Winston Churchill is spinning in his grave

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18 Responses to Winston Churchill is spinning in his grave

  1. KG says:

    Mission successful – Britain no longer exists.
    Is it time yet? I suspect the time to reclaim it is past.

  2. Warren Tooley says:

    So what shall we call it. Brit-archist, as in anarchist.

  3. Alan says:

    more like Brit-arsed

  4. Michael in Nelson says:


  5. KG says:

    Don’t worry, it’s coming to a country near you, and at an accellerating rate.
    Take a look at the grasping, illegitimate shit that passes for “government” in NZ:

    Almost nobody voted for the party of these racist, thieving assholes, but they now have hold of the levers of power and patronage.
    Between the Chinese, fake muslim “refugees”, racist fakemaoris and brainwashed little juvenile leftards, this is no longer a country for civilised white people.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Did I read the words ‘economic development’, exactly how is it economic development?

      • KG says:

        It’s the new name for shovelling even more money to the Racist Party, as the cost of staying in power, Warren.

        • Brown says:

          The history of the Parihaka issue is unclear with there being some evidence the British dealings were pretty benign rather than the violent butchery alleged today. I understand there remains an issue with Maori land that is leased for farming at below commercial rates – the owners are unable to exercise the control that would be reasonably allowed in a conventional ownership arrangement. If that is correct it needs to be resolved because it’s wrong. I’m not saying that Maori would do anything useful with it if the rules changed but that’s not the point.

    • mawm says:

      “which begins with a focus on healing and reconciliation..”

      Ye gods! This happened in 1881.

      • KG says:

        But one has to allow for inflation, Mawm. The original healing payments are now worth very little and must be adjusted upwards.
        And ever upwards…..
        Maori are more arrogant now and more racist than they were in 1881, therefore more whiteymoney is needed to appease their mixed-breed descendants.

  6. KG says:

    Slimy headline of the week, from the NZ Herald via the Washington Post. (of sourse):

    • Darin says:

      Just what we need,another generation of babbling green fools.

      • KG says:

        Probably a few generations, Darin. Lord help us.
        Meanwhile, never mind the muzzie rapists and murderers, Germany focuses on what’s important:
        ‘Germany Launches ‘How to Identify Nazi Parents’ Guide For Schools
        A new booklet for daycare workers that claims to help identify “Nazi parents” suggests looking out for girls with braided hair and athletic boys.
        The 60-page booklet, entitled Ene, Mene, Muh – And You’re Out! was designed by the far-left “anti-hate” Amadeu Antonio Foundation ,which is headed by former Stasi informant Annette Kahane and based in Berlin with the foreword being written by Social Democrat (SPD) Family Minister Franziska Giffey, Berliner Kurier reports.
        General Patton was right.

  7. mawm says:

    Brexit sex.

    “Brussels has screwed Britain, Remainers have screwed the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister has screwed the Leavers. And the result is the establishment has screwed the public, who voted in record numbers to leave the European Union,”

  8. mawm says:

    Paris burning.

    Brendan O’Neill writing in The Spectator –

    In praise of the Gilets jaunes.

    And the second reason this revolt is important is because it suggests that no modern orthodoxy is safe from the populist fightback. Not even the environmentalist one.

  9. Grog says:

    The conference in Marrakesh starts on the 10th.