will dry up.

      Gee, what dunces remain who still believe that socialism aims to bring the best to and out of the people it allegedly serves?

      Once again proving the feminist movement, er feminazis, er feminatics are nihilist Leftists rather than interested in women’s rights. In their silence the social justice feminists have encouraged their tranny brethren comrades on to ruin any gains first and second wave feminists may have achieved — such as Title IX sports.

      • mawm says:

        …..the other enjoyments of viewing the players will vanish…

        I thought the Williams sisters had stifled that already.

        • Darin says:

          I thought they were transgender :roll:

        • Pascal says:

          Serena for sure. Lindsay Davenport before her. But that only let us feel closer to the babes that lost.

          But now?! Just the THOUGHT of watching a hairy 200 pound guy tranny in a tutu has ruined it for me already. Ugh!

  13. Darin says:

    Kenyans say Chinese Investment brings Racism and Discrimination-

  14. KG says:

    On the other hand, there are idiots such as Rachel Stewart and media outlets which give them oxygen…

    I’ve about had it with dumb cows. :evil: Most of what ails us, most of the loss of our liberties, most of the PC shit that stinks up our lives is directly attibutable to effing women and girls. Bored. hysterical, packs of uninformed propagandised fools.
    So sue me.

    • Darin says:

      I’ve said it before,western society is tuned to cater to the emotional whims of 16 year old girls,that article just proves it.

  15. Warren Tooley says:

    Hi guys have you heard of the horseface comment. Stormy Daniels has failed. Could Trump be referring to:

    @ 5.44 in the video.

  16. Darin says:

    Hillary Clinton wrecked again-

    When I first saw the video I did a double take,s–t are they letting her drive? :shock:

  17. KG says:

    ‘French city won’t honor hero police officer slain by ISIS over concerns of offending Muslims ‘