‘Our final stand for the West. ‘

If nothing else, at least watch from around the 20 minute mark.

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8 Responses to ‘Our final stand for the West. ‘

  1. fish153 says:

    awesome!!! 2 years left for SA? Phew!…..

  2. mawm says:

    Such delicious insults aimed at the progressives, islam and muslim apologists. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  3. KG says:

    Easy to see why the Regressives hate her with a passion, innit? :mrgreen:
    How kind of the Archbishop:
    ‘Archbishop of Canterbury Declares God Gender Neutral’

  4. Alan says:

    Is he suggesting God is an hermaphrodite?

  5. paul scott says:

    With such electoral fraud you would think that Trump could take action without the progressive Congress approval.
    He does not seem to have a death threat over him for internal matters. so what is the hold up.

  6. pigpen51 says:

    I had never heard of Katie Hopkins before this video. She is not only fun, but she is also able to tap into some extremely serious issues facing the world today.
    My favorite thought that she spoke of was how unapologetic she was for being a nationalist. The left seems to think that if you love your country, you are somehow hating every other nation of the world. Of course, nothing could be further from reality. Love of country actually carries over to love of people of other nations, and a desire to see them do well, in their own country.
    Fantastic post, and I am glad that I chose to listen to the entire thing, and not just the last few minutes. I will seek out other things by Katie, since she is so well spoken, and able to put to words, the feelings of many, who have been marginalized by the media and the leftists.