That Jewish Neo-Nazi White Supremacist again

David Horowitz-

Via Breitbart-

“The Post smear turned out to be just the match that lit the fuse. A tsunami of articles followed in media sites like Politico, Huffington Post, GQ, Newsweek, New York Magazine and a cluster of Florida newspapers, tying DeSantis not only to a “racially charged” event but to an event hosted by “an infamous racist,” “a white supremacist,” and “an anti-Muslim fanatic” — namely, me.”

He’s mistaken about one thing,racism isn’t the left’s last resort,it’s their opening volly and main weapon.

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6 Responses to That Jewish Neo-Nazi White Supremacist again

  1. KG says:

    My first reaction to the attacks on Horowitz was “they’ll need to bring a f**king big gun to this fight”.
    But of course, that’s not true – the loudest, most pervasive megaphone out there is the MSM and facts are optional for those swine, since their braindead followers are , well, braindead and will pull the lever for whatever piece of shit they’re directed to pull it for.

    • Darin says:

      Pretty much,this piece is just another example of the unhinged left.There is nothing they won’t say or do,no matter how stupid and nonsensical,in order to smear someone they hate.

  2. KG says:

    ‘..America is changing. The same forces that made Obama have also made Farrakhan relevant once again. Muslim migration will transform America the way that it did Europe. The cities will feel it first. But they won’t be the last. The combination of political radicalism and tribalism that is driving out the Jews of France, Sweden and now the United Kingdoms will not pass by the suburban shtetls of America…’

    • Darin says:

      Great article

      I found this comment to be fairly profound in it’scope-
      “If you look at human history, then compare it to what the left is doing today, you can see their plan.

      In ancient times, and for thousands of years, humans lived or died according to the success of their tribe. Constant warring, leaving the fortunes of tribes waxing and waning, taught the leaders the simple lesson of strength in numbers. Tribes were the products of fear and the desire to survive. If a tribe was too small to succeed against larger tribes, alliances were formed based upon mutual need — common interest between different people became necessary for survival. Today there are no large countries that are made up of one tribe.

      The warring continued unabated for centuries, but some tribes were guided by values much higher than the end justifies the means. Moral values and the respect for the individual grew as people realized that tribes didn’t get together and invent new weapons that won battles. Individuals were the inventors. Intelligent leaders recognized the inherent value of encouraging individualism.

      Eventually, the birth of the United States revolutionized political thinking to the point that tribalism was truly relegated to a secondary, at best, status. Moral principles and virtue were elevated above the national origins of the citizens. A great flourishing of ideas followed. A great industrial and military power followed. A unity of principles transcended the primordial paranoia of tribalism. The diversity of the population was unified in higher principle.

      Enter the left. They sought to destroy this moral unity because unless they did, fear, suspicion, envy, and hate could not split the United States up into warring tribes — none of which had dominating power.

      Tribes need an enemy to obsess over, but the left couldn’t have Muslims killing gays, or blacks fighting Hispanics, so they provided the pre-demonized Jews and White men as “the enemy”. Call it immoral clarity.

      Iran has threatened to destroy the United States, which includes all of the tribes, so why don’t the tribes unite against what should be a real threat to their survival? Because the left is always pushing the immediacy button. Iran is a long way away. It is a future threat, maybe, but Israel or White men are the immediate threat. Jews are controlling everything and have all of the money. They are the immediate threat. Everything will be fine once they are dealt with.

      Keeping the false threat alive in its immediacy is how the left rules by fear and keeps antagonistic elements within its false tribe from warring with each other. If any individual black or gay man sees the lie and speaks up, they are culturally assassinated, if not worse.

      Lying leaders on a mission of megalomania will always hate Jews for their threat of higher intelligence, therefore their ability to articulate the truth. Intelligence is power. All leaders know that and evil leaders fear competition because they know that by their own measure, others will gladly kill them to ascend to power.

      Tribes are ruled by emotion. Civilizations are built upon principles. The left is deconstructing our civilization by supplanting principles with the toxic emotions we used to call the seven deadly sins. They are regressing humanity back to its barbaric past. I wonder what happened to the dialectic. Does the right side of history include a u-turn?

      Satan always has been a bit of a one-note-Charlie.”