The Wall is Cheap by any Standard

“We’re spending $45 billion a year in Afghanistan to help former Taliban fight the current Taliban, who are also fighting ISIS Taliban, with all the groups of warlords, militias, bandits and Koranic meth heads taking the occasional break from fighting each other to take a few shots at us.

That $45 billion that we burned through last year in Afghanistan has not saved a single American life. For $45 billion, we could have a border wall that would save thousands of American lives that have been lost at the hands of illegal alien murderers, drug traffickers and drunk drivers.”



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8 Responses to The Wall is Cheap by any Standard

  1. Darin says:

    Nolte was right,but it was an easy prediction to make-

    “Useless Cowardly Grifters-GOP congress will be the most unproductive in 164 years”

  2. Warren Tooley says:

    Now you guys are thinking. Trump has brought in a 2 for 1 rule with regulations. Knock out 2, you can implement a new one. With that sort of discipline in spending, who knows what he can achieve.

    Oh also, oil prices are starting to go down, cause thanks to Trump, America is exporting oil. So America is no longer putting pressure on high prices. Lower oil prices help the economy except the Arab nations.

    • Brown says:

      Off topic slightly but I flew into the Gold Coast to spend Christmas with my daughter and grandchildren. I was selected at random for questioning about my criminal past (none) and finger printed with a trick digital reader. Is this how Australia welcomes tourists nowadays? I was pretty annoyed but held my tongue. When prints have no match on the database are they dumped or does the government retain them to share with mates?

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Welcome to 2018/2019 Brown. Where with movements like ‘Me Too’ and ‘Believe Women’ you are guilty till proven innocent, if you are a man. Where simply the way you use money, makes you guilty of domestic violence-that’s what the Act says.

        Where with Terrorist Financing laws, they can freeze your bank account and even take out of your safe deposit box-if with a registered bank, until you’ve proven you aren’t a terrorist, then they must give you back your stuff supposedly.

        Things are very different now, I like the old days better, the days of Ronald Reagan.

  3. the conservative says:

    I don’t feel confident about Trump at all on the border wall. I am hearing numbers around 2 billion being negotiated. If Trump doesn’t get at least 5 billion, he’s gone; Coulter and Limbaugh are right on the mark in that respect; his base will bail on him. As for the troop withdrawal I think pulling out of Afghanistan is a good idea. We should have pulled out of there years ago. But I am not so sure about Syria only because of the Kurds. I don’t think America should have gone in there in the first place. There is simply no solution to Islamic tribalism.

  4. Warren Tooley says:

    Hey guys, I just heard that Trump is getting ready to fire the Federal Reserve Chairman and even restructure the whole thing. This is the thing that some people said killed Kennedy and Lincoln. What courage, maybe he will be able to do what he said on the wall.

  5. Dan says:

    A wall is a symbol. If we build one then walk away it won’t take long for the invaders to find ways over, under, around and through it. To be effective it MUST be patrolled and protected by LETHAL FORCE. With lethal force a wall is unnecessary. All we would need is a strong chain link fence to slow down the invaders long enough for effective targeting by weapons. But there aren’t enough people in America with the balls to kill the couple dozen border invaders required to PROVE that crossing our border is too dangerous to attempt. Kill 50 and the rest STOP COMING. But no….we let them cross at will with HUNDREDS dying every year in the desert. Proof that we are a clever species but NOT an intelligent one.