Open House 11/10/18

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64 Responses to Open House 11/10/18

  1. Pascal says:

    To see the video that Ed tried to post above, go to his blog where he has two that Blogger is currently permitting even though youtube has blocked them. Since Google owns both those platforms, I would expect that shortly the videos still up too may be blocked for the same reason.

  2. KG says:

    ‘Confessions of a sugar baby: The NZ women who accept gifts for dates’

    I believe it used to be called “prostitution”.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Maybe that’s the reason, why my books are not allowed to be advertised on Amazon anymore. I just sent out a post in response to Pascal a few minutes ago, about that.

  3. KG says:

    France’s Macron Declares ‘Nationalism is Treason’ at Armistice Centenary

    The little pig would know all about treason, eh?

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Does anyone here remember any instance where a Republican was behind at the start of a recount and ended up winning? It just strikes me the Democrats seem to find a lot of votes after the poles close (Al Frankin coming to mind).

  5. mawm says:

    Broward County was a trial balloon. Snipes’ not going to gaol because of a friendly Sheriff’s Dept, so now the rest know they can get away with it.

    • Pascal says:

      I remember when talk about snipe hunting in the morning was a way of learning which naifs would fall for anything. The GOP is merely following that grand tradition. Gaol? Ha! The very name Snipes is out of central casting. We’re being played by both parties.

      It’s swell being the ruling class and thinking you can get away with murder.

  6. Darin says:

    Pipeline protestors in Louisiana-

    Sad that so many people waste thier lives out of pure ignorance.

  7. Andy5759 says:

    Over here in UKSSR the scare stories are ramping up. Hospital patients will starve, that’s if the lack of medications don’t get them first. Every page of almost every newspaper has a snipe (no pun) at the consequences of Brexit. My blood is beginning to boil.


    Sorry about the rant. I feel so bloody helpless, facing this relentless tide of utter fucki*ng fuckwitte*ry.

  8. Pascal says:

    PJW defended by President Trump.

    • mawm says:

      It’s time for Trump to get serious with the press corps – ban their channel/newspaper if their reporting is inaccurate/fake/doctored/etc. – permanently! Put them on notice – if you misrepresents the facts you and your network will not attend a WH briefing again – ever.

  9. Darin says:

    No,Nationalism Did Not Cause WWI-

  10. Pascal says:

    Stan Lee has passed at 95.

    I’d spoken with the Marvel Comics creator a number of times at parties. In my opinion, the character he was most similar to was J. Jonah Jameson. From there I presume that Stan had a love/hate relationship with all that he created. I suspect his being aware of the paradoxes in life are what propelled him and onto huge success.

  11. Pascal says:

    Elect a smart Bush to higher office. What could go wrong?

    Jeb Bush Accuses His Appointee Brenda Snipes of Breaking Election Laws

    One need no longer wonder when the GOPe connection would show up to scuttle conservative voters. It was there from the start!

  12. mawm says:

    Autism is an extreme version of the ‘male brain’ which makes it harder to read others’ emotions, breakthrough study reveals

    “Men, like people with autism, are typically less good with feelings and more likely to want to know how things work.”

    I wonder when they are going to discover that progressivism is an extreme form of the female brain.

  13. Michael in Nelson says:

    A different “They shall not grow old” report. Welcome to government run health casr.

    • mawm says:

      This is the tip of the iceberg. The brain damage from oxygen deprivation they are recognising is only that that which is severe and immediately recognisable. Many children with prolonged second stage of labour have life-long learning disabilities which are not counted in the morbidity resulting from the “vaginal birth at all costs” mantra pushed by the midwives and funders. Caesarean sections for women who intend having only 2 babies are far safer for them and their babies than vaginal birth. Once the number of births goes up the dangers of uterine rupture and haemorrhage go up per birth.

      The baby has only one chance at birth and they are not being given the best one.

  14. Darin says:

    Straight guys don’t hold hands because of…you guessed it…toxic masculinity

  15. KG says:

    Gawd ‘elp us! :shock: It’s time we took our lives back from the “Health and Safety” Nazis:

    • Darin says:

      Thank gawd it wasn’t a Philly Cheese Steak,otherwise the peppers and onions combined could have wiped out 20 people :shock: :mrgreen:

  16. Michael in Nelson says:

    Check out the graph showing the acres burned with a line when logging was curtailed because of the spotted owl.

  17. Darin says:

    Climate contrarian uncovers scientific error,up-ends major ocean warming study-

    “The findings of the … paper were peer reviewed and published in the world’s premier scientific journal and were given wide coverage in the English-speaking media,” Lewis wrote. “Despite this, a quick review of the first page of the paper was sufficient to raise doubts as to the accuracy of its results.”

    I wonder what the “error” was?

    • KG says:

      “…It’s high time we stop being embarrassed about our exceptional nature, and start being proud of it again. Because when it matters most, when it really counts, when it’s really needed, there’s a whole bunch of people all around this world of ours that are mighty happy when swagger walks in to solve their problems.”

  18. KG says:

    The great Dumbing Down:
    ‘Students launch petition after being flummoxed by word ‘trivial’
    Students fear they will fail history exam because they didn’t know what “trivial” meant.’
    Chairman of the New Zealand History Teachers’ Association:
    “”I don’t think we can make assumptions about what students should and shouldn’t know at that level”

  19. KG says:

    ‘MAG: Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex?’

    Perhaps they need an ‘app’ for that?

  20. Pascal says:

    And now for something completely different.